Chapter 6: Past, Present, and Future Part3

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A/N: HELLO!! The beginning of this chapter is going to be a bit of Narration by Peyton, alright? Alright! Oh and when you see this <<...>> Its going in the normal story but....3 years later.....okay? Okay? And when you see this, (-1-), (-2-), (-3-), just know they represent how many years since he found out he was wanted.


It's been a full year since I found out that I was wanted in my home village. And yet; I still haven't figured out WHY I'm wanted.

I know I can't return as much as I want to... so I don't know why I'm fretting over it so much...

Tomorrow is August 1st...Odette's 16th birthday. Mine passed last month. I'm not sure what I should do for her birthday this year...

Maybe some new weapons? Never mind....I don't even know where SHE gets them.... Maybe clothes? Nah...she came make her own... Maybe...a cake? I honestly doubt I could make a cake...

Normally I would go to the nearest village with Odette...but last year, when she found that wanted poster, she forbade me to leave the area, and so she tells me that me being the 'most wanted person of the north side' was the most thrilling thing she's ever witnessed....which...Surprises me.

I myself am 16 and still not married...when I should, it isn't like I can return anyway...they'd just marry me off, track me down, and either throw me in jail, or kill me.

That reminds me, another reason I can't leave, is because I promised Odette I would help her with something. She hasn't told me what yet, maybe I should ask her when she gets back....


It's been a full 2 years since I found out I was wanted, and haven't left the compound. It's not bad, other than my only source of company is always out getting supplies.

I'm not sure if I'm still wanted...Odette hasn't said anything about it; but then again, our kingdom came hold a grudge until they are almost sustain that their suspect is dead.

I've sort of lost track of the days and months, but not years. I just add another year when the seasons take on a full circle.

Me and Odette are both 17 now, although neither of us know exactly when our birthday is, we just go with Odette's the first leaf to fall, and mine, the first flower.

I've now mastered a sword, well...a wooden one... And Odette has told me that she's considering getting a metal one for me...

Now that I think of it, where is she getting all these coins? Does she have a job? She does disappear for days, even MONTHS at a time... Speaking off she hasn't come back yet to celebrate her birthday...

Clouds have been circling the area, so i would assume it would snow soon, which should mean that at least ONE leaf fell.

And for my actual 16th 'birthday' Odette got me a book to write in with a pencil, so... In case you were wondering.

At the moment I am NOT in my cottage, but in the cave, with a fire lite in front of me.

I am honestly considering, BEGGING Odette to let me g- Wait. She may be my friend...but that doesn't mean I have to follow her every word.

Even though I am scared of her...she STILL doesn't seem to be normal....or HUMAN for that matter......


We got attacked today, I was about to leave, when Odette spotted me and started to yell at me, when I saw 3 other people behind her. I don't think she noticed because when j said something her face was pure shock.

And of COURSE those people saw my wanted flier. 1 left for the guards, and 2 stayed to keep me here.

Me and Odette fought them off BARELY. And ran for our lives. Well,.. I ran for MY life....Odette was just....there.

When the guards caught up to us....I found out...Odette WASNT human.... And so many of my questions were just 10 short seconds...

"Peyton look away" I refused and asked why
"Just do it!" I asked why again
"You'll think different of me if you don't look away! Please!" I didn't look away, she sighed and said fine.
a bright inhuman light came from Odette
She looked half dragon
She was a dragon
She killed all of them
We ran again
She changed back, and cried as I tried to comfort her.
"I'm so sorry" Three words that broke my heart.

So, that's what happened earlier, and now Odette is sitting silently beside me, waiting for 2am. The hour of my sister death.

I'm pretty sure she new I suffered as I watched the death of all the -hopefully- innocent people, at the hands of my closest friend. So it was pretty obvious that I was going to be in pain....a LOT of pain.


My foot tapped against the rock floor, as I nervously beaded myself for the pain soon to come. I heard Odette inhale and exhale loudly before speaking to me.

"...Peyton I-" Before she could finish, I yelled out in pain.

My hands clutched my head as the pain increased more and more, as if teasing me, if would stop increasing, and then double its pain. I yelled again; my voice echoing off the unfamiliar cave walls.

My head hung low, as I clenched my jaw. I heard something drop, and footsteps running towards me. "Peyton! Breath okay? I know it hurts your head, but keep breathing!"

I can't. It hurts to inhale. "Peyton!" She exclaimed. I took in a shaky breath, but immediately regretted it, as the pain made it way from my head, and shared it with my throat.

I couldn't even yell out to Odette for help. No Peyton, don't think like that. Stop relying on her.

Just try to forget. I shut my eyes tight, and attempted to forget earlier, even for only a moment.

"Why is it so bad this time!? How much did you suffer!?" I heard Odette yell out. For a moment, I concentrated on the now.

How the rain slammed on the newly grown grass without mercy. How the air was unusually chilly, yet humid in a way. How only sounds made from Mother Nature could be heard for miles to come.

The pain disappeared, and I heard Odette sigh. "Tell me if your suffering so much next time...I'm sorry I didn't tell you when we first met Peyton...but...that pain could kill you if you aren't careful."

I raised my head, waiting for it to stop spinning. When it did I opened my eyes to see Odette reading the book she gave me.

"You've wrote some pretty interesting things Peyton- um- do you mind if I keep this?" She looked up, her electric blue eyes full of sadness. It hurt me to see a friend to dear, look as if on the brink of tears.

"No i don't mind...what's up." I ran a hand through my brown hair, as I waited for Odette's answer.

"....You're going back to the're going to be betrothed..." My eyes widened, and she continued talking.

"When I was gone for a long time...I was earning money for the he could...take the price off your head...but- since the princess has yet to marry... You must marry her to be free."

I stood up, causing her to look up at me. "And you told I would without my permission!?" I growled, my voice raising.

"No, Peyton, it's up to you weather you wish to marry her for your freedom or not." I was still mad at her, so I walked out of the cave into the rain.

"Peyton you shouldn't leave!!" She exclaimed.

"I don't need your help to survive Odette...I hope you know that." I told her coldly, as the rain poured down on my head. I walked away, still burning with anger; but not forgetting my old metal sword, I had received on my 18th 'birthday'.

I know Odette is strong, but I'm acting like a spoiled rich jerk, for not surviving on my own, or clearing my own name. She's carrying all the wait!

So what I want- no- need to do is let her rest, and carry it for her...I'm...just not sure how to do that.

I heard foot steps follow me; as I stopped the steps stopped.

I sighed. "Odette please...I'm sorry but I want to be alone for a while." No response.

"Peyton Temth?" A deep male voice asked/ more demanded. I turned around to see a member of the royal guard. Like really, it's probably around 3:30am, am people are roaming the woods- okay we DID cause a commotion mind that last question.

"Don't bother fighting back Temth, you need to come with us."

I could clearly tell they were stronger than me, so I'm not going to be an idiot and fight them- possibly getting myself killed, if that wanted poster I saw so long ago, said -dead or alive-. So I went with them.

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