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TW: Mentions of Self-harm and Suicide. 


Death, an ominous word,

In her mind, a question draws,

Is it, however, such?

In those five letters,

She imagines,

She will find her freedom.

And day after day,

She loses herself,

In the maze of these sinful attributions.

A need unlike anything,

Grows in her innocent head,

Frowned upon by the world,

Disregarded by people,

Yet wanted by so many.

There's a lump in her throat,

Clawing to wedge its way out,

Not knowing which step to take,

She draws a blade out.

The blood drips down her wrist,

Slowing down the touch she had,

With the world around her,

And herself.

A moment later, she closes her eyes,

Peace surrounding her,

However, the pain burning through her soul never left.

'She is dead', she thinks,

Then why does she feel? 

The answer is simple,

A soul never dies,

Death is never the answer,

It is just something we think,

In the end, will be the answer. 

I do too.



Suicide is never the answer, and neither is Self-harm. Reach out to someone if you feel like you need help. Seek professional help. You are not alone, no matter how your mind makes you believe that you are. People care. It's hard to let someone in, but give yourself a chance.

You are amazing.

You are beautiful.

You are loved.

You matter. 

Repeat these after me. Look in the mirror, and say it to yourself. Love yourself. 

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