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Love, a four-lettered word,

Hope, a four-lettered word,

And Hate;

A four-lettered word as well,

How these three summed up her life,

Remained fairly unknown.

Looking at the sun rising,

A single tear slipped,

From her bright blue eyes.

That tear held memories,

Oh, so many memories.

One after the other,

All of them got painted,

On the Canvas of her soul

Were everything sad in those memories?


A heavenly big No.

There in those memories,

She stood;

With a big grin on her face,

Giggling at the silliest notions,

Her eyes;

Dancing with undying happy emotions.

Her face;

Glowing with utmost devotion.

But, just as all good things must come to an end,

Her memories did too.

And with predatory taunts,

Came in, Evil.

The Evil was none other than,

"The End" in her life.

As she stands in front of the sunset,

She shakes her head dejectedly.

This is life;

Memories are the pillars to who she is today,

It will break her apart

But in days to come,

She can reform.

With that solace,

She dived into the water,

The water soothed her more than anything,

And so she swims,

In her pain,

In her sadness,

In her memories. 

~ N


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