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I turned my head, seeing Doctor Jackston.
"Why are you so mean to me?!" I cried.
"Jesse..." He purred. "You have no idea how much you are worth. A genetic mutation like you will get modern technology soaring!"
"I didn't want this..."
"Did I ask you what you wanted?"

I opened my eyes, my body sprawled out across the hard linoleum floor.
It was freezing in here, and my thin gown didn't help.
I looked around the room, seeing X- ray pictures plastered on the walls.
I stood up, walking closer to the pictures, seeing drastic differences in them.
Two simple words.
On the first picture, it was an X-Ray of a forearm, and it had the word normal written on it.
On the second picture, it also looked like a forearm, except it looked... Different...
It had holes in the bone, looking like it was made completely out of marrow. There was a note attached to it saying, better flexibility.
The word that was written on that picture, was: mutated.
I heard a door open, and I whipped my head around.
There, was a doctor.
Not Doctor Jackston-
A man.
He looked in his twenties, his brown hair combed back to make him look older.
The door closed behind him, and he sat down on the metal examination table, looking at me.
I had flattened myself against the corner of the room, scared of the man.
"Jesse..." He spoke calmly. "I'm not here to hurt you."
His green eyes sparkled, a certain warmth in his faint smile.
"How can I trust you?" I spat.
"I free the test subjects in this facility. My name's Kieth."
I looked at him, trying to decide wether to trust him or not.
"I promise you, I'm trying to help you." He said, seriously.
I now realized that he was the guy from the speakers last night.
"I've heard some terrible things from Doctor Jackston... I want to free you two before he can harm you anymore."
"What kind of terrible things?" I asked, slumping down on the floor.
Kieth turned red.
"I've heard that the people here are thinking of a way for you and your boyfriend to create a mutation...."
"What? Like a... A child?!" I asked.
Kieth nodded.
"They have been talking about the possibilities of a child being born with possible genetic mutations passed down from its parents..."
"No..." I growled. "If rather do that on my own time, thank you. Not in some lab."
Kieth smiled faintly.
"I'm going to get you two out of here before that happens. But I can't keep letting Doctor Jackston mutate people... I'm trying to find a way to stop him..."
I thought about my friends back home, who haven't had an adventure in years.
"Maybe you can ask the New Order of the Stone?" I asked.
"Oh, no..." Sighed Kieth. "They're far too busy..."
"I doubt they are." I smiled.
"What are you- Jesse?"
I raised my eyebrows, glaring at him.
His eyes widened.
"Jesse! You're from the New Order!" He gasped. "I- uh... Didn't recognize you...they cut your hair... And I couldn't recognize Lukas... I'm so sorry..."
"What did you say about Lukas?" I asked, suddenly worried. "You said that you couldn't recognize him?!"
"I... Uh... Forgot to mention... Lukas isn't doing the best right now..."
"What?!" I hissed.
"He... Um... They've been pretty rough on him..."
The screen slid out of the wall, revealing his boxy white room.
Lukas was where he was last night, except that he looked much worse.
He was screaming, bloody bandages plastered on his arms and head.
There was blue and red dried blood splattered on the walls, like he had ran into the wall too many times.
There was an IV hooked up to his arm, and he was clawing at the walls.
I felt tears gather in my eyes.
He didn't flinch, continuing to scream.
"He was like that ever since they put the IV in his arm..." Huffed Kieth.
I looked at the screen, hearing Lukas scream.
I whipped my head around to face Kieth.
"What did they put in it?!" I snarled.
Kieth turned red, looking sad.
"I don't exactly know what is in it, but I do know that whatever they put in it- is strengthening his circulatory system. It goes to the heart, increasing its maximum amount of beats per minute, and it's not quite pleasant." He stared at the floor, looking guilty.
Tears were streaming down my face, the sound of Lukas screaming coming from the flatscreen.
"When exactly are you going to be able to get us out of here?" I hissed, my throat feeling like it was closing up because of my tears.
"Soon... I promise." Sighed Kieth. "I'll think of something. Until then, keep this discussion between you and I."
He walked out, the door closing behind him.
I walked closer to the screen, looking at Lukas.
He had finally stopped screaming.
"J...Jesse?" Croaked Lukas, turning away slowly from the wall.
"I'm here, Lukas... Everything's going to be okay- we're going home..." I said, more tears gathering in my eyes.
He curled up in a ball, staring blankly ahead.
"I sure hope so..." He sighed.
Suddenly, I heard the door open.
I expected it to be Kieth, but it was actually Doctor Jackston.
His eyes drifted to the flatscreen in the top corner of the room, his eyes hardening.
"We've got one more experiment to do on you." He growled.
Two other doctors in lab coats came in, picking me up.
"NO!" I yelled, all my memories flashing back at once.
The doctors slammed me down on the table, pinning me down.
One grabbed an IV, and the other had wires.
Dozens of multicolored wires, all clamped in the woman's hands.
"JESSE!" Screamed Lukas, his voice coming through the screen.
"LUKAS!" I yelled, struggling against the doctors.
"Do it." Snarled Doctor Jackston.
The first Doctor put the IV in my arm, and I struggled, until my head felt fuzzy.
I felt like warmth was running through my veins...
My senses were blurred-
My vision was cloudy, my hearing was muddled, and my thoughts were blocked.
I felt something clamp down on me, on my arms, my legs, my hands, my feet...
What were they doing to me?
I couldn't see much...
Suddenly, all my senses came back to me, my body feeling like it was on fire.
I screamed at the top of my lungs, the doctors leaving my room.
They left Lukas's monitor up, and I heard him screaming, but I couldn't tell what.
I kept screaming and screaming, the pain never stopping.
Maybe I would die before I could get saved.

(Lukas's POV)
I tried to get up, but collapsed on the ground again, the wind getting knocked out of me.
Jesse was screaming, her high-pitched yells filling my head.
It hurt to move...
My thoughts were clouded, my body ached... It hurt to do anything...
I winced, bringing myself to a sitting position.
"Jesse..." I croaked, leaning back up against the wall.
I looked down at the bandages on my hands and arms. They were stained blue.
I looked at the walls.
They were splattered with blue blood, and I didn't think it was from anybody else.
Had I tried to hurt myself?
I looked up at the monitor, seeing Jesse screaming and crying-
It broke me.
I can't stand to see Jesse cry...
She struggled against the straps on her, keeping her tied to the metal table.
I lied down on the ground, curling into a ball.
I started crying, thinking about how Jesse had gone through this when she was little...
I could barely handle it now...
I think they were just trying to torture me, but they may as well kill me.
I was okay before, but now-
The full effects of the mutations were catching up with me.
I gritted my teeth, trying to cope with the unbearable pain...
What had she gone through?
I vomit, the bile stinging my throat.
How could Jesse had kept this from me?
I feel really guilty...
Jesse kept screaming, the sounds consuming my thoughts.
Screaming... It rang in my ears.
I curled back up into a ball, trying to keep the sounds out of my head.
They wouldn't go away.
I started screaming as well, not being able to handle seeing Jesse in pain and not basing able to help her.
I hope someone helps us soon...

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