The end.

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You will never be able to get over what I did to you two. I will always be here. Always watching. And you two will never be the same."
The shot rang out, ringing in my ears.

Screaming and crying.
Many more sleepless nights, spent comforting each other while the other is struggling with the past.

"You may kiss the bride."
Axel bent over, kissing Olivia.
I remember Jesse clapping, tears streaming down her face as she stood with Petra as a bridesmaid.
Olivia never looked happier.

(A year later)

"It's a beauty."
I looked at the small ruby gemstones.
"You sure are drifting away from the crowd- going with ruby."
The man smiled.
"But I'm sure she'll love it."

"Yes, Lukas?"
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
Jesse smiled.
"Of course.."

The leaves crunched beneath our feet, more tumbling down from above.
The shady trees let in dappled sunlight, giving the atmosphere a warm feeling.
I was really nervous, my palms sweaty, and I felt my face getting hot.
My hands wandered to my pockets, where I kept the box.
Jesse was right next to me...
Now was the time.
Jesse turned around, smiling.
"I just... We've been together for a while now... And I've been in love with you ever since I saw you... You make me complete..." I blushed, getting down on one knee.
I pulled out the box, opening it up to reveal the ruby ring.
"Jesse... Will you marry me?" I asked.
Please say yes...
What if she says no?
Jesse put her hands over her mouth, tears gathering in her eyes.
"Yes... Of course I will..." She smiled.
I slipped the ring on her finger, and stood up.
She beamed.
"I didn't know if you'd say y- MMPH!"
Jesse was kissing me, catching me off guard.
I wrapped my arms around her, my hands in her hair.
The air was cold, leaves falling down around us.
Jesse's mouth tasted sweet, and I cherished the moment.
She said yes...
When we finally pulled apart, it seemed like it had been forever.
Jesse blushed.
"I don't know what I'd do without you, Lukas..." She smiled.
I felt my face getting hotter.
"I honestly don't know either." I smirked.

(3 months later)

The music sounded, Jesse looked stunning in her dress-
White silk leaving a small trail behind her as she walked down the isle.
She stopped in front of me, a white veil in front of her face.


"Do you- Jessica Parks , take Lukas Leonardo Hulting to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
The man turned to me.
"Do you- Lukas Hulting, take Jessica Lavender Parks to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
The man smiled.
"You may kiss the bride."
I lifted the veil, looking at Jesse's face.
I leaned in, kissing her.
The crowd cheered, and I heard Axel scream, "IF YOU HURT HER I'LL KILL YOU, LUKAS!"
Jesse and I broke apart, turning to the crowd.
"You did good, Jesse!" Yelled Petra.
Jesse turned to me, blushing.
"You look nice..." She smiled.
I looked down at my tuxedo.
Baby blue, Jesse loved the color.
I had tried to smooth back my hair, but before I was done, Jesse had ruffled it up again.
'Don't mess up your hair' she smirked. 'I like it better this way.'
Jesse took my hand, walking us back down the isle, where a very excited Axel stood, practically drooling over the cake.
I looked at Jesse's ring- both of them.
The wedding ring matched mine, a single emerald in the middle of a golden band.
Mine was golden, too- the emerald engraved in a groove in the ring.
"CAKE!" Screamed Axel, grabbing his cake off his plate with two hands.
He threw it at Petra, who glared at him.
"That. Was. My. FAVORITE DRESS!" Snarled Petra, hurling cake back at Axel.
Axel intended to throw another piece at Petra, but hit Olivia on accident, causing her to scream.
"AXEL!" She yelled.
Jesse smirked, cutting off a piece of cake.
"Let's get out of here- before they throw cake everywhere."
Jesse led me to the back of the church, where there were big circular tables.
In the middle, was a table with two seats at it.
There were two cards, one that said 'Bride', and one that said,''Groom'.
Jesse and I sat down at it.
She took a bite of cake, smiling.
"This cake is delicious!" She beamed, taking another forkful of cake.
"Try it!"
She held out the fork for me, and I took it, eating the vanilla cake on it.
"They did a good job on this!" I put the fork down on the plate.
Jesse blushed.
The room buzzed with the sound of people, all having their own conversations.
Next thing I know, Jesse had smeared icing on my nose.
"Hey!" I laughed, wiping the icing off my nose.
Jesse laughed too, making me smile.

Some bad things may have happened to us, but we weren't going to let that get in the way of finding happiness.
"Alright!" Sang Olivia, walking over to our table, Axel behind her.
"What's up, Olivia?" Asked Jesse, taking a bite of cake.
Olivia blushed, looking at Axel.
He turned red, looking at Olivia.
"I'm pregnant!" Squealed Olivia.
Jesse looked at her, smiling.
"Congrats, Olivia!" Jesse smiled, Hugging her friend.
"Thanks..." Olivia grinned. "I'm kind of nervous though...."
I looked at Axel, questioningly.
Axel winked, smirking.
He walked near me, Jesse and Olivia distracted.
"It's your turn, now, Blondie." He whispered.
I felt my face get hot.
"C-Congrats, Guys!" I stuttered.
Jesse beamed, Axel wrapping his arm around Olivia.
"I don't understand why you guys waited so long, though..." Sighed Axel, looking bored. "I really thought you two would get married sooner- with how attached you guys were to each other."
Petra walked over, apparently hearing the conversation.
"And soon there will be proof to the world that Axel and Olivia did the do."
Olivia elbowed Petra, causing her to laugh.
"Hey. Just trying to make a joke!" Laughed Petra.
She turned to Lukas and I, smiling.
"Seriously, though, guys." Sighed Petra, smirking. "We want you all to know that we're happy that you guys are married."
"Yeah." Olivia smiled. "You two are perfect for each other."
"Don't forget to mention that you two are a unique couple."
Jesse beamed, and I smiled, looking up at our friends.
They might be weird, but Jesse and I probably won't be here without them-
And they're the best friends in the world.
Things might have been horrible-
And there will always be nights where one of us wakes up screaming and crying, the nightmares haunting our lives.
But Jesse and I will always have each other.
And everything will be okay.

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