Chapter 8

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Jack's Pov: I didn't know what Mark was playing at, but I just ignored that fact, I've always been letting go with weird stuff. I heard a conversation about me in Mark's room, I walked over and peeked in. "...I...I just think Jack is a beautiful man..." He said, "Man....." Tim was in awe. I blushed furiously as I backed away, "I just can't let him go...It's just his eyes...." He kept talking about how beautiful he thought I was. I ended up backing into a wall, causing something to fall down. I saw Mark looking back at the door, "M-Mark!?" I stammered.

Mark's Pov: I heard something fall, I looked back at the door to see Jack backed up against the wall. "M-Mark!?" Jack stammered, I was about to do something completely risky. I got up and walked towards my half open door, I pinned Jack to that wall, and kissed him. "Mmm!?" Jack mumbled, I just stood there. I broke the kiss and ripped off his t-shirt, I booked it. "Hey!" Jack said, "That's mine!!" I watched him run after me as I just stole his t-shirt. I tripped on something while I was running, Jack tumbled down on top of me. I got up and threw him his t-shirt, "Here." I said. He put it on and I asked if he wanted to watch a scary movie later, he nodded.

Time Skip To 10:00: I set up the movie, we both sat down. I put my arm around Jack, "What are you doing?" He asked. I slid my arm back to my side, when a person got murdered Jack would cling to my arm and shake. After the movie was done I decided to Hit The Hay, I turned off my lights and started falling asleep. I heard a door creek open, it was Jack. He held Sam close to his chest and he was wearing those adorable footie pajamas. "Mark? I'm still scared, can I sleep with you?" I couldn't say no, he used his cutest voice to say that. "Sure." I lifted up the blanket, he jumped in and we both fell asleep.

Jack's Pov: I still felt scared after I watched that movie, I held Sam close to my chest as I headed for Mark's bedroom. I creeked open Mark's door, "Mark? I'm still scared, can I sleep with you?" I asked. "Sure." He lifted up his blanket and I jumped in.

Morning: I woke up, I blushed to realise I was sleeping in Mark's bed WITH him!! I had my arms around his neck, I sat up and blinked. "Morning, Jack." Mark woke up after, he sat up to face me. "How did I get in here?" I asked, "You said you wanted to sleep with me last night." Mark explained. I blushed, "DAMN THAT HORROR MOVIE!!!" I yelled. Mark started laughing, "You wanted to watch something scary!!!" He said.

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