The end

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We went to mishtis room and tried to calm her down
Mishti: I don't want to talk to you
Om: mishti I'm sorry
I lied because I didn't want to hurt you
Please talk to me
Mishti: no
You lied too much
Gauri : mishti what ever your father had done was wrong
I accept it
Now look we both are together now
Just like all your friends parents
Mishti: your lying again
You guys just fought
Gauri : no mishti
We were just joking
We are not fighting
You know what
Come with us
Mishti: where ?
Gauri : we are going to prove you
That we are back together
Om: what are you doing
Gauri :  buamaa asked us to get ready
So please stop talking and start dressing
I was angry  and boiling
When gauri was signing the paper
Gauri : come on sign it
What are you doing
Om: I don't want to
Officer : what do you mean
Don't you want this marriage
Buamma : he is just joking
You know my omki is always like this
Om: Bua..
Mishti: papa you are not going to listen to mama
Om: no sweety it's not like that
I'm going to sign it
I signed the paper
I didn't know gauri could come back in my life that easily
Such a drama queen
Bua: congratulations omi and gauri puttar
Have fun
Mishti  do you know what this means
Mishti: no
Bua: your mama and papa are going to stay together forever
Mishti: really?
I love you mummy papa
Gauri : we love you too
Om: stop hugging her
Your suffocating her
Gauri:soon you will suffocate in my love
Om: in your dreams
Mishti: mama papa what are you talking about?
Om: nothing beta
we are just talking some adult stuff
now go to your room
buamma: she will go in
before that
make gauri wear this sindoor and mangalsutra
om: never
mishti: papa
om: fine i'm doing it
come here gauri
om pov
i'm not ready to accept gauri
after all that happened
i'm still hurting
but some part of me is happy that she is here
with me
why gauri why are you doing this with me
gauri pov
i was feeling omkarajis hesitation
when he was performing the ritual
though he hates me now
once he knows the truth he will change
buamma:here is your next surprise
two weeks in resort
om: what ?
gauri: buamma we don't need this
buamma: you really need this
you need to clear out 4 years worth of hurt
and also my mishti needs a brother
om: buamaa
please this is too much
mishti: so mama and papa are you going away from me
buamaa: just 2 weeks my mishti
after that they will be back
gauri: buamma
we cannot leave mishti like this
om: suddenly you are saying
that you cannot leave mishti
stop your acting gauri
buamaa: enough is enough
you are going and that's it
gauri pov
the ride was totally silent
omkara was not even looking at me
i don't know how to explain him
we reached the resort and were given the same room
the same room which we were for our first honeymoon
om pov
looking at this place
i didn't know what to say
the memories all came to me once
we conceived mishti in this room
gauri: omkaraji
do you remember this was the same place we visited 7.5 years ago
om: oh you remember
so do you remember all the places you and kunal went
gauri: enough is enough
what do you think of me
om: a person who only gives pain
gauri: shut up omkaraji
you have said enough
and i have listened enough
i will tell you today why i didn't choose you
in the court
it was due to my mother and you
om: what do you mean your mother?
gauri: maa was kidnapped
and your father mr oberoi said he would free my mother and also will not let your name destroyed because of me
in exchange i should choose kunal
om: and you just chooses kunal
you didn't tell me anything about this
gauri : i wanted to but i didn't want to worry you
you get mad listening about mr oberoi
and if i had told what your father has done
you might have killed him
om: i will kill him now
gauri: please omkaraji
don't do that
i didn't suffer all these just to make you more aggressive
om: then what should i do gauri
tell me
we lost 4 years
4 years of not seeing each other
gauri: i know the pain omkaraji
i was all alone without you and mishti
buamaa: mishti what are you doing
mishti: i'm making you a card
thanks for making my mother and father be togeather again
buamaa: i will do anything for your father and mother
after all i promised your badepapa
that i will get them back togeather
mishti: who is my bade papa?
buamma: you will meet him soon
om : i'm sorrry i shouldn't have talked to you like that
i don't know what to say anymore
gauri: don't say sorry omkaraji
i'm the one at fault
gauri pov
i just kissed him on the lips
i was missing him
om: what are you doing
who are you and where is my naive gauri
gauri: she is here
i just wanted to see how you will react
om: i like this gauri
gauri: promise me omkaraji
this time i don't want anyone  to come inbetween us
om: i promise gauri
we had enough
i will not repeat anything again
but you have to also promise me
that you will not hide anything
gauri: i promise
om: so what do you think about this place
gauri: looks like we can repeat the same things
8 years back
om pov
without saying i just kissed her
the feeling of her lips
didn't leave me
i really missed this
i really missed my gauri
we were hungry for each other
we already knew that we were not going to see the resort anymore
as we were going to be stuck in this room forever
gauri: omkaraji
your beard
om: what happened
gauri: it's very pricky
om: should i remove it
gauri: no i like it this way
om: i love you gauri
gauri: i love you too nandhibhelji
Gauri pov
it has been 15 years since the day we got married again with buammas blessings
omkaraji really changed there was no more nandini or any other woman in our life again
shivaay bhaiyaa , anika bhabhi and buamma
helped a lot in mending our marriage
after mishti we had 2more kids
and mishti threatened me that she had enough with her siblings
but omkaraji wanted one more, so we had our last child samrat
today is mishtis wedding as everyone is busy with the preparations
omkara was watching some woman and admiring her
gauri : is she cute
om: not bad
gauri: do you think she will fall for you
om: don't know
do you think i should try
gauri : omkaraji
om: i was joking my shorty
i will never do the same mistake again
and the woman is not even my type
gauri: who is your type then
om: you just you
no one else
gauri pov
as we were hugging each other
the woman came to us and started asking something
stranger : hi my name is priya
is shivaay here
gauri : who are you
Priya: i'm shivaays girlfriend
gauri: what?
**************the end *********************
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