Ch 2

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Chapter Two


"-iza, Liza. Hey Liza." I opened my eyes expecting to be in the lab like usual, but instead, I was in a park. I frowned as I looked around at little kids playing on swing sets and slides and climbing up what seemed to be a tower. "Liza, are you ok?" a voice asked making me turn my head coming face to face with a young boy with blazing red hair. "Yeah I'm fine" confusion flooded my head at the voice that left my mouth, perhaps this was a memory? I gasped as I felt things change, and it seemed I was correct as now I was watching a younger me talk to the redhead boy.

"Where you thinking?" the boy looked at my younger version making her giggle as she nodded "yeah thinking about beating you in a race! Tag." I watched the two laugh as they ran off doing the start of their race. I smiled watching them run away before I frowned knowing what memory this was. "No-" I gasped as I opened my eyes and there above me was a bright and blinding light. "N-No, No" I choked out trying to move my arms but it felt like they were lead, but with the little movement, I managed I felt that my wrists were restrained. I whimpered as I stayed there the light blinding my eyes, this place was all too familiar and, all too painful.

A moment passed then I ended up hearing the sound of glass shattering against the floor as footsteps quickly made their way to me. I heard gasping as the light was moved out of my face and then was replaced with all the familiar face of Simon. I mustered a smile as he looked at me with a smile whispering "I'm glad you're ok." I nodded slowly as I felt him start to undo my restraints which made me sigh in relief, even if I couldn't move. I felt him grab my hand and then I felt his hair graze my hand as well. I smiled as I slowly moved my fingers through his hair and said softly "Did you fix me up doc?" I heard the harsh laugh come from Simon as I saw his head rise and he was in my view as I turned my head to the side.

"Why are you crying" I whispered looking as the tears ran down his face, it was something that was strange and created this tightness in my stomach. "I-I was worried that I had killed you" he choked out with a sob following right after. I smiled as I reached for his hand again wishing he quickly embraced me. "You know, it's gonna take a lot to kill me, Simon, trust me I won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

"Shut up, please just be quiet and stop messing around for a moment. Because I'm being serious El, please look at me." I felt Simon's hand trying to move my face to look at him as I had turned away stubbornly. "That's the thing, Simon, it's fine alright, I'm alive I don't want to talk about it." I continued to stare at the blinding light regardless of the pain. I flinched as I felt his hand on my chin and forcefully move my head to look at him. I saw his brows furrowed, and his expression was the one he had on in serious situations. He was no longer the loving Simon, he was "Sorry Doctor, I should have taken better care of myself." I flinched as he scoffed and said "yeah, you're lucky that I saved you. If not you likely would have legs that resembled that of a burnt piece of steak." I rolled my eyes to which I felt his hand on my chin again and he tightened his grip whispering "Don't you have something to say to me?"

"T-Thank you," I muttered trying to look away once again, but he forced my face towards him once again and brought his face closer to me. He sighed and brought his face closer a look of anger on his face. "Now, I don't think that was the right way that you're supposed to address me." I shivered and choked out "Thank you, very much Doctor." I watched as he hummed and then pulled his hand away "I'll go get you your medicine that you should take understood?" I nodded my head slowly and lay there for a while longer. After a moment of tinkering sounds and me trying to slowly move my body slowly.

I felt relief flood through me as my arms moved slowly and I was able to push myself into a sitting position on the table. I turned my head around the familiar room, eyes landing on Simon's back as he worked at his desk clearly in doctor mode. I dazily brought my gaze to my legs, curious at what could possibly be the damage on them. However, once I saw them my eyes widened in fear. They were burned still, or at least it seemed that way with the way the skin was looking. But the thing that scared me was the silver veins running up and down my legs. I quickly looked up at Simon horror filling my entire body, "W-What did you do to me?"

I watched as Simon turned around a needle in his hand that was filled with a silvery blue liquid. He sighed walking towards me "Don't worry El, you will be perfectly fine I will make sure you're not going to get hurt like that ever again."

"Stop- I. I didn't want this I don't care Doctor, I am leaving." I moved my legs off the table but flinched at the searing pain that ran through them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, it seems to be working but you sadly need more to course through the entirety of your veins." I looked at him a frown on my face as he put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me. I stared into his eyes hoping that there was something in them, that was Simon and there was, his eyes held sadness. "Lay Down" he pushed my shoulder gently and I sighed and finally laid back on the table. "Promise me it won't hurt please?" I stared at his eyes as they turned softer and I saw him gently grab my hand.

"I can't do that El, I am so sorry" before I could say anything I gasped as I felt a pinch above my chest and realized that he was injecting it where my heart was. I shook my head as I felt my body start to heat up slowly as the pain started to pound in my chest. I gagged which quickly turned into a fit of coughs as I started to feel a metallic taste in my mouth. I coughed more and felt as Simon quickly turned me on my side and finally I saw what I was coughing out. There on the ground was blood, but mixed in was that strange mixture he had just injected in me.

I continued to wheeze and cough as blood continued to come out of my mouth. My body also felt strange, tingly and it seemed as if everything around me was hot, that I was burning. I cried out, a small scream but it was cut off by another attack of coughs. I felt Simon's hand in mine as I heard him panicking, mumbling a spew of random words I couldn't even make out. I tried to look around, and focus on anything but everything became more blurred. Then the blurriness became speckled with black spots until finally, everything was black.


I gasped as I held my side the pain of where she hit me settling in. Silver Bullet, who would have thought I would be able to catch her off guard. I let out a breath leaning my back against the wall of the stairwell on the top of the building. I took deep breaths my mind trying to make sure that her face and voice were ingrained in my head. "Firebird, hey Firebird are you alright?" I turned my head around wondering who it was until I realized it was coming from my headpiece "Shit Kev, what the fuck you scared me." I rolled my eyes as his chuckle filled my ears, "Well whatever cause we have a lot of work when I get back alright?" I smirked as his laughing stopped, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

I pushed myself off the wall and headed to the edge of the building, "Silver Bullet, she wasn't undercover for once, I want to try and do an identity search." I smirked as I heard Kevin sigh "fine whatever Firebird, just head back to base alright, She's here." I cursed under my breath at that statement and nodded slowly as I tried to prep my brain for what was awaiting me back at base. I finally headed down the building jumping off but making sure to use my fire powers to lessen the impact. Once my feet were on the ground I headed down the alley mind racing as I thought back to the battle with Silver Bullet. There was something about her that seemed familiar, something that I couldn't quite put my tongue on. I sighed shaking my head and made my way back to base.

"Look who the dog dragged in" I looked up opened the doors to the base and rolled my eyes at Jane who was sitting at my desk. "Jane now isn't the moment" I muttered as I brushed past her and went to Kevin who was working on the mega computer. "That's the thing, Jason, the time is now. Do you even know how many calls I got because of the damage you created today?" I rolled my eyes ripping off my mask and slamming it on Kevin's desk. I turned back to Jane giving her a glare "They want a hero, but then complain when I do my job. What do you want me to Jane leave the city undefended?"

"That's not what I'm trying to say, Jason-" I scoffed and turned to the big screen ignoring Jane. "Kevin I need you to pull up the images I captured through my mask camera can you do that-" "Already on it boss" I nodded satisfied and sighed as I heard tapping behind me. I turned and Jane was there with her arms crossed, "So, your going to explain what is going on right?"

"Silver Bullet alright, she was out there and actually not in her attire so we have a lead to who her identity might be." I smirked proudly at myself however Jane was just giving me a glare "What, shouldn't you be happy about this?" Jane laughed looking at me with a raised brow "Happy? Jason, are you sure it was actually her? There might be many more people who have the same abilities as her-" "It was her Jane, trust me I think I should know the villain that I have been fighting for the past what 5 years?"

"I don't know, sometimes I wonder if that brain of yours is fried with some of the stupid decisions you make." I stepped toward her ready to argue "Hey idiots here are the images of Silver pulled up and right now I am reaching into databases scanning for people that could be her." I turned to look at Kevin muttering "I'll deal with you later Jane." I looked up at the screen and there were mainly blurred images of Silver Bullet, but there were 2 good ones that showed her face clearly. I stared at her and shook my head distraught, there was something about her features that almost seemed familiar. "Have you found anything?" I looked at Kevin waiting for an answer, however, his brow was furrowed as he leaned closer and then gasped.

"Shit bro, you're not going to believe this going on the big screen now." I turned to the screen and watched as multiple tabs pulled up many of footage of her going into a specific building. But then there was a video that caught my attention "Hey, enlarge this one." "Got it" I watched as the video took up the screen and slowly the video showed Silver going into the building like all the others, but there was also someone with her. I leaned in and cursed "She's working with someone else then, this isn't good."

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