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"We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves"

-Mitch Albom-

Green grass field.
Big old oak tree.
Warm summer breeze.


Yes, it's such a perfect ambience to be reminisced if only-

"If only it wasn't a dream?"

Kim Soomin, a petite girl with elbow-length wavy hair, found herself in an old, unwanted scene during an accidental sleep. She slowly fluttered her eyes open after hearing a familiar voice that tickled her consciousness. Her almond-shaped eyes instantly widened as she reflexively stood up and bowed to the person standing in front of her desk.

"Good morning Mr. Choi!"

"Good afternoon, to be exact. Thank you for attentively listening to my lecture. To show my appreciation for your enthusiasm, I am granting you the opportunity to write an essay on Middle English Literature. Please hand it to me by Monday. Thank you. As for the rest of you, have a nice weekend!"

"Thank you, Mr. Choi. Have a nice weekend!" As they bowed to their professor, the whole class left the room, holding back their laughter as they passed the red-faced girl who was standing still at her spot with puffy eyes.

She gave away all the strength she had in her legs, and now the wide-awake Soomin crashed back into the chair and rested her forehead on her desk. "Ah, frick..."

She heavily sighed and silently cursed her reckless self. Both of her ears perked up as two pairs of feet hastily approached her from behind.

"Good morning, Mr. Choi!" mocked one of them, who then clamped her lips tightly to prevent herself from laughing out loud.

"Jiwoo, stop it," said the other one.

The poor Soomin then giving a thumbs-up to the girl whose name was Minyoung. She muttered a lifeless thank you while keeping her forehead attached to the table.

"You forgot the bowing gesture. Do it again," added Minyoung calmly.

"YAISH these boogers!" With all her might, Soomin took a bottle of water in a flash from her backpack and madly chased the laughing girls out of the classroom.


"Geez..Soomin, how can I go home with this drenched shirt?" Jiwoo pursed her lips while examining her current unpleasant reflection in the restroom.

"Blame the bottle, I had no idea that the lid was already loosened up."

"Peckerhead," Jiwoo hissed under her breath, still trying her best to dry her plain white shirt by crouching under a hand dryer attached near the sink. She definitely didn't have any plans to walk around with her maroon-colored bra visible to everyone's eyes.

"By the way, considering your two years of unrequited love for the lovely professor, how could you fall asleep in his class?" asked Minyoung.

"Lack of sleep?" Soomin replied nonchalantly.

"What a genuine answer.." said Jiwoo sarcastically.

Sigh. "I can't sleep last night."

"Again? You can't or you don't want to? Still having the same old dream aren't you?" asked Minyoung. The asked girl shrugged and immediately drew her phone out from her jeans as soon as she felt the phone buzzed.

Incoming Call
Devil's Spawn

Accept || Decline

"What a name. If you hate him that much, why don't you just name it as Hades? He's the permanent residence of hell tho"

Soomin looked at Minyoung, who was staring at her phone screen, before helping Jiwoo with her also drenched blonde hair.

If I hate him that much, how much is 'that much'?
Is it now too much?
No, it isn't. He deserved it.

"Seriously, aren't you tired of this? It's been 10 ye- ack!"

Before Jiwoo could finish her words, Minyoung intentionally pulled her hair hard enough to make her yelp and stop blabbering. Soomin leaned her back against the wall and took a glance into the mirror.

It has indeed been 10 years.
Am I tired? I'm not sure.
But I'm sure that I'll hate him until the day he dies.


"This kid..." he kept dialing the number, perhaps 10 times, but he kept getting rejected.

"For Pete's sake!" he threw the phone away, but then he dragged his lazy legs to retrieve the phone before trying to make another call again... and again.

"Man, she makes you look pathetic. Don't you know that?"

"Shut up." Two simple words with a very intimidating way of talking were enough to make his younger companion zip his mouth in no time.

"She hasn't shown up? Her last class was supposed to have ended two hours ago," his other friend asked as he joined the two and placed three cups of coffee on the café table.

"Nope, not even a single strand of her messy hair. Oh, thanks for the coffee, Jimin," said the youngest carelessly while sipping the served coffee.

"Jungkook, put that cup back unless you call me hyung."

"Geez, are you both on your period or what?" Jungkook, the youngest one, scoffed and put the cup back on the table.

"Gotta go," the older one suddenly snatched his cup of coffee and left the coffee shop right away after seeing the one he's waiting for finally show up. Kim Soomin.

"Hyung! Who's gonna pay for these?!" the boys shouted in unison.

He waved to the boys and proceeded to approach the long-awaited girl. After a little run, he slowed down his pace when the space between them was about a meter away. He was trailing behind her back with lots of complaints in his head, waiting to be fired. But all of them vanished once he heard her voice talking to him.

"Keep your distance"

That tone. The cold tone of voice that she always used for all these years.
For all these ten torturous years. Did I deserve it?

"Two hours late," he said as he kept following her from behind.

"Oh wow, who are you? My mom?"

"How about your Guardian Angel?" he said while casually sipping his coffee.

Cringing at his comment, she wrinkled her nose and looked over her shoulder, snapping, "It would suit you better if you said Angel of Death instead."

"You piece of shi- " he cursed under his breath.

This little brat never fails to choke me with her words. Where the fudge did she learn to talk like this?

He patted his chest lightly, making an effort to calm himself. "Then, as you wish, Ms. Maleficent." He could see Soomin clenching both of her fists as she halted her step.


Turn around..

"MIN YOONGI!" she turned around with a face as red as an monkey's butt.



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