A Kidnapping and Suspicions: In the Eyes of Captain Smollett

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I felt guilt eat at me as I saw Tom and Jim be taken away by Silver. There was little I could do as the Headmaster drag me away from the burning building. The rest of the students and teachers stood in a large crowd as we watched the building collapse into flames. However, something far away caught my eye. Silver was making his way to the harbor, two men carrying Jim and Tom. Fear overtook me, and I ran after them. Unfortunately, I was too late, and as soon as I reached the pier, the ship was already out of reach. Panicking, I searched through my brain for any plans on how to save those two boys, and my mind instantly turned to Livesey and Trelawney. Immediately, I took off towards Livesey's house, unaware of the figure following me.


    "Livesey!" I yelled, pounding my fists on the door. "Livesey! Open the door, damnit!"

    I kept pounding on the door until it was swung open forcefully, and I saw Livesey glaring at me with an annoyed face. The annoyance fell from his face when he saw my scared face.

    "Good Lord, Smollett," Livesey sighed. "Do you know what time it is?"

    "Silver has Jim and his friend!" I blurted out. "I need your and Trelawney's help!"

    At Silver's name, Livesey snapped wide awake and he ushered me inside.

    "You're lucky that Trelawney decided to stay the night," Livesey started. "I'll wake him up and then you must tell us what happened."

    As soon as Trelawney woke, I explained what happened to Jim and Tom as best as I could. Trelawney was about to burst, but Livesey held him still.

"I don't understand how the Headmaster didn't realize that it was Silver who was the cook," Livesey pondered.

"He does have a fake leg now," I replied. "But I agree with you."

"That man is nothing more than a fool!" Trelawney yelled, causing us to jump. "Livesey, I propose that you, Smollett, and I grab the fastest ship in Bristol and save those two boys from that scoundrel Silver!"

I was about to speak, but a knock at the door interrupted me. The three of us looked at each other in confusion before Livesey stood and went to open the door. Headmaster Jones smiled warmly at Livesey when he entered the house, not waiting for Livesey to invite him in.

"Headmaster Jones," I greeted as I stood. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you running away from the building and I was worried," he explained. "I even noticed that Jim and Tom have vanished, and I was wondering if you knew where they have gone."

"They were taken by the pirate that you hired as a cook!" Trelawney yelled as he stood and stomped his way over to us.

"'Pirate'?" Jones asked, a little worried. "You don't mean..."

"Aye," I nodded. "Long John Silver. You must have not recognized him, and he used that to his advantage."

"I-I'm truly sorry, Smollett," Jones placed a hand to his head and sighed wearily. "If I knew that the new cook was that pirate, I would have had him hanged immediately." He made his way over to where the three of us were sitting before and sat, his head still in his hand. "But what would Silver want with Jim and Tom?"

Trelawney suddenly perked up and roughly began shaking Livesey.

"What's wrong, Trelawney?" Livesey asked, releasing himself from his friend's grip. "And stop shaking me."

"Livesey, Jim still has the map, right?' he asked, realization shining on his face.

"Yes...?" Livesey replied, confused.

"And there is still treasure left there, right?"

"What are you going on ab..."

Livesey trailed off as he realized what Trelawney was talking about. I, as well, realized what he was talking about, but Jones looked confused.

"We must go after them," Livesey declared, placing his hat on his head before making his way towards the front door. "Smollett, can you get us a ship?"

"Wait, we're leaving now?" I asked in surprise. "But it's the middle of the night!"

"If you'll let me interrupt," Jones spoke up. "Where exactly are you going?"

"Treasure Island," Livesey replied graveley.


As soon as the sun had risen over the horizon, Trelawney, Livesey, and I stood aboard the ship that I had grown to love; the Hispaniola. About the same time we arrived back in England two years ago, a passing ship found the Hispaniola adrift and was able to bring it back home, much to our joy. I was surprised that we were able to gain a crew overnight, but that was thanks to Hunter and Joyce, who heard what had happened to Jim and Tom, and volunteered to help us. With them, they brought a generous amount of hands that were willing to help us. We made sure that we had enough stores for the crew plus an extra two for the trip to the island and the trip back. Even though I told myself that I would no longer sail, the deck of the Hispaniola felt just like home to my feet. I was about to tell Joyce, who was the first mate, to set sail, when I heard my name being called. I turned to see Jones running towards us, waving frantically.

"Smollett! Don't set sail yet!"

I waited patiently for Jones to run up the gangplank that we were about to lift up, and he stood there, hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"Jones," I greeted, a bit surprised. "What are you-"

"Let me come with you!" he pleaded. "Since I was the one who hired Silver, I feel as if I'm at fault for Jim and Tom's kidnapping."

"You are exactly at fault here!" Trelawney blurted out, Livesey trying his best to calm him down.

Thoughts running through my head, I reluctantly sighed. It would be helpful to have another hand on board with us. I nodded, and Jones' face broke out into a smile as he saluted me.

"You will not regret bringing me along," he smiled.


"I don't like it," Trelawney muttered, folding his arms.

"Don't like what, Trelawney?" I asked, looking up from the chart.

"The fact that you agreed to let Jones come with us," came the cold reply. "I just don't trust that man. There is no way that that man didn't recognize Silver."

I was about to say something before a knock was soon heard on the cabin door. Glancing at each other, I made my way to the door and opened it to reveal Livesey standing there, an annoyed look on his face.

"Our newest crew member is seasick," Livesey announced with a roll of his eyes. "Honestly, Smollett, I don't understand why you agreed to let him come along."

Trelawney looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but I waved him away.

"Listen, as Headmaster of the school Jim attends; well, more like attended, Jones feels as if it's his duty to help in any way he can in getting the boys back. I don't have a good feeling about this either, but if I didn't take him along with us, then I couldn't keep an eye on him."

"Are you saying that you don't trust Jones?" Trelawney asked.

"Something just doesn't sit right with this," I replied. "I need to go see him."

With a swish of my coat, I was out the door and was heading towards where Jones was. When I entered the cabin, I saw Jones sitting up, his head in his hands. I sat down next to him, and patted his shoulder.

"A real landlubber, I presume?" I asked with a mocking chuckle.

"I've never been on a ship before," Jones admitted sheepishly. "I only came to help Jim and Tom, and possibly find out who burned down the school."

I was silent for a moment before speaking up again.

"Would you have any idea to who might have done it?" I asked, already knowing the response.

"I would have to say that Silver is most likely," came the reply. "If he wanted Jim, what better way to take him away without notice then to cause a distraction so large no one would notice him, or Tom, gone."

There was a little bite in the way he said those words, which raised my suspicions. However, I just kept quiet and patted him on the back before standing.

"We'll find them and get them back," I smiled. "Don't worry."

Jones smiled back at me before laying down and trying to quell his seasickness. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Livesey and Trelawney waiting for me. Both of them raised an eyebrow as I quietly closed the door, and sighed.

"Jones is hiding something. I know it."

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