Stardust Serenity | Cover | Co-Graphic

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So I made my first co-graphic! I worked with the absolutely extraordinary @-Erchomai to make a sci-fi type cover for a book we plan to write, and I'm really happy with how it came out! There are a few minor mistakes, but overall, I think it came out really good, especially considering it was our first time working together.

I did the background and the text, whilst she did the model and final colouring.

This is what it looked like when I was done. The entire thing was heavily manipulated, the background took me roughly two hours to make. Although, despite how long it took, I had a blast making it!

And this is the end result. The text was me, but the model and colouring was all @-Erchomai! Thank you so much for working with me, I think it looks really great!

Sorry if it's a bit blurry! I'll add it to the top media a later.

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