Chapter one

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Silver hit, the ground, hard. He groaned, rubbing, his head. "Hey"a girl voice yelled. Silver jumped, to his feet, ready for a fight. He turns, towards the voice, finding a human girl staring at him. "Who? Where? How?"Silver yelled, looking around. "Your in Australia"the girl answered. Silver breathed, looking, around curiously. "I'm Luna"the girl added. "Silver. Silver the hedgehog"Silver smiled. He touched, a blossom tree, amazed. "I planted this myself from a tiny seed"Luna smiled. Silver looked, at her, then back at the tree. "This was the last thing i had before my grandmother died"Luna mumbled. Silver stared, at Luna, as she started to cry. "She died when i was eight"Luna mumbled. Silver touched, her arm, giving her a sad look. "The kids at school sometimes tease me about it"Luna sobbed. "Well that's not cool teasing someone about a dead family member"Silver yelled, shocked. Luna wiped, her face, with her sleeve. "I've thought about dropping out"Luna sighed. "Don't do that 'cause now you have me"Silver smiled. Luna looked, at him, her eyes scanning his face. "To be honest i don't have anywhere to go either"Silver said, rubbing his neck. Luna laughed, cleaning, her face. "Come on"Luna smiled. She took, Silver, into a fancy mansion. "My mother is an actor my dad is a movie producer"Luna smiled. Silver looked, around the mansion, exploring it. "This is the attic you can sleep here"Luna smiled. "Its so clean and its decorated"Silver yelled. "This is my secret place i always keep it clean and nobody comes up unless i give permission"Luna smiled. Silver flopped, on a pillow chair, smiling. "It's co comfy"Silver smiled. Luna sat, on the bed, watching him explore the room. The trap door, unlocked, alerting the two.

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