25 | Shadows & Streaks

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TINGLES flared from where his hand held hers as they headed toward the clearing at the center of the room. A warm flush crept up her neck and spread across her cheeks, making her feel both exhilarated and embarrassed at the same time.

"But no one is dancing, won't people stare?" she asked once they reached the clearing. She'd danced with previous men, so why did this feel different? Perhaps she feared her eyes would display the torrent of emotions that raged within her for everyone to see.

"Let's just dance," came his voice, with its alluring tone soothing her restless mind. Despite her nerves, she couldn't help but feel captivated by the magnetic charm of his tailored black suit, and the cool yet intoxicating scent of musk emanating from it. His hair glinted underneath the soft glow of the candles, falling in light strands over his hooded eyes.

A flutter of butterflies ravaged her stomach when his hands rested gently on her waist while hers rose to his shoulders before they drifted up to clasp at the back of his neck, with a mind of their own.

"I didn't know you knew how to dance," she stated as their feet moved in sync with one another.

"I learned a long time ago."

The soft tune of the violin intermingled with the delicate chords the piano manifested, surrounding them in a bubble, encased in each other's embrace as the world around blurred into a distant haze. Soon, the racing beat of her heart entangled with the orchestra of melodies, pulsating with the crisp notes that floated around them.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier."

"I've never seen you that angry, or angry even. Were things that bad?"

"He ruined everything and left me to clean up his mess, which is what I've been doing for a while now."

Her brows creased. Was that why Ares had said she shouldn't be like him because he had messed things up by not doing what he should have done?

"But I shouldn't have reacted like that," he said.

A sigh escaped her lips when he whirled her around, causing her dress to flare out in a halo of shimmers around her before she spun back close to him, too close. His other hand met hers in the air at their sides, their fingers intertwining and molding like two halves of a flawless sculpture.

More questions lay on the tip of her tongue, but she knew he wouldn't answer, especially when they were the subject of various eyes.

"You look beautiful." Her eyes came back to his and her cheeks warmed when she realized nothing but mere inches stood between them as their bodies swayed gently in a rhythm only they knew.

"When I saw you at first with Lady Minerva, I..." he stuttered as his eyes roamed over the shimmering dress. She saw how his eyes darkened, sending pleasurable shivers down her spine, and igniting a fire that burned brighter with every second. "I mean, I knew you'd dress up, but I... wasn't expecting this."

His eyes came back to hers, but before she could get lost in them, the lights danced around her. Merging and conforming till they darkened, casting eerie shadows of mysterious figures.

One moment she waltzed in Zack's arms, the next, she stood in a field, the lights above diminishing to tiny faraway golden stars. The world swirled around her, making her limbs feel weightless even as they glued her to the ground.

The delicate beat of her heart morphed into palpitations, matching the cacophony of unrecognizable and indecipherable voices that reverberated around her. What started as soothing whispers transformed into deafening cries of pain that threatened to shatter her eardrums.

Her name emerged from the chaos and her eyes, clouded by a haze of confusion and worry, struggled to find her caller. But as her gaze met a figure cloaked in darkness, the sight turned the blood in her veins ice cold. Beneath the hood, a pair of lips, painted in a malicious shade of crimson, curled into a sinister smirk that sent a surge of dread through her.

Refusing to remain captive by her nightmare, she wanted nothing more than to yank the hood off, in that moment, and confront the darkness once and for all. As she struggled to regain control of her feet, she heard her name. Then again.


She blinked back to the ballroom, where the air hummed with laughter and music, not chaotic voices. Guests in glistening dresses and elegant suits replaced the dancing shadows that clouded her moments ago.

Her chest heaved as she swallowed in gulps of air, attempting to reorient herself. When her eyes settled on Zack, she met his brows contorted in a frown of concern. That was when she realized she was no longer dancing and neither was Zack.

His hands came up to cup her cheeks as his eyes darted across every inch of her face. "Are you okay?"

"Um... I," she stuttered, with no explanation for what she'd just experienced. Her eyes flitted away from Zack's concern-filled face to find others of similar expression directed at her. She cleared her throat before she spoke. "I think I've had enough dancing for a night."

Her smile came out strained, yet, coupled with her words, it seemed to bring some respite to the people around. Despite her frazzled state, she remembered Idyna's words and what she was going to do before Zack took her dancing. So, they resumed her search for the mistress.

"That's fine, my dear," Lady Minerva said when she told her of her choice to head back to her room. "Of course. I knew you might tire out soon. Not to worry, we can continue in your absence, but you should get your rest. Salome!"

Karyn hadn't noticed the young girl was nearby but was grateful for her presence.

"See to it, that dear Karyn gets to her room."

Salome nodded. "Of course. Right this way."

Karyn and Zack fell in line with the young girl leading the way. His hands, firm yet gentle, remained steadfast on the small of her back, a miniature yet mighty attempt that sent waves of tranquility through her.

Only the sound of her heels clicking against the tiled floor resonated around the three of them once they left the ballroom.

"Here we are," Salome said and stopped at the door to her room, leaving her wondering how they had gotten there so soon. Was she so tired she could barely register the trip? "Would you need anything else, ma'am? We can have freshly made dinner brought up to your room, or a—"

Karyn chuckled. "No, thank you and please call me Karyn," she said with a smile, one that Salome returned cheekily.

"Have a good night," said Salome, her smile in place as she left.

A soft click echoed when Zack closed the door behind them. Her heels were the first thing to come off, followed by a sigh of relief when her feet sank into the familiar softness of the plush carpet. Next were her gloves, gliding off her skin before she set them on the bed and padded across the room. The smooth velvet of the chair in front of the vanity table welcomed her into a peaceful embrace when she settled on it.

She got to work at once, the refreshing coolness of wipes against her face similar to the sensation of a cold drink sliding down her throat on a scorching summer day, cleansing the weariness from the previous few hours.

Zack's eyes watched her every move through the mirror after he perched on the edge of her bed. "Do you have to clean it all off?"

Karyn didn't know much about makeup, but Lady Idyna's earlier warnings were enough to spur her into action.

"According to Lady Idyna, it would be better to sleep in chains than with a face full of makeup." When she saw his brows rise through the mirror, she added, "Her words, not mine."

She disposed of the wipes in the small trash can and stalked to the bathroom to wash her face. After what felt like an eternity, she emerged from the bathroom, a plush towel drying her face before she settled beside him.

She cherished Zack's presence, but not his silence. She wanted to hear his words, so she prompted him to speak, like she'd always done. "What a day. I hope my eyes didn't go all white when I..." she trailed off.

"No," he replied, not needing to hear the full question. "But what happened out there? You looked dazed."

Her mind played the bizarre scene in the ballroom again, causing a frown to settle between her brows. She raised her hand to run it down her face. Her head throbbed and thinking would only make it worse. "I'm sure if I rest well, I'll be better."

She didn't know whether the words were to convince Zack or herself, but she said them regardless.

She turned, wanting to divert the topic away from her, but her next statement died in her throat when she noticed how close they'd gotten. The silence became thick, pressing down on her along with the realization that they were the only ones in the room.

She saw his gaze drift down to her lips, and so did hers. His hand came up to cup her cheek, and she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes when his thumb ran across her cheek, bringing some serenity to the muddled haze that her mind and being were.

In a search for more than just a touch, she leaned in. His lips parted, a sigh escaping them to glide across her face. Her lips grazed his when they were close enough, but before she could go further, he bowed his head, putting more distance between their lips.

Her heart pounded against her chest as she searched his face for answers to his withdrawal.

His voice came out strained and she feared he closed his eyes so she wouldn't see what swirled within them. "We should... let's not complicate things, Karyn."

When his eyes met her, it was not the same fiery passion that burned within her, but a composed restraint that shone within them. The air seemed to thicken, making it harder for her to breathe when he stood. The distance he set between them tore at her heart, like a painful scratch.

"You should rest."

She wanted to grab onto him and assure him she wanted him in that moment as much as he wanted her, probably even more. But it wasn't a fear of rejection that held him back, and she could tell. Aside from the restraint, something else swirled in his murky eyes. Something she couldn't recognize.

She only released the breath she had been holding and fell back onto the bed once the door closed. She stared at the ceiling, her thoughts in a race with her wild heart to gather her attention until she fell asleep to a world of two moons and golden stars.

THE throbbing in her head remained. She couldn't tell if it was the usual frightful dream she had, the bizarre scene at the ballroom, Zack's withdrawal, or a mix of all that led to the frustration that boiled within her. She tried to disregard it as simply waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but it started seeping out into her actions.

Someone had knocked on her door moments after she woke, and she'd seen how her stormy countenance and harsh reply had caused the worker to stutter while informing her that Jamie requested her presence for training.

The man then waited outside her door as she prepared her mind, knowing that training with Jamie was as mind-tasking as it was physically demanding. Once she was ready, with her hair in a loose ponytail that wouldn't worsen the light throbbing in her head, she departed with the man, paying attention to the turns and directions they took.

Finally, they arrived at a room on the other side of the mansion. Treadmills, weight racks, and other pieces of equipment she couldn't identify all laid arranged meticulously with a large space at the center, where a training mat beckoned. The only person in the room was Marcela, engrossed in stretches as her gentle exhales echoed through the space.

Her brows creased after a quick scan of the room. "Where's Jamie?"

Marcela turned to her. "Change of plans. He's with Lady Minerva, so you'll be training with me today."

She joined Marcela, hoping it would relax her mind as it did her muscles. Marcela suggested they work on mind communication first, so Karyn could join the network as soon as possible. But after tons of trials, Karyn couldn't get her mind to focus. Whether it was the shimmering candles or the dancing lights of the ballroom, curled red lips underneath a black hood, or finally, Zack's breath grazing her cheeks, there was always something that prevented her from fully concentrating.

"I can't do this right now," she said with a huff of breath and brought her hand up to wipe the sweat off her forehead. Just trying to clear her thoughts left her overwhelmed when it should have done the exact opposite.

"Okay. Physical training it is."

She should have been relieved at Marcela's understanding, but her frustration only grew. Perhaps she needed more rest. She wasn't a fan of coffee, but she wondered if the liquid would get her to be more active.

"Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

Marcela did the exact opposite. After what felt like hours, with every muscle fiber in Karyn's body screaming for rest, Marcela still hadn't finished and Karyn's frustration had reached its peak. She wasn't hitting the moves and blocks Marcela taught, leaving herself exposed to some jabs and hits from Marcela.

They went at it, with Marcela doing more damage while all Karyn managed was a scratch. An unfamiliar sensation simmered within, but she kept pushing it down with each huff of breath. More strands fell from her barely hanging ponytail and onto her face, obstructing her vision and adding to her frustration, as she swiped them out of the way over again.

Then, something changed, as if a switch Karyn didn't know existed flicked on. With every arrow and every punch she threw, she felt herself become more passive as if she had transitioned from being the driver to a mere passenger in her own body. Her movements didn't feel like her own, even as she saw her hands move. She threw more risky moves, with the sole aim of getting at least one strike at Marcela. But that left her even more vulnerable, intensifying her growing exasperation.

The cycle continued, but in a fleeting moment, she lost a hold she didn't know she had. Her vision darkened before she saw nothing but red.

LADY MINERVA was the most important and most useful contact they had made in all their years on Earth. It was her aid that got them into Emerfield. A process that had seemed more difficult than it should have been.

Their stay in Louriville had been short-lived, as Lady Minerva had confidently claimed to have searched through the entire town and was certain that the Silverein was not there. They didn't call her the Mistress for no reason.

As repayment for her help, they promised the older lady they would let her know of their findings in the neighboring town.

Emerfield had proven itself right when they had found Karyn and left with her. That would have been the perfect opportunity to part ways with the secretive lad who was worming his way into the Silverein's heart. A fact that maybe they both hadn't realized.

Gema wasn't too pleased with the way things progressed between the two of them. She had her doubts about his intentions for the Silverein, and if she had her way, she would have cut him off ever since they knew who Karyn was. Gema held pity for her, as she couldn't imagine what the girl was going through. She had to leave the world and the people she knew behind to embark on this journey with them.

It was still a marvel how the spies in Emerfield hadn't brainwashed her yet.

Yet, the deal Jamie struck stood, and now they were stuck with Zack. She had tried to keep her anger in check, as she knew he would have a valid reason to accept the deal, but she needed to know why. He was obviously withholding information from her, information that compelled him to strike the deal, and she needed to know what it was.

Lady Minerva seemed to share the same sentiment as her piercing stare bore into Jamie. "Help you find the Pearli?"

They'd just shared with the Mistress, their recount of the journey from Emerfield to Louriville and to say the lady was displeased was an understatement. Her frown remained, marring her forehead with wrinkles of vexation. The major bone of contention was Zack's inclusion into the team.


"And he agreed?" Lady Minerva asked.

"He seemed to think about it, but he agreed," Gema said.

"Have you asked him how he's going to do that? No one has seen the Pearl Gem in years! How is he going to find it, unless he already has some leads, and what, apart from ulterior motives, would make him have some leads on the Pearl?"

Jamie let out a breath. "I'll be honest. I don't think he can help us with that."

The statement forced Gema to mirror Lady Minerva's frown. "Then why did you make the deal?"

"So he would at least try to. I'd like to have him in our line of sight for much longer. I can tell he's hiding something and so can you. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's connected to Karyn. Look how easily he strolled into her life as if someone had set everything in place for him. It took us three years to get to Emerfield but for him..."

Lady Minerva was the one who broke the silence that followed his words. "So you're keeping your enemies close."

"I wouldn't use the word enemy, but he's not a friend either," Jamie said.

Lady Minerva's annoyance rang out loud when she confronted Gema. "And didn't you tell him of my rules?"

"You... you caught him going around? But I told him." Gema scrambled for her words under the harsh gaze of Lady Minerva. "It was the very first thing I said to—"

Her words got stuck in her throat when a rumble shook the ground beneath them, forcing them to clutch the edges of the table they sat at.

Alarm flashed through the three pairs of eyes before Lady Minerva dropped to a graceful crouch. Her palms splayed out on the ground and Gema recognized the lady's actions at once.

"Who's in the training facility?" Lady Minerva asked, prompting Gema and Jamie to share a look of panic.

"Marcela and Karyn," Gema said, and Lady Minerva rushed to her feet before she darted out of the room with the both of them hot on her trail.

"We need to get to them quick. Something's wrong," Lady Minerva said in haste as they rushed down a flight of stairs.

They had gotten to a floor when they saw Zack coming out of a hallway from a section of the mansion that didn't have rooms. Lady Minerva bristled but didn't stop in her stride.

"What was that?" Zack asked, rushing along with them, the sound of their heavy footsteps echoing through the hallway.

"Something from the training facility where Marcela's with Karyn," Gema said as they rushed down the stairs that led to the facility.

"Can't we just port there?" Zack asked.

"The Mansion doesn't allow it," Gema explained before Lady Minerva opened the door to a sight neither of them would have predicted.

The room was a carpet of splintered glass, glinting in the light with all the windows shattered. A deep crack split the ground, creating a wide gap between the two halves. Suspended in mid-air, Karyn floated, her hair billowing behind her, as her gaze focused solely on Marcela. Thick silver chains wrapped tightly around Marcela, their rattles echoing through the room. Along with the scent of sweat and trepidation was that of earthy green vines that sprouted from the Emeraldine, intertwining with the chains.

"Karyn!" Gema yelled.

Eyes shrouded in a mist of darkness, with black streaks projecting out of them flashed at the group. Karyn's lips curled into a sneer before she unleashed a barrage of silver arrows hurling at them.

Jamie was the first to recover from the shock as he thrust his palms upward, conjuring a formidable wall of ice up with them. The ground shook when the arrows met the wall, shooting various cracks across the length and breadth of it.

Amidst the chaos, Gema's senses heightened, catching the sound of Lady Minerva's gasp, which spurred her into action.

She rushed around the wall in time to see Marcela back on the offense. Their unexpected presence must have distracted Karyn enough for Marcela to break free. However, it happened in a flash, too quick for Gema or Marcela to react. A large rope materialized from Karyn's right hand and shot forward with maddening speed. The sound of the rope slashing through the air was deafening until its pointed end pierced through Marcela's side. Blood gushed as a gut-wrenching howl escaped Marcela's lips, echoing through the tense atmosphere.

Gema's brown eyes widened in astonishment before she leaped into the air. With a fierce determination, she set loose a blast of fire, engulfing the rope and splitting it in two. The crackling flames filled the air with a smoky aroma and Karyn's piercing scream followed, as if the fire had scorched her and not her rope. Karyn plummeted to the ground, her body crashing with a crack against the cold floor as Jamie burst out from behind the wall, in a mad sprint towards Marcela.

Her penetrating gaze remained fixed on Karyn, palms poised to attack, even as it was the last thing she wanted to do.

Karyn's chest heaved as she slowly lifted her head, her hair cascading down like heavy curtains. Yet, they revealed enough for Gema to see that the streaks that shot out from her eyes had vanished, leaving a face white with shock and drenched in sweat.

Her stance remained as Karyn pushed herself up from the ground with a trembling hand cradled around the other arm where the rope that pierced Marcela had shot out from.

From the corner of her eyes, Gema saw Jamie lift Marcela in his arms before he rushed out of the facility the same way they came. Karyn's wide eyes finally met Gema's, revealing a mix of sheer terror and glistening tears. But their shared gaze broke when Karyn spun on her heels and dashed out through the broken windows, not paying heed to Lady Minerva's calls.

ITNC: Lady Minerva reminisces about good times with Karyn but a strange incident from their shared past lingers in her thoughts, unspoken.

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