| Prologue

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THE mug in her hands radiated a warmth similar to that of the room she walked into, yet it wasn't enough to dispel the permanent chill in her bones as she contemplated what lay ahead.

These were the chambers she shared with her ten-year-old daughter ever since her husband's death two years after her daughter was born. Even when her daughter was old enough, the little girl insisted on staying with her mother every night. She had never felt cold in them until today.

She found her daughter perched expectantly on the huge double-poster bed with a bedtime storybook in her hands. Witches and Wielders. Although the woman knew every word in the book by heart, she still read it to her little daughter every night.

It was their private routine. A bubble just for them so that even after tough days, they both had something to look forward to.

Tough days like today.

They had trained all day, and she could tell how much her daughter was looking forward to this. Which was why it broke her heart that they wouldn't be ending their day together.

The woman sat on the bed as her daughter smiled at her, a smile that was exactly like her husband's. The girl had her hair packed in an afro bun atop her head the way her father always liked. With skin as dark as his and a shade darker than hers, her daughter was his feminine replica.

"Mommy, I picked my favorite today." The girl bounced with excitement before she peered down at the cup and asked, "Ooh, what's in the cup?"

"Just a warm glass of milk. For you," she paused. "Darling, tonight might be different."


"Yes. I have some urgent work to do with the king and queen, but..." When she saw her daughter's smile tip downward, she quickly added, "It won't be long, and we'll be in the adventurous world of Thibbaeus again."

The little girl jutted out her lower lip and looked down at her legs, which now swung with less vigor.


"Dovelyn, dear, don't worry. I'll be back before you know it," the woman said as she held her daughter to her side.

"Promise?" Dovelyn peered up at her mother with big, golden eyes.

It was a simple question, but the woman didn't know why she felt a strange sensation in her chest. Regardless, she answered.

"I promise. Now drink up for me, will you?"

She watched her daughter drink the milk that would make the little girl sleep in a matter of minutes. She had made sure of it.

The woman knew the work she had to do would take a long time. She also knew how determined her daughter could be, and it wouldn't surprise her if she found her daughter wide awake when she finished.

Before she left, she paused and turned back to look at her daughter, who was already watching her.

"Go, Mommy, so you can be back soon," Dovelyn's words slurred as she raised her little palms into fists to rub at her eyes.

She cleared her throat. "Of course."

What was wrong with her? No matter how tedious it was going to be, she would be back by morn.

She stepped out and headed to the royal wing of the castle, with a longing to see her daughter again pushing her forward. After a few minutes, she arrived at their chambers. She acknowledged the guards stationed outside before she knocked and entered. It didn't take long to find the king and queen discussing, even though it looked more like the king trying to soothe the queen as he ran his palm down her back repeatedly and whispered in her ear.

"Good evening Your Highness. Morrigan," she said, and they turned to acknowledge her.

The woman had known the king since a tender age and it was natural for her to refer to him by his title, but it was not the same for his wife. Queen Morrigan was a dear friend to her. Theirs was a bond thicker than blood.

"Olwyn," Queen Morrigan said as she reached to hug her dear friend. "Thank you for doing this with us."

Olwyn returned it with a comforting smile.

"It is time," The king said and Olwyn nodded.

"I'll go get the little one," she said before heading to the room where the princess lay.

One would have to go inches near the princess to catch the slight and slow movement of her chest. And beneath the sheets, one would think the heat that ravaged the princess ate her up from the inside as well. If one didn't know better, one would think her sleep was an eternal one.

The woman tried not to flinch at the high temperature when she touched the princess, who responded slowly to open her eyes.

The princess yawned as she brought her frail little fingers up to her eyes. "Aunt Olwyn? Why are you here so late?"

"Rynanda, dear, you've been ill for some time now, but that ends today. By tomorrow, you'll be out playing with all your friends and—"

"Really? And with Big Vee too?" the princess asked and her wide eyes, as dull as they were, sparkled with excitement at the prospect of playing with Olwyn's daughter, Dovelyn.

"Of course. Come now, we want to finish by morn," the woman said as she cradled the little girl, who was as light as a feather, in her arms.

Unknown to her, all she thought and desired would never happen, as things would take a very different and drastic turn. That was the night all five lives changed and the turn of events was unlike any they would have ever foreseen or been able to prepare better for.

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