Chapter 15

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The play was over soon. Ophelia had one last part at the end, and after that, she finally reunited with Isabella. Isabella said that her role was to make the fireworks and shadow spirits.

Ophelia told her everything that had happened earlier. She said, "I think my captor is the one who disguised as Tom."

Isabella was startled. "He is still following you? Girl, we should get out of here soon!"

The two of them ran out of the place the instant they got their money. They ran as fast as they through the dark night, being watched by the passers-by. Isabella knew they were looking suspicious, but it was the only way to get back home. She did not have any portal that would magically take them.

When they arrived, they gasped for air. They laughed heartily as they were finally back home. Both of them were tired, so they had a good sleep that night.

In the morning, Ophelia made pancakes for breakfast. She said as they were eating, "It was fun last night."

"Yes," smiled Isabella. "Running back home was fun too."

Ophelia looked at her in surprise. Isabella continued, "I wonder how your captor knew you'd be there in the play. Is he stalking you?"

Her words made Ophelia's face pale. She shrugged.

"You'd better make sure he doesn't come here... I'm not going to risk getting bit ever again."

Ophelia rubbed the back of her head nervously. "Again? When was the last time you were bitten?"

Isabella looked down as the smile disappeared from her face. After a moment of silence, she said, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

Isabella shook her head and smiled lightly. "You don't need to apologize."

Ophelia wanted to ask Isabella something that had been on her mind for a few days. "Can you tell me what they mean by 'stray humans'? Tom told me that he was one."

"Oh... is that so? Humans are actually brought into Nordlys legally. They're selected from different places around the world. The entire thing is done without the knowledge of humans. If humans come into Nordlys accidentally or without being selected, they'll become strays. Nordlys doesn't allow strays, because they can't be controlled. To be honest, I'm a stray too. This is why I'm hiding."

Isabella's words left Ophelia astonished. She said, "Why do they need to be controlled?"

"Because they could leak information about the existence of supernatural creatures. Nordlythians fear that the strays could harm Crystalhallow by letting outsiders know. Every other country in Crystalhallow doubts the law of bringing humans into Nordlys, but the vampires need to survive."

"What happens when the strays are found?"

Isabella leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. "The rule is to toss them off to the ocean."

Ophelia's eyes grew wide with surprise. "That's so cruel... How did you get into Nordlys?"

Hearing the question, Isabella opened her eyes and turned to Ophelia. She shook her head, trying to tell her that she did not want to answer.

Ophelia apologized once again and Isabella snickered. When they were done eating, Isabella said, "The pancakes were good."

"Thank you," said Ophelia as she took the plates away for washing outside. As she was walking towards the exit of the house, Isabella called her.

"Hey, are we friends?"

Ophelia looked behind to see Isabella anxiously waiting for her to answer. She grinned and said, "Yes, since the day we met."

A smile of relief appeared on Isabella's face, while Ophelia went to wash the dishes. She was happy that Isabella had finally started to think of her as a friend.

Within a few days, Ophelia had become better at levitation and starting fires. Isabella allowed her to read her mind for practice sometimes, which made Ophelia assume that she was starting to trust her. However, she could never find out how Isabella came to Nordlys.


The place was magical. I felt as if I were running around in a castle, trying to find a place to hide. Someone was looking for me, and I could feel overwhelming joy. I knew if I hid in the light, he wouldn't be able to find me.

I stood by the glass window, waiting for that person to come. I looked in the direction of the hallway to my right. Someone grasped my left hand and pulled me into the shadows of the hallway.

He was chuckling which I could hear. His voice was dreamy and yet cloudy. I couldn't see his face either. Everything was blurry in front of my eyes.

The only words I could comprehend were, "I knew I'd find you, even if you were a thousand miles away."

Those words sounded so familiar to me. Amused, I asked, "Really?..."

I called out his name, but I couldn't hear it. How could I not hear my own voice?

Ophelia woke up in the middle of the night, feeling feverish. Her heart raced as if it were desperately looking for the name of the person she saw in that dream. The air was cold and dry, making her feel uncomfortable. She sighed, knowing she would never be able to find out, just like always.

"I knew I'd find you, even if you were a thousand miles away."

Remembering the words, she sprang out of bed. She knew she had heard them from someone recently. She just had to remember...

When she realized it was Leon who said it the night before they came to Nordlys, Ophelia shivered. I need to ask Leon about it. But how? Even if we meet again, he won't say anything.

She took a deep breath and looked beside her. The sight of Isabella sleeping made her thirsty.

Oh no... not this again!

Ophelia knew she had to control herself. She could not drink from Isabella, even if needed to. She knew Isabella was extremely afraid of vampires, and she did not want to lose a friend.

Her hands began to tremble. Running away would make her 'noticed' by people, which was a terrible idea.

She reached out for Isabella's shoulder and patted hastily. The sleeping girl woke up, confused.

"Isabella... I have to tell you something," stuttered Ophelia.

Isabella furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance. "What's so important that you must wake me up in the middle of the night?"

When she saw the faint glow in Ophelia's amethyst eyes, she jumped out of bed. "What on earth is going on?"

"Listen, don't freak out, okay? I've been lying to you about something."

Isabella turned the lamp on with her magic. Ophelia pressed her mouth with her hands as she could feel her fangs starting to elongate.

"I- I'm actually a... v-v-vampire.

Seeing Ophelia in that state, Isabella jumped onto the bed. She took Ophelia's dagger that came flying through the air and pointed it at her. "Are you serious?"

"Yes! Is there any spell that can make me not want to drink blood?"

"How would I know if it doesn't exist?" Pure dread was written all over her face. She was slightly shivering.

Ophelia could not control herself for longer. She slowly stepped closer to Isabella, saying, "I'm sorry that I lied to you, but you have to help me somehow!"

"One step closer and you'll die," said Isabella as she held the dagger so tight that her knuckles became white.

Both of them were helpless. With a sigh, Ophelia dashed to Isabella. Before Isabella could run away, she was already bitten on the neck.

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