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A whistle sounded, announcing the beginning of the eight physical tests.

Test #1
50-meter dash

    While Makoto could have just transformed into a cheetah and won the race in less than a few seconds, she wanted to use her Earth Quirk instead. She wanted to be able to use both to their full ability at the same time.

    "Runners, on your marks. Ready—" a gunshot sounded for the race to start. Makoto was first along with Iida and a green haired girl that resembled a frog. Iida raced forward at an increasing speed. Makoto simply ran on the rocks as she used her Quirk to make them project her forward. The frog girl hopped forward.

    Iida ran across the line first receiving a score of 3.04 seconds.

    Iida Tenya, Quirk: Engine. His legs are equipped with pipes that increase his speed to high levels. This Quirk is apart of the Iida lineage and his older brother is a pro hero known as Ingenium.

Makoto passed the finish line second with a score of 4.05 seconds.

The green haired female finished last with a score of 5.58 seconds.

    Asui Tsuyu, Quirk: Frog. This Quirk is pretty self explanatory, Asui is given features of a frog including their long tongues. She thrives in the water.

After the trio went, duos raced from then on. Next was the brown haired female and a blond with a tail. Makoto stayed nearby, it was a good idea to figure out everyone's Quirks so she knew who she was dealing with.

"I'll lighten up my clothes. Oh, and my shoes, too!"

Uraraka Ochaco, Quirk: Zero Gravity. She can nullify the gravitational pull of any object she touches using the pads on her fingertips. To release the object she just touches her fingertips together and says 'Release'. Using her Quirk too much causes fatigue and nausea.

"Runners, get set—" another gunshot.

The blond with the tail crossed first with a score of 5.49 seconds.

Uraraka crossed soon after, receiving 7.15 seconds.

After those two there was another blond that had a belt of some sort and a pink haired and pink skinned girl who was barefoot.

"Nice attempts, mon amis*. But you're just not showing enough panache!"

"Runners, on your marks—"

"Let your powers shine!"

Aoyama Yuga, Quirk: Naval Laser. He can shoot a laser from his naval — or belly button — that can propel him or hurt enemies. If he uses it for more then a second, however, he gets intense stomach aches.

He ended up falling and having to restart his laser, so the pink haired girl won. Aoyama got a score of 5.51 seconds.

"Shooting my beautiful beam for more than one second hurts my tummy," the eccentric blond stated as he seemed to sparkle.

Next up was Midoriya and Bakugo. Makoto was unsure of Midoriya's Quirk, he seemed very average—plain, even. Bakugo had a form of explosion Quirk as evident by his softball throw.

"Runners, on your marks. Ready—"

"Burst speed!" Bakugo shouted as he used explosions created from his hands to propel himself forward. He barely even touched the ground.

Midoriya just ran, like he was competing in a junior high physical test.

Bakugo won with 4.13 seconds.

Bakugo Katsuki, Quirk: Explosion. Bakugo sweats nitroglycerin from his body and uses that to create explosions from his hands. When enough nitroglycerin is stored, a large scale explosion can be set off.

Midoriya crosses with a score of 7.02 seconds. The boy panted heavily, his hands on his knees. He was definitely the one being expelled in Makoto's eyes.

Test #2
Grip Strength

Makoto's Earth Quirk aided her in this test as well, she simply used some leaves and vines to weave rocks around the handle and the applied pressure helped increase her score. She ended up with about 200 kilograms.

"Wow! You hit 540 kilograms? You're such a beast!" Sero exclaimed to a boy with six arms. Of course he would be good at the grip test, not only did he have multiple arms, they were all fairly muscular.

"Yeah, like a muscle-y octopus!" a rather short boy with grape like structures on his head remarked.

Most of the other students seemed to have gotten fairly average scores, this was a hard test to manipulate with Quirks.

Test #3
Standing Long Jump

Aoyama, and many others, used their Quirks to scale the sand pit and reach the other side. Makoto was one of those students and just used vines in the area to grab her and take her to the other side.

The Midoriya boy just jumped without using his Quirk and landed about half way in the pit before falling backwards, it made Makoto wonder if he even had one in the first place.

Test #4
Repeated Side Steps

In this test, there was not much Makoto could do so she did the test as she normally would. Her score was average of a fifteen year old female.

The short boy with grapes on his head from earlier pulled off the grapes and formed balls of them that he just bounced off of. He went at a great speed and got the highest score for that test.

Test #5
Ball Throw

Bakugo had already completed this test from earlier, his 705.2 still proving to be impressive.

Uraraka was up next, and she used her Quirk to throw the ball so far the class couldn't see it anymore. She received the score of infinity as it would keep going until Uraraka released it.


"That's insane!"

"How's that possible?!"

Makoto wanted to scoff but didn't. They were acting like they've never seen a Quirk before. She can nullify the gravitational pull of anything, of course she would have gotten infinity.

Makoto was next, Midoriya coming after her. This was tricky, Makoto couldn't use the trees to her advantage because they only went so tall. In the end, Makoto decided to use the ground beneath her and it just extended upwards with her on it. She was now a significant height above the others. This way, it would take longer for the ball to hit the ground and she would receive a higher score.

She threw the ball with all her might and got a score of 348 meters, the height definitely helping.

She heard a couple noises of astonishment for seeing her Quirk but in reality it was nothing special. She would be useless in buildings or areas with non natural grounds.

As she walked off Midoriya passed her, getting ready to take his turn.

He seemed very focused and nervous, Makoto was worried for him but only slightly. She was not here to make friends.

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home," Iida said, his arms crossed.

"Huh? Of course he is. He's a Quirkless loser," Bakugo exclaimed. It confirmed Makoto's suspicions.

"He has a Quirk. Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?" Iida exclaimed, his arms uncrossing. Makoto and Bakugo were surprised at this.


Midoriya reached his hand back, his arm becoming encased in criss-cross red lines that seeped into his skin. He threw the ball only for the red shapes to disappear and the ball to go only a couple meters.

"Forty-six meters!"

Of course! Aizawa in Eraserhead!

Makoto, glad she had figured out which hero Aizawa was, smiled softly. Her studying had payed off. Quickly wiping the smile from her face, Makoto turned her attention to Izuku who was extremely confused.

"I erased your Quirk," Aizawa stated as his hair flew into the air and his scarf started to float around him.

"The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."

Midoriya rambled for a moment before exclaiming, "Those goggles. I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Erasure Hero: Eraserhead!"

The students seemed confused which made sense. Eraserhead was a strictly underground hero and disliked public attention. He's not very well known but he's incredibly powerful.

"You're not ready. You don't have control over you power. Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?"

"No! That's not what I was trying to do!" Aizawa used his scarf to pull Midoriya closer and started speaking to the green haired boy. Makoto, or anyone else for that matter, couldn't hear them.

"I returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry and get it over with."

"I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice," Iida said, he seemed worried for the boy.

"He probably told him to start packing," Bakugo remarked coldly.

"Hush, let the boy throw the ball," Makoto spoke up for the first time since the tests started. Bakugo and Iida turned towards her, as well as a few other students. It infuriated her when the powerful picked on the weak, she was determined that if Aizawa had erased his Quirk, it was powerful but had some sort of backlash. Something about bones breaking?

Midoriya started to ramble to himself as Aizawa used some eye drops. Makoto had a newfound confidence in the boy, if Iida was impressed she had reason to believe he was going to impress us all.

Midoriya looked down in thought before he looked up and extended his arm back. The criss-crossing pattern didn't appear on his arm but if you looked very closely you could see it appear onto his index finger.

"Smash!" Midoriya yelled as the ball was thrown into the air, wind circling around the area and surprising all of Class 1-A.

Midoriya's finger was now a purple shade as it was broken. However, the ball landed and he got a score of 705.3, 0.1 higher than Bakugo's.

Bakugo was the most blown away, and Makoto smirked slightly. Midoriya had proven her right, he was indeed powerful. He was just so average looking that almost everyone wrote him off immediately. Makoto was also guilty of that and she felt terrible, lesson learned to not underestimate people.

"Aizawa-sensei. You see? I'm still standing!"

"This kid. . !"

Makoto was satisfied, not only had Midoriya shown off his Quirk's amazing capabilities, he also beat Bakugo.

"He threw it over 700 meters!"

"Nice, he's finally showing us his true power!"

"But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. This Quirk is very odd."

"It wasn't a very pretty throw."

A few students talked about Midoriya's throw and how amazing it truly was. Bakugo appeared very confused, his eyes seeming to bulge out of his skull.

"I knew it," Makoto said, her lips staying in a thin line. Bakugo had underestimated Midoriya, just as she and the rest of the class had done. He had an incredible Quirk.

Bakugo's quirk started up as tiny explosions erupted in his hand, "Hey! Deku you bastard! Tell me how you did that, or you're dead!"

Midoriya screamed and Aizawa's scarf chased after the angry blond and trapped him within it.

"What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?"

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy. Stand down. It'd be wise to stop making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye."

Aizawa Shota, Quirk: Eraser. With this Quirk Class 1-A's homeroom teacher can erase the Quirk of anyone he looks at. The effect ends when he blinks. He gets really bad dry eye when used too much so he uses eye drops.

"You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up."

Midoriya returned to the group, side stepping Bakugo.

"Ouch, is your finger okay?"

"Sure. Fine!"

Bakugo growled and glared at Midoriya, he was so angry at the green haired boy.

The last few tests consisted of sit-ups, seated toe
-touch, and long distance run. Makoto has excelled at them, not only was she flexible, she was also very fit from her constant training. She barely used her Quirk in the last three tests.

Midoriya laid on the ground and panted, he seemed to still be in pain from his broken finger. Makoto stopped next to him and picked up his injured hand, his attention quickly turning to her as he jumped.

"Calm down, it's just a splint until you get to Recovery Girl," Makoto calmly said. She used stiff bark from a tree and some leaf like strands to tie his finger into a straight position.

"Oh, thank you Ieta! This is awesome! Your Quirk is really something," Midoriya said as he marveled at Makoto's Quirk.

She shrugged in response, "It's only as useful as it is because I train a lot. And call me Makoto, I don't like being called Ieta."

Midoriya nodded as he got up, Makoto following suit. Midoriya and Makoto both headed to the class as they crowded around Aizawa.

"Alright, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score."

With all the excitement, Makoto nearly forgot about the expulsion rule. She knew she wasn't last, in fact she was almost positive that she placed in the top ten, but she was worried more so for Midoriya.

Aizawa revealed the standings. Makoto placed third overall, beating Bakugo by a couple points. They were fairly matched in terms of combat and flexibility but nonetheless she was glad she beat him.

You may have beaten him but you still placed third. You failed to account for the students who got in by recommendations. Therefore, you failed. No dinner tonight, training will ensue until dawn!

Makoto's brief moment of victory was ripped away from her as she realized what her parents would think. First was Todoroki Shoto, followed by Yaoyorozou Momo from this morning. The emerald eyed girl now needed to know their Quirks and how the best way was to beat them. The voices won't stop until she's on top.

Midoriya had indeed gotten twenty-first place, in other words, last. Makoto was sad for the boy, he was going to be expelled.

"And I was lying, no one's going home. That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."

The class shrieked. Makoto severely doubted Aizawa's words. He seemed the type to expel anyone at anytime for any reason. Which means, he sees potential in Midoriya.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry. I guess I should have said something." Yaoyorozu spoke. She was one of the recommendations students. Makoto was not surprised in the least she came to that conclusion but Makoto believed Aizawa was going to expel someone in the beginning.

"That was pretty nerve-wracking, huh?"

"Nah, I'm always down for a challenge."

"That's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning."

Midoriya sighed in relief, "Midoriya. Take this and go have the old lady fix you up. Things are gonna be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared."

Makoto sighed and readied herself. The first day wasn't bad but she was going to be training very hard tonight, she had to be stronger, faster, better.

*mon amis -
Translates to 'my friends'. Technically it should be 'mes' amis (plural) as mon amis suggests Aoyama meant one friend (ami) but it was spelled 'amis'. This was take directly from the script so it's most likely just a translation error.

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