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    Makoto laid on his couch, glaring holes into the ceiling. What is he supposed to do now? Makoto had unknowingly thrown himself into an inescapable hole with way too many sharp rocks.

    The boy stood up and quickly changed from his work uniform. He threw on some sweats and laid in bed shirtless. Makoto didn't want to do anything but sleep so he did just that. Makoto fell asleep on his bed, not excited for what was to come.


    "Alright. That's it for class today. There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly right?"

    One week? Well shit.

    "Don't forget your keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck."

    Aizawa closed the door, leaving the twenty one students to themselves.

    "I've barely even taken notes for this semester!" Mina and Kaminari cried out. They were placed 20/21 and 21/21 respectively. Makoto sat at 6/21, not to bad.

    "With the sports festival and internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook!"

    "It's true that we haven't had very much free time as of lately." Tokoyami was 15/21.

    "Ashido! Kaminari! We still have time to study!" Midoriya was higher up, placing 4/21.

    "Yes! We'll get to go to the trading camp as a group!" Iida had placed 2/21, a very good score.

    "It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't it?" And dear old Shoto, 5/21. They were all in the top ten for midterms and did not have much to worry about.

    "I zone out all the time and still placed in the top ten, that's really something Kaminari." Makoto wasn't lying, she didn't pay attention to most of the class but she still secured 6/21.

    "Why you gotta cut me down like that? I'm not charging your phones anymore, jerks."

    "Hey, don't worry about it, you two. I can catch you up to speed on the important topics, if you want." And finally, Momo. Momo was first place as expected. The girl was more academically based that combat, she excelled in the classroom.

    Yao-momo planned a study session at her house, asking for any tea preferences. Makoto looked to Shoto who shrugged. They had studied together from time to time, Makoto had silently asked if they were going to go to Momo's.

    Shoto and Makoto headed to the cafeteria, the rest of Class 1-A following soon after. Shoto gave Makoto a bento as he went up to get food as per usual. This day, however, the two sat with the so called 'Deku Squad' which consisted of Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, and Midoriya.

    Makoto sat across from Shoto and she enjoyed her soba bento. It seemed to be Shoto's favorite to eat and make, the girl wasn't complaining. Midoriya and the rest conversed about the practical portion of the exam.

    "We can't just study we have to stay in great physical shape too."

    Midoriya was nailed in the head with an elbow.

    "Oh, sorry. Your heads so big it's hard to miss."

    Who's this?

    A blonde with grey eyes had bumped Midoriya's head. He seemed to have a glass of wine on his tray—maybe it was grape juice?

    Is he allowed to drink wine? He's the same age as us, right?

    "You're from Class 1-B! You're. . . Monoma, right? That really hurt-"

    "I heard you four stumbled across the Hero Killer. Just like in the sports festival, Class 1-A isn't happy unless they're the center of attention. But you do realize you're not in the spotlight because people think you're good heroes, right? It's just that you keep getting into so much trouble. Here's food for thought: someday the rest of us might get caught up in your mess, and we'll all become unwitting victims as well. What kind of horrible villains will bring down upon us? What demon-"

    "I'm going to stop you right there. Monoma, was it?" Makoto spoke up, surprising everyone except Shoto who was sitting with the girl, "You're not allowed to speak about us being in the spotlight until you've faced off against real villains. We don't want to be in the limelight, it's petrifying that we've had to counter villains, it's not something we particularly enjoy. So why don't you shut your trap, turn around, and let me finish my lunch in peace."

    As Makoto finished speaking, Monoma was nailed in the back of his head by a girl with reddish orange hair. He fell and the girl wordlessly caught his tray,

    "That's not funny, Monoma. You heard what happened to Iida, chill out."


    "I apologize for him. I'm pretty sure there's a joke where his heart is supposed to be. Mm so I was listening, you, with the black hair. Feel free to tell him off again if he annoys you all. I know you're all worried about what's going to be on the big final practical. I heard it's going to be combat against robots like the entrance exams."

    Kendo spoke more to the rest of the Deku Squad and Makoto tuned it out. Isn't that. . . too easy? The class has fought against really villains, it seems unlikely they would have us fight against some robots.


    "Alright!" Mina and Kaminari celebrated their victory about fighting the robots.

    "Are you two sure? Doesn't the robots seems too obvious? Or easy? We've been through a lot, surely the final won't be so simple."

    "Makoto's got a point, I doubt it'll be robots."

    So Shoto noticed it as well.

    Mina and Kaminari ignored the two and continued celebrating their small win. They were positive about passing at this point.


    The week had passed and it was crunch time. Makoto was training and studying; taking thirty minutes for both before switching. It proved effective and gave Makoto a break from the other while the ravenette stayed vigilant.

    Before Makoto knew it, the first day of the written portion was upon him. Makoto had worked hard, the ravenette couldn't t afford to fail. Makoto needed to place in the top ten- no, the top five to appease himself. He had been getting lazy; training had stopped being as intense or as often and he lacked proper studying techniques.

    If the ravenette didn't dnt place where he wanted to, there was a ruthless catch up plan in store. It would get him back to his old workout regimen but increased tenfold and he would study everyday. It's the only way to reach the top and close the gap between him and his fellow classmates.

    It also helped Makoto take his mind off of what he had to do after the finals.

    "Alright. Time's up. Pencils down."

    Makoto breathed a sigh of relief, she had answered everything and was confident with a good 95% of her answers. Studying had payed off but now it was time for the treacherous practical portion.


    "Now then, let's begin the last test. Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes."

    All of Class 1-A stood in the hero costumes, Aizawa and many other teachers standing in front of them. Makoto had discovered what the practical portion was, and it shook her to her bones.

    I'm not nearly strong enough to go against any of these pros. Is that Endeavor?!

    Makoto was correct in her observation, near the back stood Endeavor with a sickening grin on his face. He's not a teacher at UA, so it was surprising for most of the class that he was present.

    Students will be paired based on interpersonal relationships, grades, and fighting style among other factors. Makot sighed, they always seemed to forget the class wasn't separated evenly.

    The teams were announced, Shoto and Momo were a team as well as Midoriya and Bakugo.

    I don't have a team, does this mean I'm going alone? How the hell am I supposed to do this alone?!

    "Ieta! Don't think we forgot about you! You'll be facing off against Endeavor, solo. All the teachers are handicapped with weights on their arms and ankles to make it harder for them. Endeavor will be receiving twice the weights! It took much time to come to this conclusion but we believe you can do it."

    The principal spoke to Makoto, raising a hand? paw? into the air. The ravenette sighed as most of her class looked at her with pity.

    This is how I die.

    The rules were simple, either cuff the assigned teacher or escape through the exit. The battles would be thirty minutes each and the teachers would be receiving handicaps to give students an advantage.

    Makoto's battle was first, unfortunately. They decided it was best to get the only solo match out of the way. Makoto had no time to strategize or come up with a plan, unfortunately.

    Makoto stood at her entrance and took a deep breath, allowing her zone and static to encase her. Nobody knew about this as it wasn't visual but it helped keep Makoto grounded and focused.

    The time started and Makoto raced off, leaving marks in the ground of where she'd been. Makoto decided the best idea was to run; the ravenette could not win a battle against Endeavor under any circumstances.

    Makoto propelled herself in the air and created an armor like shape around her legs as she landed. The girl figured the flaming hero would be standing guard near the exit. Makoto manipulated the sand in her costume pockets and used it to create a sandstorm.

    The sandstorm followed her but hindered her in no way, it doubled as defense from the back and sides and was also a target. She wanted Endeavor to leave his spot and come find her, it would be the easiest way to slip past him.

    As Makoto continued her way to the exit she headed a noise and stopped. She looked up and saw Endeavor coming at her. Makoto turned the sandstorm and Endeavor landed directly in the middle. Endeavor activated his flames and turned the sand into glass, encasing him in a circular glass sculpture.

    Makoto ran for it, using her Quirk to push herself forward. Endeavor quickly broke down the glass from behind her and raced after her, throwing flamers her way.

    Makoto defended herself as much as she could until she was thrown forward and into a wall. She hit her stomach and head fairly hard, causing a ringing in her ears. Makoto shook it off as much as she could and created a dome around the flaming hero.

    Makoto wasn't able to form a dome around him while he was moving, so when he paused to look down at her it was the perfect moment.

    Makoto switched the rocks from the outside and moved them to the inside to make it harder to escape. The ravenette ran to the exit and almost made it before she was tossed to the side, her leg snapping as she landed wrong.

    The girl cried out in agony, that was going to leave a mark. Makoto quickly created a cast/splint type of shape around her leg to keep it still using the bark from nearby trees and rocks.

    Makoto stood on one foot and looked to Endeavor who seemed to be having way to much fun. The girl created another dome and made it twice as hard to get out of before hobbling to the exit, barely passing the exam.

    Wow, that sucked.

   Recovery Girl, who was on standby, healed Makoto and the girl was sent back to her apartment to rest. Makoto was unsure of who all passed the exam and how the rest of the battles went down but she had faith in her classmates.

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