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Important A/N: Past chapters have not been edited. Makoto's back story in this chapter is the real backstory, I need to go back and edit the chapters to fit this. I'll be doing that after this book is finished. Also the villain scene is a little different. It's summarized in a way because I picture Makoto in a daze so things are sort of hazy from his perspective.

Makoto started at the mountain in awe—not the good kind—and raced forward. She was not going to be able to scale this in three hours and she knew it. She was ahead of the class, Shoto and Bakugo on par with Makoto. The ravenette used her Earth Quirk and propelled herself forward while also being able to quickly take out the golems the Pussycat had made.

    Shoto used his ice primarily, using his fire every so often. Bakugo stuck with exploding things as that was his forte, the rest of the class using their Quirks in different ways to advance forward.

    The landscape around them became more wooded as they went, the trees seeming to close in on Class 1-A. Makoto was becoming tired, and quickly. The ravenette had been using her Quirk non stop for, at this point, three hours. The class had reached about 3/4 of the way there, there still being a considerable amount of mountain to climb.

    Another two hours passed and Makoto, among the other four that reached the top first with her, fell to the ground panting. The girl felt as though she couldn't breathe, she had been using both of her Quirks for five hours continuously.

    While Makoto attempted to catch her breath, the pussycat known as Pixie-Bob laid stale on five students. Makoto, Midoriya, Shoto, Iida, and Bakugo. Makoto shakily stood as Shoto helped her while also shielding his eyes from Pixie-Bob.

Shoto had primarily relied on his ice, only rarely using his fire to keep his body temperature normal and to avoid starting a forest fire. He wasn't nearly in as bad of shape as Makoto was, but he didn't quite know about her second Quirk.

    I'm telling him tonight. I have to. I'll tell everyone else. . . tomorrow. Yeah, after dinner.

     While Makoto leaned on Shoto for support—she had been using both her Quirks for five hours continuously—Midoriya and a young child named Kota 'bonded'. 'Bonded' is this case means a punch to where the sun doesn't shine. Makoto and Shoto grimaced, almost feeling the green haired boys pain.

Aizawa told the students to retrieve their belongings from the bus and put it in their rooms. After that came dinner and bathing and then straight to bed. The actual training started tomorrow.

The students, begrudgingly, complied and returned to the dining hall. A huge feast had been prepared for the students but it would be the first and only time. After that, the students were expected to cook for themselves.

Makoto, as well as the rest of the class, ate the food thankfully. The food was amazing and on par with the Lunch Hero: Lunch Rush's food which was served daily in the UA cafeteria. People like Kirishima and Kaminari shoved food into their mouths faster than the speed of light.

Before the students could go to the baths, Makoto grabbed Shoto's arm and pulled him aside to speak to him. Shoto stumbles behind the ravenette but kept up nonetheless.

"What's up Makoto?"

"Later, can you swing by my room? Or I'll come to yours? I. . . I need to tell you something."

Shoto nodded slightly, "I'll swing by after our baths so we both have time to get dressed and settle in."

"Thank you, Shoto."

The dual haired boy laid a hand on Makoto's head and ruffled her hair a little, "You're welcome, Raven. I have to go but I'll talk to you later."

Makoto nodded as Shoto removed his hand and walked towards the men's bathroom. Makoto sighed and followed suit but to the female bathroom.

Makoto wasn't really sure how she was supposed to attack this situation. Makoto needed a bath, badly, but she didn't want to get into the hot springs with all the other girls. The girl stood alone in the locker room, all the other girls were already in the hot spring, and found a shower in the corner.

Makoto took her own shower there and headed back to her room. The ravenette quickly dressed in clothes that would fit her male form, knowing she would have to change back to show Shoto.

This is it.

Makoto took a couple deep breaths, attempting to calm her nerves. She counted the tiles on the ceiling twice over and unfolded and folded her laundry several times until there was a light knock on her door.

Makoto opened it slightly to see Shoto, the ravenette letting him in quietly. The girl didn't say a word as they sat on her bed, side by side. Makoto took another deep breath and began,

"This isn't something I can just tell you, so it's better if I show you. This is what I was speaking about that night a while ago and on the bus here. I was going to tell everyone together but, I suddenly felt like I needed to tell you now."

Shoto nodded along, paying very close attention. His eyes bore into hers as Makoto stood. She turned and faced the door,

"Just, please don't hate me. Scream, cry, hit me, but nothing will hurt worse than you hating me. I'm still me just. . . different."

At this Makoto slowly released her female form, showing his true gender to Shoto. There was a sharp intake from the boy as his hair shortened and his body lengthened. Makoto turned and showed Shoto the now lanky 6'1" figure that filled the saggy clothes completely.

"Makoto. . ?"

"Let me explain before you say anything. My father had a Shapeshifting Quirk, my mother an Earth one. They had fallen in love and were encouraged by a family friend to have a child that would manifest both Quirks. So, they had me. They were disappointed I was male but when I manifested both Quirks—including my fathers—they nearly ordered me to act and look as a female for 90% of the time.

"During training they would make me go from female to male, to an elephant to an ant, the list goes on and on. It continued like this for years. Eventually, the public had found out that the 'Precious little Ieta angel' was actually male. My parents were able to keep it out of the media for the most part and then they died, a year later.

"After that, I decided that I would become a hero for them, as a female. I would prove to them that I could be the precious angel they wanted instead of the disgrace they had. I'm sorry for lying to you, and everyone for that matter. I wasn't intending to become close with the class or to care so deeply about anyone like I do you, Shoto. My intent was to get through UA with no connections to anybody and then become the hero my parents wanted. I apologize, I know it sounds like empty promises but I am so incredibly sorry Shoto."

As Makoto finished explaining, Shoto stared at him, the boy's eyes unreadable. His face became stoic and he simply stared at the ravenette.

"Please. . . say something. Yell, cry, scream, anything."

"I'm disappointed."

Makoto looked down and nodded as he turned slightly so his hair was covering his eyes. Shoto continued,

"I don't hate you, because I understand. However, you led me on, you praised me for ignoring my father's wishes, you treated me like a human. You were lying about something so simple for months."

"I know."

"The worst part? I liked- no- loved you."

Makoto's head shot up. His eyes filled with tears as the ravenette looked towards the dual haired boy who remained neutral.

"You don't understand, I love you too!"

"I loved female Makoto, not you."

Makoto's heart broke into a million pieces. The boy looked down as the tears rolled down his face. Todoroki stood from the bed and left silently, leaving the raven haired boy to weep by himself.

The boy shrunk into himself as he laid on his bed, in complete and utter despair.

This is what I get.


The next day, Makoto told the rest of the class in the morning. None of the students talked to him for the rest of the day, minus Midoriya. The girls, especially, did not want to speak with Makoto.

Makoto went through training as a boy, Aizawa being able to see what had happened. The teacher regretted telling the ravenette to confess but he knew it was for the best.

Makot trained, alone, sat, alone, did everything, alone. At the end of the day there was a courage contest. Makoto had half the mind to not participate but in the end it was mandatory.

Makoto was paired with Midoriya—requested by Aizawa—and Class 1-B was to try and scare them. Midoriya and Makoto spoke as little as possible, Midoriya feeling sympathy for the boy. After all, he too, held a large secret.

A purple ish gas started to seep through the trees. As the two continued on, they saw Kendo from Class 1-B passed out on the ground. Makoto quickly created a dome around the three as he put Kendo on his back.

The dome disappeared and the two raced down the path in an attempt to reach Aizawa before it was too late.

Before they could however, they were attacked by a villain with extending teeth. Midoriya ran off to protect Kota as Makoto fended for himself. While they fought, he ran into Shoto and Bakugo who refused to speak to the ravenette.

Villains have entered the training camp. You are authorized to use your Quirks in battle, except for Kacchan, the villains are looking for this individual.

Bakugo raged at this but used his Quirk anyways. The three met up with other students and they tried to fend off the villains before Bakugo disappeared.

"Makoto! Watch out!"

Before the ravenette knew it, he was trapped in a marble. Time flew quickly in the marble as the boy was swallowed by fear. He was released from the marble while him and Bakugo were pulled through a warp gate.

Shoto raced forward and reached a hand out. Makoto reached his out and stretched his fingers before Shigaraki's hands extended over his throat, causing the skin to erode away.


Makoto was pulled through the portal, leaving Class 1-A in shock and despair.

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