part 2 we're a team

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"N-no! Don't take him!" A kid was desperately trying to stop us from taking his pokemon. "Suck it up!" I say walking away with it. "C'mon, let's round up some more and return to base-" "I'M THE ONE INCHARGE HERE!" Mina Yelled at me. "Ok sorry..." I sigh. After a bit we steal a few more pokemon, drop them off at base and head back out. "I'm, just a suggestion. Maybe we should go for a bigger target, like a daycare?" Laura suggested. "Hmmm...good idea...for once..." She crossed her arms. Lyra looks a bit sad as I pat her shoulder a bit before we go to wreak havoc. "Hold on a second..." Mina said looking at a bush. A grimer slowly slid out. "Ugh, just a grimer, let's go..." She said. "Hold on, I'll catch it." Simon says. "Umm, I said we're leaving!" Simon made eye contact and threw the ball successfully catching it. He picked it up. "I'm not going to become stronger with just machop-" he was cut off by being slapped. "I. AM. INCHARGE."

"NO STOP!" We ignore nurse Joy and steal everything not bolted to the ground. Our pokemon helping. "FREEZE TEAM ROCke...t..." I looked over to see Conor and Samantha. I grin. "You guys take the stuff back to base...this one's personal..." machop and grimer come to my side. "I'm the superior. I'LL. deal with them.-" "NO!" He turned away. She looked shocked to say the least. But left with Lyra."machop, go!" He said as he got ready. they were shocked before Connor got ready.

Simon had taken them down with ease. "Now, I have some business to attend to..." He left the two confused trainers.

When he got back, mina was waiting outside. ' oh arceus ' he thought. "Hey you, come here." Simon walked up to her. "I'm not going to try and avoid it" he sighed. "You're the first person to ignore me and stand up to me.... Good job." Simon was a bit confused. "Your the first to do that. You got guts kid, I respect that" I was about to say something when I felt her kiss my cheek. "Cya around~" she went inside as simon was still super confused.

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