The Blob Looks Like a Tadpole?

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12. The Blob Is A Tadpole?


Nanami twitched, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Tomoe, She was pissed off alot right now and she had no idea what to say to this situation,

" Why do I hav to stay hidden!?" She snapped makig the white haired teen look at her slightly. Inari just shook his head weakly while Tomoe smikred and sighed out,

" Because miss Lady Himeiko is VERY protective of little children, shes not against humand and Yokai relationships.. BUT! She will lecture you and I.' he nodded slightly, " Plus she will inspect this WHOLE shrine, so you need to stay out of sight and to stay put." he nodded, " Because if this place is not safe she will take the baby to her palace so that the child can be raised ina safer envirement.' he nodded sharply.'

This made the girl wince slightly and bite her lip weakly,

She didn't want this woman taking her baby and she didnt' have anywhere to go really. She had to stay here but the thought of staying in a room alone was just plain annoying. She had to twitch although, He may of been harsh at times but right now it was more of a,

'I'm protetcing you even though you don't like it.' Thing. She had to sigh out weakly knowing fully well that he was right and she needed to think this through. She was pregnant after all and what made it worse was that it was a baby yokai, and she was already having problems.

She sighed out weakly and bit her lip slightly,

" Fine.. Fine.. I'll stay hidden and out of sight, but I swear if anything bad happens...'

Inari suddenly chuckled softly and shook his head,

" Sweetheart We've dealt with this woman for a loonnnggg time. We assure nothing to bad can happen when Miss Hmemiko is invovled, Shes not that bad after all.' he nodded softly while Tomoe rolled his eyes and sighed out slightly.

Its not like he wanted this baby anyway so why did he care if this woman stayed safe and protected? It wasn't his fault and yet it was, he got her pregnant that one night and when he left he didn' know if he would see her again..

Leaving in the middle of the night as she told him to be careful on the road... And when he got home his father gave him that, 'Ugh, you smell like perfume' Look. Tomoe sighed out weakly and shook his head, knowing full well that the night the baby was conceived he wasn't thinking.

He didn't even know why he went out with her, he used to flirt around alot and human women were no eception, but then again... He had always been carful... Expect this time which got the girl pregnant with his child. This was the biggest,

Oopsie! Moment he had ever had... It was more like he could go and walked up to Mikage and go,

" And by the way, I slept with someone tonight and now shes pregnant.'

Its not like he could do that without getting slapped! Mikage knew what he did and Tomoe was shocked he didn't get yelled at! he hadn't drank in a while since that happened, and when it did happen he had not been drinking at that time so he got drunk fast.. and boy did he get drunk.

Tomoe sighed out weakly while Nanami got up and left the room leaving him to shake his head slightly,

" Stubborn woman.' He huffed before Inari nodded slightly and paused, he looked at Tomoe slightly and arched his brow weakly,

" Vodka and Icecream?'

" S-SHUT UP!' Tomoe suddenly snapped as his face burned weakly, gosh! He didn' want to talk or think about that! And ice cream did not go with vodka at all, he had to say that one statement... But then again it did cause this mess.... kind of.

Tomoe sighed out as Inari snickered slightly and shook his head weakly, He then paused when Mikage came running in, looking like he was slightly dancing and whining at the same time.

" I-Inari.. The toliet lid won't come up!" he whined out while Tomoe blinked but snickered slightly as he shrugged and sighe dout,

" Oh you mean the baby locks I put on the lids? Oh yeahhh..' he smirked slightly leaving Mikage to send him a ,You suck!' look.' Inari then sighed out weakly and got up as he shook his head slightly,

" Fine! Fine..' he sighed out wealy and went to help him.. Oi...

What next?


Tomoe whined out and gaged while Inari shook his head slightly and sighed out a bit,

" I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT TEA WORKED!?" Tome snapped at him and wiped his mout, his hands shaking from agony and leaving Inari to arch his brow and sigh out weakly,

"Its supposed too.." he muttered leaving Tomoe to glare darkly at him. He sighed out weakly and leaned his head on the wall beside him before Mikage shook his head weakly and sighed out,

" Last time I saw you with your head in a toliet was when-

" I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THAT UP!" Tomoe snapped and huffed while Inari snorted slightly.

" It was funn-

" SHUT UP!" He snapped and whined out as he breathed and flushed slightly. He sighed out and stood up before ikage sighed out weakly and bit his lip slightly,

" I don't know how you got the toleit lid up so fast when it took me twenty minutes.." The god trailed off making Tomoe roll his eyes and huff slightly.

" Because you idiot... I'm smarter.. Plus I installed it and I know how to open it.' He muttered matter of factly as he washed his hands and then spalshed water on his face. Mikage then nodded and sighed out weakly... That made sense.. he had to admit.' Inari on the other hand sighed out weakly and shook his head,

" So you have the corner gaurds on, The cabnit locks.. and bathroom locks the shower grips.." He paused slightly and bit his lip, " Have you and Nanami planned a mid wife yet?" Inari arched his brow slightly making Tomoe to pause and blink.

" A what?" he muttered and looked at Inari confused. What the crap was a mid wife? He was already technolly married to this pregnant girl in the yokai world so what else did this man want him to do!?

Inari, then seeing the confused and almost panicked look on Tomoe's face laughed slightly.

" Idiot..' he chuckled slightly and then sighed out slightly, " A mid wife is a women that helps the baby be born.' he nodded as Tomoe blinked and paused.... Why did Nanami need help to birth a baby? It coudln't be that hard right? ( Wrong. -_- )

" Why?" he muttered slightly while Inari laughed slightly,

" One, First baby.' he muttered, " Two, Shes a seventeen year old pregnant girl.' he sighed out weakly, " Shes gonna want a mid wife to help her. It might held since shes in a house with a unch of men." he nodded leaving Tomoe to blink and then sigh out weakly.

" Why must I do it!?" he huffed sightly as Inari laughed and held up his hads slightly,

" Relax youself.. I can get the mid wife.. and don't forget the birthing classes for later on in the pregnancy.. and when shes eight months she has to get checked again for an ultrasound.' Inari nodded slightly, " You guys are around what? Five weeks.... So your baby looks like a tadpole right now.'

This made Tomoe twitched and slightly glare but gawk at the same time,

" A tadpole......The blob is now a tadpole.." he muttered weakly as Mikage laughed slightly. Tomoe sent him a glare.

" S-Shut up! I'm new to this.' he huffed slightly and looked away slightly, his eyes narrowed and annoyed. He didn't know about this at all, this whole baby thing was putting him on edge and making him huff slightly.. plus the morning sickess he was dealing with almost seemed worse then Nanami's.

Which she probably found histerical.

Tomoe groaned weakly and leaned his head on the glass mirror in front of him, what had he gotten himself into? He was never going to drink with a woman again.....

Espeically not with Nanami Momozono...


They were asleep..... or at least Nanami was....

And Tomoe was slightly staring at the roof, his eyes fixed on the fixtures of the roof. He slightly turned his head and looked at Nanami, his eyes danced around her and on her.. He coudln't sleep sadly.. Why he didn't know, maybe it was his stomach again.

The fo sighed out weakly and laid there, his head hurt and he didn't know what to do at all. He was hot now and he was shocked by this... He NEVER got this hot before and his room was downstairs!

He winced and swallowed as he rubbedher his neck with his sleeve, He didn't know what to say or do and now his head hurt alot due to the lack of air. This left him whining as he sat there and slightly looked at Nanami.

He paused and sighed out, He was shocked she wasn't panting for air yet... It was so hooottttt... Tomoe groaned weakly and sighed out as he tried to lay down, but when he did his back hit something large to his shock.

He blinked and slightly reached behind his back, his long pale fingers brushed against pages and he sighed out, knowing full well that Nanami fell asleep reading once again... The fox squirmed and pulled the book out before looking at the cover.

" What to expect when your expecting.. Yokai edition." Tomoe muttered and read out slightly. He arched his brow at how thick the book was and blinked from how heavy it was. He was surprised that she didn't throw her back or arms out with this book! He swallowed slightly and flipped the book open before sighing out and sitting his back against the wall.

He turned his side lamp on and adujsted slightly before starting to read- Sadly! He regretted it! He was shcoked by a lot of things in this book but what shocked him more was that pregnany was scary! Screw blood and anything else this was flipping crazy!! He yelped and slightly closed the book before slightly looking at Nanami.

" This doesn't mean I respect you.." he muttered weakly as his ears flopped weakly from fatigue. He sighed out weakly and then paused when he saw the covers.. She was alseep.. so she wouldn't know..

He paused and lifted the covers before looking at her stomach and lifting her shirt up slightly, he looked at her stomach and noticed the small stretch that it had but it was still flat... He sighed out weakly and looked at it weakly,

It looked flat to his shock but he noticed if you went down slightly... Her stomach was stretching around the leg area.. Which meant that the blob really was a tadpole right now. He blinked slightly in shock and paused before Nanami grabbed the hand that was on her stomach..

He froze up, his heart nearly stopping in his chest. He swallowed dryly as his hair shifted and stayed in his eyes before he looked up slightly, his heart pounding as his violet eyes met Nanami's bright brown ones..

He paused slightly as she looked at him, her face red and slightly shocked before she got his hand and slipped it up to the middle of her stomach. He froze up as his face flushed as she pressed his fingers to her soft skinned stomach...

His heart was pounding as she swallowed softly,

" It won't be kicked for a while... But its there." She whispered softly and it made Tomoe to shiver and swallow. He blushed slightly and bit his lip before she slightly sat up and causiously touched his cheek. Tomoe on the other hand backed up; his face twitsted with embarrassment and shock.. Then to his shock she got his head and pulled it down.

He blushed but blinked when he noticed that she let his listen to her stomach slightly, he paused and then closed his eyes softly as he then relaxed and leaned his head agaisnt her stomach.. his heart beat calming down slightly... He wished he could hear the baby now...

He wished he could..'

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