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When I got back to my apartment, I flopped on the bed, thinking about what Daisy had said. I needed to mull it over, but I couldn't bring myself to. I got up, walked towards the painting and took it carefully off the wall. My money stood waiting for me and it's smooth, inky feeling was reassuring. I took deep breaths and picked through the bundles.

I still had the same amount of money as I'd expected. I don't know why I was surprised. I guess it just seemed like Daisy knowing had pried something from my grasp. But it didn't feel all bad.

It felt a little bad, but it was a little bit of a relief too. I arranged it neatly like a normal person would rearrange their pots and pans, I guess. I closed my eyes and pulled some of it out towards me.

Not enough to be suspicious if I was caught with it, but enough that it would help pay the bills. I didn't know if what I wanted to do would work. It was about time I got rid of it...

The world started to spin and my head buzzed. I sat down, hard. I heard a knock at the door. What time was it? How long had I spent at the library?

Theo shouldn't have been home yet. I gasped, the old habit overtaking me, so I stood up, shoved the money back into its cubby and hid it before I even recognized what I was doing.

I crossed our tiny apartment in a few seconds and opened the door. Theo stood there, smiling. He had the same bag of leftover McDonalds from his day again. How long had I really been at the library?

He noticed my face. "Rose? Are you okay?"

"I don't feel good," I said, moving down to the bed where I could sit down.

He closed the door, putting the food on the table. "Rose? What's wrong?"

His arms were are around me in a second. I leaned back into him, and in a moment I needed to confess. If it hadn't felt so bad when Daisy figured it out, I could certainly tell him.


The dizziness hit me again so I thought I was going to pass out. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. He would hate me, and then I'd lose everything. I clutched at him.

"-feel like I'm going to pass out."

He put his cheek against my forehead.

"You don't have a fever." He whispered, but I was already feeling better since I decided I wouldn't tell him. I just leaned against him.

I looked at the clock next to the bed. It was 5:15. He wasn't early in coming home. I must've spent a lot longer at the library than I'd thought. The lines forming the numbers jumped around for a few more minutes until Theo's phone rang.

I saw him reach for it, and I snuggled into him.

"I don't have to take it if you don't want me to."

"No," I said, "take it."

He nodded, holding it up to his ear.

"Hey, Leah," then he listened for a little bit. "I don't know if I can. Rose isn't feeling good and-"

"I feel better now," I said. It was true.

"Hold on," he said, then looked down at me. "Are you sure you feel better?"

"Yeah," I said, looking up at his eyes, and for a moment, everything was exactly like it used to be.

"I had plans to go out with Leah as congratulations on her engagement. I don't have to go if you-"

"I have plans tonight too. Go."

"Who do you have plans with?"

"Daisy's taking me out," I said, snuggling into his lap.

"That's nice of her. Are you sure you're okay to be alone right now?"


He nodded. "She's better. I guess I can go."

I closed my eyes and heard the phone thump down on the table.

"Do you want dinner?"

I looked up. "Sure."


Theo'd left almost as soon as we'd finished eating and I'd spent the rest of the time waiting for Daisy. A quick rap on the door led to me springing up and admitting her flushed face.

"Its lots of stairs to get up here."

I smiled. "Good evening."

Daisy looked around the apartment, seeming as though she was surprised by it. "You've got a nice place," she said.

"Thanks," I said. "You sound surprised."

"Oh. I don't know. I guess I just kind of expected there to be..."

"To be what?"

"Well, you compulsively steal money so..."

My tongue felt looser than it had ever felt in a long time. "See that painting over there?"

She walked over to it. "It's pretty."

"I guess."

I didn't say anything else about it. She didn't guess, but she still looked at me strangely.

"What about it?"

I bit my lip. I didn't want to give myself away so completely. "I just wondered if you'd noticed anything about it."

She stared at it. She felt around the wall. Then, her hands were around the frame and my chest felt tight. She pulled it effortlessly off the wall and I sat roughly on the bed.

"I don't spend it," I muttered, earning a curious glance.

"Have you ever tried?"

"Yes. Can you put the picture back over it? Please?"

She seemed conflicted, but she did. "Are you ready to go, Rosella?"

I stood up. "I guess so. What are you taking me to see?"

She smiled slyly. "You'll see in just a moment."

And then she was practically pushing me out the door.

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