Chapter 2 - Hide and Seek

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Sean's POV

"SEAN! YOU'RE LATE!" A short, fat man shouted once I walked in the door. The sour smell of coffee filled my nose and the sound of meaningless conversation hung in the air like fog.

"I'm sorry, sir! My mom-" I quickly grabbed my apron.


"I am so, so sorry!" My voice squeaked. He clutched my apron and yanked it off my head before I could tie a knot behind my back.

"YOU'RE FIRED!" He leaned into my face, his spit sprinkling my chin.

"I-I need this job! I need to support my mom!" Tears pricked my eyes.

"You are just paying for her alcohol!" He retorted. Several tears streamed silently down my cheeks as I turned and ran out the door.

I hopped in my car and slammed the door shut. I didn't even buckle myself in before I sped down the road.

"Fucking coffee shop, they don't understand..." I mumbled angrily and sadly to myself. "I hate my life. I just want it to fucking end."

Just as I said that, the world slowed down. The car in front of me stopped and I slammed on my brakes. The car behind me swerved, and hit the back bumper of my car. The world was spinning. Spinning. Spinning. A loud crash sounded as my car hit a billboard on the side of the road. I jolted forward, my head slamming against the glass of the front window. My ears rung, and my head was reeling.


I was still alive, I could live a new life.


Change my name, change my appearance.


Leave the old shitty life that I was living. All I had to do was die, and I could live again.

I jumped out of my car and sprinted away. Another crash sounded then a terrifying roar. Another car had swerved off the street, and the collision exploded into a flume of fire. I turned and continued running.

Endless running.


Mark's POV

It had been about a month since the dreams, and I hadn't found Sean. I tiredly walked into the coffee shop around the corner.

"Hey, just give me a black coffee." I rubbed my face with my hand, not bothering to look at the man taking my order.

"Of course. Sir, is something bothering you?" They asked. I looked up to see the blonde haired man from my dream. I looked at his name tag. Felix.

"Do you know anybody named Sean William McLoughlin?" I asked out of nowhere. His blue eyes went from bright and happy to cold and sad.

"I did. He used to work here." He turned to start making my coffee. "But he passed away in a car wreck a little over a month ago." He put a lid on my coffee. "Here you are, sir." I grabbed the warm cup, my heart breaking.

"Does he have any family?" I asked hopelessly.

"His dad passed away a few years ago, and his mom became an alcoholic. Haven't heard from her since Sean's death, though. He also had a few siblings, but after their dad died they left home and never came back." He leaned over the counter, "Hey, why do you want to know all of this about Sean?" Felix asked sceptically.

"Uh, no reason." I licked my lips. He raised an eyebrow. "It's kind of personal." He continued staring at me, waiting for an answer. "I had a dream about him, okay? I want to know what it meant, so I needed to find him." Felix stood straight up.

"I can tell you where his grave is." Felix pulled out his phone.

"I don't know it it'll help just staring at his body." I said sadly.

"They never found the body." Felix found a webpage on his phone. I whipped my head up to look at him. "He was presumed dead. His car exploded, so they figured there was no body left." He showed me an address. "Here's the cemetery, his should be near the back."

"Thank you so much! And, I'm sorry for your loss." I looked at him.

"It's alright. Wreck wasn't his fault. I'm just... Hurt, that my friend was the only one that didn't survive the crash." He sniffed. "You should go. I'll get in trouble if I keep talking to you." He shooed me away. I ran out the glass doors.


I parked in front of the funeral home. I walked up to the tall, black gates, and pushed them open. I walked around, looking at the headstones with freshly placed flowers in the dirt.

I arrived at a small headstone. I leaned down to read what it said.

Sean William McLoughlin
February 7th, 1990 - April 28th, 2016

"That's just a day before I had the dreams..." I whispered to myself.

"What are you doing here?" A voice interrupted me. I jumped up to face them. A slightly unfamiliar face greeted be, but I recognized the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Are you Sean?" I asked.

"No." He hissed, looking at the grave in disgust. He had bright green hair barely poking out from under a grey beanie, and black framed glasses perched on his nose. A blue sweater hung loosely on him.

"Did you know Sean?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know? I didn't even know you!" He asked angrily, then quickly shut his mouth. I looked him up and down, then asked him again.

"Are you Sean?" I asked quietly.

"Used to be. Why do you want to know?" He groaned.

"It's really weird." I scratched the back of my neck.

"JUST TELL ME!" He shouted.

"Okay!" I stepped backwards. "I had 3 dreams, and you were in them-"

"Creepy." He interrupted me.

"And only 3 things were the same in each dream. There was a blonde haired man, which believe is Felix," He stood up straight as if he was really listening. "You and I were in love," Then he backed away. "And we both died." I finished.

"What's so special about these dreams?" He scoffed.

"Your full name was never mentioned, and I still know your name. You and I had never met before, but you were there. And I had these dreams the day after the car wreck." I told him honestly.

"I'm not Sean anymore." He looked away.

"Who are you then?" I asked.

"I'm Jack." He stated simply.

"Jack who?" I pressed on.

"Just Jack." He sighed.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. He just looked up at me, turned around, and walked away.


I'm bored and I should be doing other things but YAY WATTPAD!!!

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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