Simply Irresistable

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The filming of the Oh! Mv made her crazy. Especially the scene were Jessica sang and everybody touched her (or pretended to touch her). Taeyeon could almost touch her leg but decided against it. She didn't want to think about what could've happened if she did ( it would've involved raping her while they were still filming)

But after the filming when they were all home and she entered the bathroom and saw Jessica clad in a mini (extra tight) shorts and a loose t-shirt, she wanted to touch those legs so badly. She wondered how they would feel under her fingers. So soft, so smooth, she imagined squeezing it until she heard a soft moan.


It was then Taeyeon realized she unconsciously walked to Jessica and was rubbing and squeezing her right inner thigh.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Sica!"

She was about to withdraw her hand but something stopped her. When she looked down she saw Jessica's hand holding her wrist.

"D-don't stop please."

Taeyeon's mind went blank. Here she was in the bathroom with one of the hottest girl of the planet and the said girl was asking/begging her to keep touching her thighs. Was she going to refuse? Oh hell no.

"O-okay, I won't s-stop then" she stuttered.

Jessica released her wrist and she slowly started rubbing again. She skin was indeed so soft and smooth. Taeyeon thought she might give up her butt fetish for a leg/thigh fetish.

"Higher, Taengoo, higher please." Jessica moaned out. Taeyeon flushed bright red when she started rubbing higher up Jessica's thigh. She was so close to her warmth...

Two cold hands cupped her face and she looked up in Jessica's eyes. She slowly closed her eyes when Jessica leaned forward and pushed her lips against hers. She wanted to taste more of Jessica so she licked against her lips, her tongue was quickly granted entry. While they were tongue-wrestling Taeyeon didn't notice she were she was rubbing until Jessica broke the kiss to squeel out.

"Ah, Taengoo!"

Taeyeon looked down and saw that her hand had unconsciously arched up and was now actually rubbing Jessica's warmth through her shorts.

"Do you like that Sica?" She asked while tracing one finger up and down.

"Y-yes! More, I want more!"

Taeyeon crashed their lips together again and started sliding one of her fingers slowly up and down. She was being a tease and she knew it (felt it when nails dug into her shoulder)

She could feel Jessica's wetness through the shorts, she stopped rubbing and pulled the shorts down and Jessica's shirt over her head. She started sucking on her neck, occasionally biting while she snapped of Jessica's bra. Jessica leaned against the sink and threw her head back while squeeling in pleasure, also giving Taeyeon better access.

Taeyeon took a step back admiring Jessica's body. It wasn't the first time she saw it (hell she peeked enough to be called a creep but hey what could she say? They gave her the nickname ByunTaeng for a reason) but it was the first time she saw it without stuff (shampoo etc.) being thrown at her.

She could squeeze it, touch it, feel it now, while enjoying how Jessica moaned out her name. Taeyeon couldn't help but grin (in a dorky way) when she put her hands on Jessica's breasts.


the way that came out sounded like an old man and Jessica was starting to get annoyed, her core was aching and here Taeyeon was staring and touching(not enough to give her pleasure) her breasts. Taeyeon's grin grew wider when she noticed Jessica's annoyed yet flushed face. She gave her a peck on the lips and moved her head to a nipple and flicked her tongue against it. Surprised by the sudden change Jessica squeeled out when she felt something wet against her nipple. Seeing this as encouragement Taeyeon licked it again, 1 time, 2 times, 3 times and then suckling on it.

Not wanting to abandon the other breast Taeyeon started squeezing it and occasionally giving the nipple a pinch. She liked the way Jessica arched up and screamed when she bit down on the nipple.

"T-Taeyeon! I need you! I need you there!"

"Where do you need me Sica? Say it."

"I need you inside me, please!"

Taeyeon stood up, gave Jessica a long kiss and then whispered.

"Even though we're busy with the Oh! Album, I'm still genie for your wish."

She ripped off Jessica's panties (even though Jessica didn't protest she could hear her whine "Taengoo that was my favourite!" clearly in her head) and slid one finger inside Jessica's soaking core., a steady and slow rhythm. Nails dug into her shoulder deeper.

"More! Taeyeon I want more!" Taeyeon ignored the plea and continued her slow pace.

"Now! I want it right now, N.O.W!"

Taeyeon giggled at this and put in a second finger also speeding up the pace.

"Like this Sergeant Sica?"

Jessica was too far gone to notice the nickname.

"Y-yes, like that!" She started bucking her hips to whenever Taeyeon drove her fingers in. Taeyeon could feel her tighten around her fingers so she pushed in the third one.

"Hngg, Ah! Taeyeon!"

Jessica's sight became blurry as pleasure overtook her.

"Taengoo, It's too much, I'm going to...Ah!"

As she came Taeyeon drove her fingers in her harder and faster while with the other arm holding onto Jessica who almost collapsed as she trembled. Taeyeon slowed down her fingers and was now only stroking the insides of her thigh. They both were breathing heavily when Taeyeon withdrew her fingers.

"I'm going to sleep, I'm really tired." Jessica croaked out.

"Don't you want to shower?"

"No, it's okay, I'll shower in the morning."

"Ah, okay."

With that Jessica left the bathroom but bumped into Tiffany in the hallway who was grinning at her.

"Had fun?" She asked.

"Yeah." Jessica answered with a smirk now dawning on her face.

"Taeyeon's good isn't she?"

"Yeah she is."

Tiffany leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"I'm better."

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