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Eliot couldn't believe his luck, before he got on the plane they had hoped they would get to sit next to Heather but after taking his seat and watching Heather go to the other side of the plane and bribe a student for their seat just so Heather can sit next to Betty, Eliot didn't mind anymore. His luck only got better when Peter had walked towards him and had said something but because Eliot wasn't paying attention they didn't know what it was but Eliot guessed it had something to do with them being seatmates because Peter had taken his spot beside Eliot.

They haven't even taken off yet and Eliot was already having a good time, Eliot gives Peter an awkward smile which the boy returns before Eliot rises slightly and grabs his phone from his pocket. I'm sitting next to Peter, what is my luck? Eliot texted MJ tilting their phone to be sure that Peter wasn't looking. It's clear you got good luck, I got stuck with fucking Brad Davis smh Eliot put a hand over his mouth to smother that escaped but Peter had noticed the movement. "Something funny?" Peter mouthed to Eliot, Eliot pressed their lips together before shaking their head and turning back towards their phone to send a text to Jia and Elijah before putting their phone in their pants since they were getting ready to take off.

Eliot sighs and looks out the window as they start to depart the runway, he can feel his phone vibrate but he ignores it in favor of looking outside as they grip onto the armrests. As they slow into a steady pace Eliot realizes he feels a warm hand on top of his. They glance to their right to see Peter's hand covering his but it seemed that Peter noticed because he sent an apologetic look to Eliot after yanking it back. Eliot puts on a fake smile for Peter and doesn't let it show how much he already missed the warmth.

The light above their head went on so Eliot unbuckled for more comfort, they grabbed their phone from their pocket and ignored the texts from MJ, and went for the one from Jia, since Eliot texted her she sent twos texts one of them was a photo of Chad which Eliot can't help but smile at. Suddenly Eliot gets an idea, he lets out a breath before poking Peter lightly just enough pressure to get his attention. "What's up?" Peter sloppily signs but Eliot understands. "Want to see my cat?" Eliot signs and says, he doesn't know how loud he's speaking but considering Peter didn't immediately stop him Eliot figures that it was an alright volume.

Peter quickly nods and looks towards Eliot's phone that they're holding, Peter is so close that Eliot can feel Peter's breath against his cheek but they don't comment, they turn their phone slightly so Peter can see Chad, Peter puts his hands on his chest dramatically and awhs. "He's so cute." Peter turns towards Eliot so they can read his lips. Eliot smiles and nods before exiting out of the app and clicking onto the photos app, Eliot presses their lips together as they click on the folder titled Chad. "You know, it's funny. I had overheard you and MJ talking about someone named Chad." Peter gulps and looks away in embarrassment before turning back towards Eliot so they can read Peter's lips. "I had asked MJ if Chad was your boyfriend." Eliot let out a loud laugh, when they noticed people staring he put his hand over his mouth quickly to hide the laugh. "Don't laugh!" Peter playfully shoved them but Eliot shook his head fondly.

"I never actually got an answer from MJ now that I think about it, she just walked off laughing at me." Peter had said once the two of them stopped laughing. Eliot rolls their eyes as they open their mouth to start speaking. "I was 9 okay, I had a crush on a boy named Chad so I liked the name." Eliot signed as they talked, when he trailed off he smiled when he noticed how focused Peter was watching Eliot sign and talk. "I understand, it's a good name." Peter smiles before pushing a strand of hair behind his ear.

Eliot nods with a smile before turning back towards the window, they rub their eyes and shuffle down. They try to fight the sleep but their eyes slowly dip closed.

When Eliot opens his eyes they smack their lips to get the dry taste out of their mouth, they start to wiggle into a sitting position when they feel a weight on their shoulder. Looking to their right they see Peter asleep on Eliot's shoulder. Eliot smiles and shuffles back down to go back to sleep when the urge to pee creeps upon them. They enterally groan before carefully slipping away from Peter, they cringe when Peter moves and flops his head to the other side instead.

Letting out a breath Eliot carefully slips past Peter's sleeping form and makes his way towards the bathroom, they knock on the door even though it says available before opening it and locking it behind them. They quickly pee before turning on the sink and washing their hands, they look around before shaking their hands off haphazardly. Eliot chuckles as he thinks of what would happen if Jia could see him. Eliot turns towards the door and opens it before closing it quickly as they come face to face with Peter.

Eliot's heart races as they turn back towards the watery mess that was all over the bathroom sink, they grab a paper towel and wipes the sink quickly. He stares at the toilet before grabbing more and giving the toilet the same treatment he gave the sink. They didn't care if it was weird, the last thing Eliot wants to do is give Peter the impression that he's gross.


Wow, Part 1 of Simply The Best is already over.
I can't believe it.

Fun Fact: The cat thing was an idea that I had while talking to Mads so thank them for that.

Remember, Simply The Best will return for Part 2 either when another story goes on Hold or another story finishes.

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