Request and Tage page

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What I need:

If your submitting your Warrior cat or Wolf or Raccoon Oc:

Last name(Ussualy the clan or pack it's in)
Detailed Description: Be descriptive! If you say a brown tabby make sure to tell me if it's light, normal, or dark brown you want on your cat! If you say,"Has white patches or splotches of fur" Do you want them in specific areas? Make sure to put those details.
Age:(Kit/Pup or Adult or elder)
Traits wanted:(if you don't know the traits just give me the oc's personality so I can best fit the traits. If you do then give me the 3)

What I mean by Traits: for example:
Affectionate- These cats really love their Two legs and will try to stick close to them(Ussualy used for Kittypets)
Or for a warrior

Territorial- These cats are fairly protective of their territory and will be aggressive to anyone new they meet.

Maybe your oc is rude and dosent like helping others. Maybe they are loners that like to sleep they can have the

Lazy- These cats really enjoy their cat naps. They are less likely to jump from place to place because it's to much effort. Sleep more often.

If you want a human oc:

Last name:
Very Detailed Description:
Clothing preference:(aka fancy or hip or normal jeans. Or maybe a curtain color)
Traits wanted or personality Description: if you know the traits then I need 3

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro