Week Five: Nominations

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The Superior Five are rejoicing after Madison's Head of Household win, with Beau saying it is the perfect time to eliminate Jared, the leader of the already weakened Alpha Pack. Cornelia also advises Madison to evict Jared, but to put up a pawn against him from the same alliance. Madison is too ecstatic to think.

Thornton observes Agnes feels like she is in trouble this week, but Thornton assures Agnes that he spoke with the Superiors and he is for sure safe with them, and Agnes should be too. Agnes says that is all right, before going back to another room to sulk.

Jared, Christopher, Xander, and Hank are all bitter about Madison winning Head of Household. Jared is very frustrated with the entire alliance, and wants them all evicted. Meanwhile, Christopher and Xander stick to their earlier deal if two of their alliance is on the block they will not vote each other out. Christopher doesn't want another Jamie situation. Jared and Hank's relationship starts to grow even stronger while playing pool together.

Madison talks with Molly about nominations. Molly advises to put up Christopher or Xander as opposed to Hank, and not to put up Agnes for nomination because she is not after the Superior Five. Madison agrees with Molly and thanks her for the advice. Madison tells the audience that she is scared about her next move, and she's afraid that she will be targeted.

Thornton approaches Madison and asks her who she is targeting. Madison tells Thornton what he wants to hear and says that her alliance is targeting Jared, and needs to put up a pawn from that alliance as well. Thornton is grateful that Agnes is not targeted by the Superiors anymore, and says that Madison should nominate the houseguest that is less of a threat in that alliance. Madison thanks Thornton for his advice and heads off to make her nominations.

Madison begins the nomination ceremony and nominates Jared and Christopher. Madison says that her alliance has been trying to get Jared out for the past five weeks and Christopher is a pawn so that Jared will surely go home. Jared is fuming by the time Madison ends the nomination ceremony.

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