Week One: POV Competition + Ceremony

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Madison breaks down in tears when seeing her nominated face on the memory wall, and receives hugs from Christopher and Monika. Monika fears about Madison's mental stability in the game, and Monika warns Madison to not lose focus in the Power of Veto.

Meanwhile, Jared asks Cornelia in another room who her main target out of Monika and Madison are. Cornelia responds with a lie stating that Monika is her target, because she is the smarter one of the two and most of the house agrees that Madison is the weakest player in the game. Jared states he wants to suck up to Cornelia during the rest of her Head of Household reign in a confessional and invites Cornelia to become an affiliate of the Alpha Five alliance, to control the majority. Cornelia willingly accepts.

Later, Blair calls an alliance meeting with Hank, Jared, Christopher, Xander, and Jamie, who came along with Christopher in one of the bedrooms. Jared, Xander, and Blair all agree that Cornelia should be in the good graces of the alliance because she is the Head of Household and she can be used as a number going forward; an idea unto which nobody objects to. Also, Gobias assures Molly and Beau, his "Old People" alliance that he is friends with Cornelia and Beau and Molly are probably safe going forward, much to the relief of Molly. Beau exclaims he is glad he came up with the alliance name.

Soon, the houseguests pick players for the Power of Veto competition, and those houseguests join Cornelia, Madison, and Monika. Cornelia draws Hank, Madison draws Leighton, and Monika draws Beau. The six houseguests compete in the first Power of Veto competition of the season, and Leighton overpowers the rest of the houseguests and wins the first Power of Veto.

Madison and Monika have a conversation with Leighton and Madison tells him about Cornelia's backdoor plan to evict Jared. Leighton thinks that Cornelia is playing a very sneaky, deceptive game, but at the same time, all three of them are a team for the Beach Battles twist and Leighton would not like to see any of them go home. Cornelia comes into the room conveniently and pleads to Leighton to use the veto. Leighton says he plans to use it but advises Cornelia not to nominate Jared and make a big move this early in the game. Cornelia tells Leighton she will think about it. Monika and Madison leave the room, thanking Leighton, and Leighton and Cornelia discuss who to save in place of Jared. Cornelia wants Madison to be saved because she feels Monika can take the hit, while Leighton somewhat agrees, but he needs a moment to think. The rest of the houseguests are sure the nominations will stay the same.

At the Veto Ceremony, Leighton uses the Power of Veto on Madison, with Madison being overjoyed. Lastly, Cornelia has to announce a replacement nominee. Cornelia tells the houseguests that she likely will not have this position ever again, and she does not want to see any of the two girls leave. She puts up Jared as the replacement nominee, much to the shock and disgust of the Alpha Five. 

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