Week Ten: POV Competition + Ceremony

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Instead of being angry about his nomination, Thornton tells Gobias that he respects him for making his necessary move and thanks him for spending time with him in the house. Gobias is shocked by Thornton's nice gesture, and is friendly to Thornton back.

Xander assures Madison in another room that he is okay with being nominated by Gobias. Madison tells him that she will vote to evict Thornton come eviction night, and all will be well. Meanwhile, Hank worries in another room that there will be a war between his duo and Gobias' duo in the final four if Thornton is evicted.

Suddenly, Julie Chen appears on the screen, telling for everyone to come to the living room. Julie alerts the houseguests that the first four jurors have settled into their new home, and she will show the houseguests a video documenting their time spent in the house so far.

The houseguests watch the video, that starts with Cornelia arriving to the house, saying that she realized that she will still have to spend the rest of the game in sequester, but is excited to vote for the winner of the show, with Madison letting out a giggle.

When Christopher arrives, he vents to Cornelia that he was blindsided brutally, and Cornelia remarks that Agnes was playing a deceitful game by backstabbing Hank, Christopher, and Xander. Hank remarks that he is glad that she is gone, humorously.

After Agnes arrives to the jury house, both Cornelia and Christopher are happy to see her arrive, regarding that both their games have been hurt by her. Gobias tells the houseguests that she was the villain of the season, leading the rest of the houseguests to agree. Finally, Beau shows up, making Agnes happy by telling her that Thornton won Head of Household, but he was blindsided while nominated against his alliance member, Gobias. Cornelia and Beau hope Madison or Gobias can pull out the win, Christopher is rooting for Hank and Xander, and Agnes is grateful that Thornton is still in the game.

Xander proposes a toast from all five houseguests to how lucky they are that they are the final five, with all agreeing. However, all of a sudden, Gobias, Thornton, Xander, Hank, and Madison compete in the penultimate and exhausting Power of Veto competition, and Xander triumphantly wins this crucial competition. Xander and Hank cheer, but Xander is seriously thinking of what to do with the power.

Hank, Xander, Madison, and Gobias chill out in Gobias' Head of Household room, where Madison and Hank both suggest for Xander to not use the Power of Veto. However, Xander doesn't like the feeling of being on the nomination block, even if he is the pawn. Hank tells Xander that he doesn't see much meaning of Xander using the Power of Veto, when he is not going home anyway. Xander has an angry outburst, and walks away. Gobias tells Hank and Madison that the pawn plan is way too stressful than it needs to be.

Hank and Xander talk in another room privately, and Xander still insists that he will use the Power of Veto on himself, and will not let people control him. Hank makes the smart decision to let he go on the block and leaves the room, before the duo's argument evolves into a larger fight. Thornton comes into that room and asks Xander if he is using the Power of Veto, to which Xander says yes. Thornton tells Xander that he is open to working with him in the future if Xander votes to keep him, which Xander thinks that will not make any sense, if his closest ally Hank is nominated against Thornton, he tells the audience.

Xander holds the veto meeting, and he decides to use the Power of Veto on himself, frustrating Gobias, Madison, and Hank. Gobias, not shockingly, puts up Hank as the replacement nominee, with Hank not being phased at all. Thornton nods his head when the veto meeting is adjourned.

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