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Previously on Sims Big Brother...

By a vote of 3-2, Tiara was sent packing! During a crazy double eviction, Lola won HOH and eventually Wogan was evicted by a unanimous vote. After an endurance competition involving hot dogs, Jessica outlasted everyone and became the new Head of Household, keeping Beau and Aria safe for the week! Before nominations, Jessica offered Lola, Matthew, and Johanna a chance to stay in the game by explaining why they should stay in the game over the other two. At the nomination ceremony, Jessica nominated Lola and Matthew for eviction. Tonight, who will win the Power of Veto? And will it be used to save either Lola and Matthew from eviction? All this and more on Sims Big Brother!

*Johanna, Lola, and Matthew chill in the backyard*

Johanna: Well, guys, this is it. Our last week as a trio.

Lola: It's been fun.

Matthew: Indeed.

Matthew (DR): I think I've proven myself a master at avoiding eviction at this point. I'm gonna win that Power of Veto.

Johanna (DR): As relieved as I am to not be nominated, I can't help thinking I'm probably in serious trouble next week.

Lola: Now we kind of have to turn against each other. It's sad, but it's true.

Matthew: Yeah...

Lola (DR): In the event that I stay on the block, I think I have enough votes to stay. Let's do this!

Veto Competition:

Jessica: The houseguests will be competing individually. One a time, the houseguests must climb a ladder and zip line slowly to view a window with comic books situated behind them. Down below, the players must precisely replicate the comics in order. There are, however, fake comic books in the pile of comics to choose from, so players have to be careful. The houseguest with the shortest time will win the Power of Veto!

Players: Aria, Beau, Jessica, Johanna, Lola, and Matthew

Jessica (DR): I plan on winning this veto so I can keep my perfect nominations the same this week.

Johanna (DR): If I don't win this veto, and Lola or Matthew does, I'm going on that block. That can't happen!

Beau (DR): I need to win this so that me and Jessica could become, like, the power couple of this week!

Final Results:

Aria: 24 minutes, 46 seconds

Beau: 11 minutes, 2 seconds

Jessica: 7 minutes, 59 seconds

Johanna: 15 minutes, 34 seconds

Lola: 5 minutes, 29 seconds

Matthew: 6 minutes, 10 seconds

Jessica: Congratulations, Lola. You have won the Power of Veto.

Lola (DR): *crying* Thank you, God. I needed this so bad, and I need to win for my son, and everything! I need to stay in this game.

Jessica (DR): So Matthew is definitely going home this week. Enough said!

Matthew (DR): I was so close to winning, so close to taking it. Ugh.

*Beau, Aria, and Jessica talk in the HOH room*

Aria: So it's Matthew?

Beau: Definitely.

Jessica: Yeah, it is.

Aria (DR): Both Lola and Matthew could win this game, and Matthew came in second in that competition, which is all the more reason he's going home.

Jessica: So it's settled, then.

Beau: Yeah, so we can relax for the rest of the week.

Aria: Yep!

*Lola and Johanna sit in the camera room*

Johanna: I have your vote to stay, right?

Lola: Honestly, Johanna?

Johanna: Yeah?

Lola: You do. 

Lola (DR): At this stage of the game, you have to make sure your friends are people you can beat in the end. Matthew is not one of those people.

Johanna (DR): I know I'm going up, but fortunately it doesn't look like it's me going home at the end of this week. But me and Lola need to work hard to defeat the other side!

Lola: Final two.

Johanna: Final two.

*Lola and Johanna shake hands*

Veto Meeting:

Lola: Hey, everyone, it's time for the veto meeting.

*Everyone sits in the living room. Lola and Matthew sit in the nomination chairs. Lola stands up*

Lola: This is the veto meeting. Matthew and I have been nominated for eviction. But I have the power to veto one of Jessica's nominations. I have decided to use the Power of Veto on myself. Jessica, since I have just vetoed one of your nominations, you must name another houseguest to go up in my place.

*Lola sits on a couch and Jessica stands*

Jessica: I haven't even thought about this decision because it's so obvious to everyone. Johanna, take a seat.

*Johanna sits on the nomination chair*

Lola: This veto meeting is adjourned.

Matthew (DR): I'm for sure going home, but, hey, at least I'll have $5,000 in my pocket! It's small compared to what I make in the real world, but whatever!

Johanna (DR): I just have to trust I won't be going home and that will be the end of it.

Beau (DR): I'm in the final five along with Jessica! Yeah!

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Matthew or Johanna? Plus, an all-new triple eviction shakes up the game - all happening next time on Sims Big Brother!

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