Chapter 02

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Y/n's P.O.V

After a few days of traveling, we finally arrived at the dungeon.
I looked at my surroundings and was at awe.
I've never seen such a beautiful scenery in my life.
"Hey, are you coming or not?"
Judal cut me out of my trance.
I turned to him.
"Y-yeah, I'm coming!"
I took his hand as he opened the door and went inside hand in hand.

Small timeskip>>

I opened my eyes and look at my surroundings.
'Judal! Where is he?!'
I started to panic as I search for that ravenette.
Then, I heard a voice say,
"Y-y/n...Over here..."
I turn around to see a scene more surprising than I could ever imagine unfolded.
There is a HUGE python, squishing Judal.
He said in a weak voice.
I look around hoping to find something I can use as a weapon.
I spot a sword nearby.
I ran to it and picked it up.
I leap into the air as I raise the sword up.
I stabbed the python's head.
I hopped off it's head and charged at the python.
In the blink of an eye, I sliced its head off.

"Judal, are you alright?"
I asked him.
"Yeah yrah, I'm fine. Almost got killed by a python thanks for asking."
Judal said sarcastically and I giggled.
He stood up and I raised my brow in confusion.
"Now let's go and conquer this dungeon!"
Judal exclaimed with his hands on his waist.
I nod my head as I stand up.
Then we start to run.

Time skip>>

After a few hours of running and evading traps, we noticed that we're in a hallway.

Suddenly, I feel a force pulling me away from Judal.
We both shouted as we got separated from each other.

Then I see two figures coming towards me.
'A dryad and a meliai.'
I thought as I finally see them.
I had read many books about them in Greek Mythology.
I have thousands of them in the castle library.

Suddenly, the dryad charged at me with it's spear and I blocked it with my sword.
The meliai me from behind and I dodged it.
I had cut on my cheek just right below my eye.
'Well, it's time to fight.'

Judal's P.O.V

'Damnit! I got separated from Y/n!'

This must be two dungeons because we got separated.
'Calm down Judal. Calm yourself.'
I thought to myself.

The temperature is low here.
I see two golems coming towards me.
'Holy crap! An ice golem and a snow golem!'
I thought as I continuously attack them with ice shards until the snow golem fell to the groun, immobilized.

'Great! One down, one more to go.'
I thought as I dodge the ice golem's attack.
'C'mon Judal! Think!'
"You damned golem! I'LL KILL Y--"
I didn't finish my sentence as it punched me, which sent me flying to the wall with a loud bang.

I stood up as I start to lost my temper.
I cast an ice magic and successfully defeated the golem.
'Now, time to find Y/n.'

Y/n's P.O.V

I finally arrived in front of the Gate of Truth.

Papa told me a lot about his adventures so I know what they are called.
"We're finally here."
I turn to Judal.
I ran to him and immediately tackled him in a hug.
"Where were you?! I was so worried you know!"
Judal chuckled.
"I'm fine, don't worry."

We stood up.
"Let's open this gate."
I nodded and we put our hands on the handmarks and read the spell.

"Open, Sesame!"

Then, everything around us disappeared except for the gate.
"Where are we?"

"We're still in the dungeon. Look over there."
Judal pointed in the distance.
"Let's go."
He said and drag me to the tower.

[Tetsuna:you're floating]

Once we arrived, we open the doors to reveal the treasure room.
"Wow! There's so many treasure!"
"Of course, obviously. This is a treasure room what do you expect idiot?"
"So mean.~"
I pouted.

Suddenly, two djinns appeared in front of us; two women.
"We are the djinns of this dungeon."
They both said at the same time.

"My name is Athena. I am the djinn of ice and snow."

"And I am Demeter. Djinn of growth and agriculture."

"She's such a young girl."
Demeter said as she look at me.
Athena turn to Judal.
"Magi, are you sure this is the one?"
Judal nodded.
"Yes, I'm sure she's the one."
He said as he finished taking all the treasure.
Wait, when did he take them?

"Well then, you shall now return outside."
Athena transferred to the hairclip that mama gave me a few weeks ago.
Demeter transferred into my sword.

[I apologize. I don't know how to call it]

"Well then, let's go!"
Judal exclaimed and then we went on.
As we ho back outside, I absent-mindedly stared at my hairclip and my sword.
"They have the same names as the Greek goddesses don't you think?"

Judal raised a brow at my statement.
"Greek goddesses? The heck is that?"
"Oh—Uh, nevermind! It's just something I had read about in books."
"Heh~ So you're a bookworm. How boring~!"
"S-sorry, I can't help it. Since reading is the only thing I do in my free time."
I said as I put back my hairclip on.

And then before I know it, we're already outside.
Surprisingly, Judal and I didn't get separated, unlike in papa's stories.

"Where are we?"
I ask him as I stand up.
"It seems like we're im Balbadd."
He took out his flying carpet.
"Now come on. We're going home."
I sighed as I hop on the carpet.
I sat beside Judal and we went on as I watch the sunset.
I yawned and closed my eyes as I fall asleep on his shoulder.

Judal's P.O.V

I suddenly feel someone lean on my shoulder.
I look to see Y/n sleeping and I smile.
'She's so cute.'
I thought as I cover her with a blanket.
She must be exhausted.
A lot has happened today and I'm also exhausted.
So I close my eyes and fell asleep.

Timeskip>>next morning

"Judal! Judal!"
I feel someone poke me on the cheek.
"Judal! Wake up!"
An irk mark appeared on my head.
"5 more minutes..."
I muttered.
"No! You can't go back to sleep Judal! We're in the middle of nowhere!"

I immediately jolt up almost falling off my carpet.
I look around, and sure enough we're in the middle of nowhere.
Y/n start to panic.
"What do we do?"
She look at me.
"Judal, I'm... I'm scared..."
I hugged her.
"Don't worry, I'll get us home soon. I promise."
I said as I stroke her (h/c) hair.

After a few minutes, she finally calmed down.
"I'm going back to sleep."
She said as she out her head on my lap, using it as a pillow.
I blushed, but I just ran my fingers through her smooth hair.

Sinbad's P.O.V

It's been a week and my daughter Y/n hasn't arrive yet.
I'm starting to feel worried that she might not have survive that dungeon.
"What's that?"
I hear Ja'far ask.
I look up and my eyes widen.
There, I see my precious Y/n, riding on a leaf with a smile on her face.
She look like a mess but I don't care, as long as she is alive and well, I'm happy.

She leap into my arms and hugged me tight.
"Welcome home, sweetheart."
I said and smiled.
"I'm home, papa."
She gave me a close-eyed smile.
Ah she's so adorable.

That night, we celebrated her return.
She told us everything that happened in the dungeon, and how it was actually two dungeons with two djinns.
The other generals look surprised.

"Despite being a five-year old, she managed to conquer a dungeon on her own."
Ja'far said as he listen to Y/n's story.
I nod my head.
"I agree."
She will become the ninth general someday.

To be continued...

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