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Avaron Chie.

''Avaron'' I heard my name being called faintly,but I was too lazy to respond.

''Avaron!!!'' this time I heard it loud and clear.My shoulders were pressed by a pair of hands and being shook constantly.I was compelled to come back to reality.Looking up Liya who was my co-worker and one of my closest friends.....only 'closest friend' actually,I'm a person who's usually not in good terms with people.

''Having another vision?'' She asked and I nodded with a neutral expression.

'seeing visions about situations I have no clue about,Prediction of death and penetrating into others mind' has been a part of me since I was a child.As the number in my age got older these psychic abilities become stronger and powerful.In the start it was difficult for me to accept what the nature had planted in me.I always found ways to run away from it,I had locked my powers deep down into the ocean of fear and sorrow I had,sorrow of not being able to save people before they die and fear that one day my own powers would feed on me and I would end up using it for the wrong cause.Later,I had realized that it was all in my head and locking down my powers and trying to be someone different was ME running away from myself.So,I learned to live with it and use it for my own good.I knew,no other field except ' FORENSICS AND HOMICIDE 'in this whole universe couldn't provide me a job that would help me put my psychic abilities to use.Today,I'm a criminal psychologist....a successful one and I'm more than honored for making my abilities useful.

But,there is always that one kid in the entire class room who doesn't stop troubling you.In my case,It's a vision about a man.Usually I predict death and see vision about them or any kind of event that will happen in the future which is connected to death or harm.This happens only if the person is related to me from far or near,someone around me,someone who is connected to the person around me or someone whom I have met subconsciously or going to meet in the future soon.

what makes me think differently about this man is that,I have been seeing visions about him for years now and I have no idea who he could be.I see visions of people dying,but him...I see only love and happiness and that is very confusing.

Today,for the first time I saw death in my vision thatwas related to him.

''what was it this time?'' Liya knew that I was a psychic and she was the only one to know outside my family,I had tried opening up to many of my college friends before,but was made fun about it later.Liya was the only one who believed me.

she handed me a can of energy drink.I had a hangover due to the drinks I had last night with some of my co-workers.When they found out I had received my pay-check and a promotion of higher payment,people on the desk got wild and forced me to buy them some drinks,I didn't even know them that well though.Liya had warned me as I have the worst alcohol tolerance and look where it got me now,to walking like a zombie and feeling like someone hammering my head.

Taking a sip from the can I said ''I saw a death''.I kind off felt better after one sip.


''It was the same guy,but he wasn't the one who someone else...a girl and it seemed like he was the one responsible for it''

''holy!.Did he mention names this time?''

''Maybe.I didn't hear them clear enough,actually.My bad'' looking down at the can I was holding,I took another sip.It's strange how he always mentions his name or of his associates,but it's never clear enough for me to hear.But,there was this one name...JULIA''

''Julia?'' she looked at me unbalanced.My silence answered to her question.

''Don't worry,either you'll find him or he will find you'' she smiled and took a seat on one of the chairs in the conference room and started to analyze few papers on the table.

'either you'll find him or he will find you'.I still don't understand why is it only him who is so different in my visions.My visions never lie to me,maybe Liya's statement can be applied.I'm having a weird feeling in my gut telling me that he will be the one to find me.

''Avaron,chief wants you in his office'' one of my co-workers peeped their head in from the door.

Liya and I exchanged looks as in what could be the reason this time.He usually called   me in his office for 3 things,1: I had a lot of complaints against me.As I have mentioned before,there are alot of mouth breathers in this station who are eventually my seniors.2:if he had to hand me a case and 3:He didn't like me much and I don't even know why.Should have seen his face when he had to hand me my promotion letter,now that I'll be getting paid extra than before,he looked like depression slapped him hard across his face.

I got up from my seat,took in the remaining drink in the can in one gulp and walked out of the conference room to chief's office.

Knocking gently on the door I waited for his response.I heard his voice giving me the permission to get in.

I go inside and close the door behind me.Chief was a very proud man and his office showcased it really well.The mild brown coloured wallpaper looked perfect for the atmosphere highlighting few photo frames in the sides of the wall and his certificates and medals in the center.His wooden desk had a glass of the same size on the top making the table look neat.A golden plate in which written was his name in black block letters'CHIEF JUNG'.Files were arranged accordingly in the side with a stationary stand next to it.

''Good morning,Chief'' I stood with my hands folded behind.

''Good morning,Ms.Chie.Have a seat'' he gestured me to sit down.He looked quite in a mood today.Ignorning his frame of mind,I sat down and looked at him.

''I have a news for you''.Ugh.If it is something related to me staying away from him then I won't make a choice of thinking twice about it.

He gave me a neat brown coloured envelope.''Read it out loud for me.''

I looked at him then back at the envelope in my hand.Is it his transfer letter?.Is he resigning?.By the look on his face I'm sure that it's something about us being far from each other.I hope I'm not the one who should be leaving.

I opened the envelope with alot of suspense going through my mind.I pulled out a neatly folded letter.It was plain white and unruled.

I opened it and started to read;

                                                 ''Respected sir,

                                                                      As I,Oh Se Hun,President of the OH firm,is impressed by the government employee Ms.Avaron Chie's work who is currently under you.I request to hire her in my firm.I want someone excellent like her to work under me with double the salary she is earning now.I promise to look after your losses and expenses.If you're willing to pay attention to what I have written above,send her to the Oh firm on 8th of XX,XXXX.The address and the venue are given in the next page.If you do not accept my request,then I do know my ways.

                                                     Thanking you,

                                                       Oh Se Hun.    ''

''This is disrespectful'' I claimed.I knew about Oh firm.It was the first place where I had applied for my internship back in college,but was rejected because I wasn't 'capable enough' and now this guy goes straight up to calling me 'excellent'.

''Avaron,I know I was never the kind of man who appreciated your work-'' Chief sounded soft.

''Never'' I ensured.

''you are one of the best Criminal psychologist out there.I know you have just started with this career,but look at what you have earned in such a short time.It's just been an year and a half for you in this field and already earned your promotion.You and your associates cracked one of the most critical cases in the history of homicide.You create the best files on criminals and have been recognized by the public eye and other law firms and homicide departments.You have earned this''.Wow,I thought Chief hated me.

Chiefs description made me feel a bit over the top.I contained the smile that was struggling to emerge on my face.

''But,chief...This man sounds wrong.He mentioned that he knows his ways to make you accept his request if you don't.It's a clear threat''

''I don't care,Avaron.It's Oh Se Hun,you can't deny his offer.Thats it!''

''Why?.This is about me and I have all the rights to oppose it''

''Even the government steps back when Oh Se Hun is in the line.Don't underestimate him by rejecting his offer like that''

''Chief,I have plans for my career.I want to get on the top and become a powerful criminal psychologist and I'm taking baby steps towards it. I believe everything needs time and joining a new firm while I'm already into cracking a case is surely not a good idea.I'm aware of OH firms excellence,but I'm still in a process of learning,I would be undergoing alot of pressure when I'll be handed extremely sharp cases,because that is what they do there' I place the letter on his desk and sit back.

''I understand you very well,Avaron,but rejecting Oh Se Hun's offer is more like calling for misfortune.He could end your career''

''Isn't OH firm government aided?'' I really didn't want to join the OH firm right away.I agree with Chief.Maybe I already did my mark in this field and that why a firm wants to hire me,but the words formed in the letter sounded more like an order than a request to me and all of it is so grey.

Chief looked at me tight lipped.I saw that reaction coming.

''Kind off.Why does that even matter?''

''because he mentioned he would pay me double my current salary.Which he can't while the government is involved.He can't do anything what he said in that letter.I'm out.End of discussion'' I got up from my seat and was about to leave his office before he spoke.

''You know,I was happy for you when I received the letter thinking that now you'll be working under someone powerful and in a prestigious crime firm.'' he paused for a second and the continued ''Remember when I said 'even the government steps back when Oh Se Hun is in the line'.I was serious about that.He does what he wants and he gets what he wants.You are going to regret for declining his offer and I'm saying this for your own good''.

Chiefs words were a bit alarming.The look on his face gave me a reason to think twice.I was not sure what made me do this,but I took the letter from his desk and said ''I'll think about it'' and left.





I sit down on the chair and get lost in my own thoughts.Thoughts about OH firm,how shady the letter seems to be and to what Chief said about Oh Se Hun.I've haven't heard much about him,but that little piece of sh--

''woh woh! easy with the crushing,girl''.Liya interrupted my thoughts and bought me back to conscious.The letter in my hand was tightly squeezed inside my fist.

''shit'' I softly curse under my breath and try to fix the letter.

''what is it?.You haven't spoken a word since you came in and got lost in your own thoughts.Did it not go well with Chief
'' she did want to see what I was crushing so bad,but at the same time she wasn't dumb enough to take the paper from my hand.Number one reason I like about her is that she gives people their own space and doesn't ask questions when they don't want to be asked.

I gave her the letter and she had the same reaction as mine after reading it.

''It's a clear threat''

''See.If you can see it then why not Chief?'' I rest my back on the chair and start tapping my fingers on the table.

she looks at me and then back at the letter and says ''Because it's Oh Se Hun''.

That name doesn't do anything better.

''Really?'' it annoyed me.

''let's grab lunch'' she says and pulls me up from my seat.She knew we had a load of work to do and yet she wanted to discuss about this letter.

''you know this is a waste of time,right?'' I say as we walk to the cafeteria.

''umm hmmm'' was all she said.

We both bought our trays of food with less rice and alot of beef kebabs..I mean alot alot.We both had a thing for beef.

We take our trays and sit in our regular place.

''So, tell  me what exactly happened in Chief's office''She bought me all the way up here to ask me that?.I roll my eyes and tell her everything.

''As Chief of this firm he should know that it's totally up to me to decide''.I stuff some beef in my mouth and munch it.

''Wait...he likes you?''she was surprised.

I ignored it.

She knew what I wanted to hear,so,she continued ''Alright,Sorry.I totally understand what you might be going through right now,but I also understand why Chief reacted that way''

My eyes shot up and glowered at her.

''Listen to me first''.I continue to eat giving her the sign to tell whatever she has to say.

''Look,Oh Se Hun is one of the most powerful guys in the state.Even the government shuts up when he is in the line all because he comes from a royal family which had helped the government for generations.He isn't just a Chief of a crime firm,but also the C.E.O of one of the biggest enterprises in the states.Not just that,there was a doubt that he had some links with the shady business,but the government covered it up for him''.She said all of it in one breath which caused her to drink alot of water.

I knew Oh Se Hun was a powerful man,but not this powerful.Chief clearly said that he could destroy my career if I don't accept his offer.Should I talk to Mr.Oh by myself and explain him why I'm declining his offer?.Ugh,That is ridiculous...My thoughts were only getting deeper and not helping at all.

''Not just that...'' she takes another sip from the glass of water and continues;''The guy is so powerful that rejecting an offer offered by him is equal to digging your own grave.Don't underestimate him by doing so,A.V''

Liya sounded just like Chief right now.By the sayings of her and Chief,maybe Mr.Oh really can do whatever he wants.And by the description given by her he does sound threatening and denying his offer which sounds more like and 'order' could put me in a vulnerable position.

''I can't take a decision too quick.I need time to think.I can't just leave everything and go to the Oh firm''

''I'm sorry,but it's not even a choice anymore.When you receive a letter from Oh Se Hun,it more like a court order.You have to follow it whether you like it or not''.

I get it,he is a royal,he is rich,he is powerful,but that doesn't mean he owns people.I should meet this man all by myself and educate him about 'how thoughts of owning people is offensive'.

Liya knew how furious I was Right now.I quickly finished my food and waited for her to finish.After we were done,we went back to the conference room and resumed our work.

It had been hours after my conversation with Liya over lunch.Thoughts about Oh Se Hun was still running in my mind.I know Oh Se Hun for having people work under him who are the best of the best and they are very hand full of them.There was no much information about him on the internet even though he is so powerful nor they was a single picture of him.'Oh Se Hun' that name just brings shady thoughts about him and WHY ME?, I'm not even that great or reached a post that makes me eligible for his firm.

For the first time,I was thinking like a normal girl than like a criminal psychologist.What was wrong with me?.Why was this letter making me think more than twice about it?.Is it the letter that is making it hard for me or is it Oh Se Hun?.

It really didn't hit me that hard when Chief outlined Oh Se Hun,but when Liya did it hit me hard like a truck.Thinking deeper about all of this,His name was fascinating.There was something about it that had me questioned my own thoughts from before.

I can't change my mind within half a's not right.

''hey,you haven't said a word since that convo'' Liya softly said.I was deep into my thoughts since we came back to the conference room.

I sighed and rested my back on the chair.

I wasn't in a mood of talking to anyone about anything at the moment.First,I had an episode this morning that I don't wanna anticipate about and now this letter.My mind was too fucked up.

''Okay,if you don't wanna talk about the letter,at least you can tell something about your episode from this morning.I mean you usually brag about your visions'' Liya wanted me to talk and stop me from over thinking,but I had lost my mood and just wanted to go home.

''I'm sorry,but next time'' with no second thoughts I get up from my seat and pack my things.Liya looked at me confused.

''Where are you going?''

''home'' I pick up my jacket,peck my lips on her head and leave.I know what I did was too quick,but I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

I wanted some time alone.It was hard for me to process about my vision and the letter from OH Se Hun.Oh Se Hun personally wrote a letter for me to work under him to which I didn't agree for 2 reasons. 1: because I have my career planned and 2: because the letter looked threatening and now I'm thinking about it differently.And this morning when I had my eyes closed because of the pain in my head I see a vision....about a dead girl and the Mister I see everytime in my visions is the cause for it.

Both,the episode and the letter are a serious matter.I'm amused that I had almost forgotten about the episode because of the letter.Why was I even thinking so deeply about it?.I was always straight forward with my decisions and never gave it a second thought,but here I am overthinking.

Why did Oh Se Hun choose me?.Is it something related to the dead girl that I saw in my vision?....

''A girl was dead in my vision and the next second I get a letter from OH firm asking me to join there.Is this connected or am I exaggerating it?'' I mumble sending chills down my spine and freezing the tip of my fingers.

3rd POV.

It was an unpleasant morning in the mansion,as usual.The master of the mansion had finished his breakfast was in his living room with a glass of orange juice in one hand and a file in the other.He sat down on the well furnished blue coloured couch.Placing the glass on teapoy he opened the file in his hand and began to analyze it.

''You found her,didn't you?'' Tao's voice came from behind,loud and clear.He was neatly dressed with a plain lemon yellow shirt tucked in with a navy blue coloured pant and a blazer same coloured as the pant was folded and held in one hand while the other was inside his pocket.His hair was neatly combed to the side.And left a fragrance behind every step he took.He stood tall behind Sehun.

Sehun on the other hand was still in his pajamas and didn't care to turn an look behind to respond to his brother.

''I told you I will hunt  her down.And I did'' there was a blend of cold and casual in his voice like always.All the members in the house were used to his tone of speaking.Tao came forward and sat right in front of him.

''Brother,do not hurt this girl.Kris has already checked her profile and he is going mad about it.He is our brother and I don't want him to feel pain like the last time nor let another girl die'' Tao's eyes were soft and glittering.The memory of Julia never left his thoughts.It still haunted him.Everytime he opened his eyes in the morning he would regret waking up and complained to the deity for giving him another day of survival after helping his brother cover a murder of his loved one.

''hmmm'' was all Sehun answered.Sehun knew what Tao was trying to convey,but he didn't care.All he cared about at the time was THE GIRL.Tao didn't utter a word and left taking the voice that left Sehun's lips as an answer.He knew there was no point in making the young man understand what he meant.

Everyone knew in the family chart how cold and heartless Sehun was ,but the minute Tao left the room he sighed and turned the page of the file in his hand.There was a picture of Avaron.He softly brushes the tip of his long thick fingers on the picture and whispered'' I would never imagine hurting you,but if I do then I'm sorry''.

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