Chapter 6: A Changed Man Now!

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Today's not a day that Logan wants to happen, he's going to be talking to Ariana about what's been going on and call off their engagement, it's what's best for them both, Logan looked through his security feed the other day, it's not his personally, all of the apartments in his building have them, no one can seem them other then the occupants of said apartments and the head security guard who is only aloud to access them on special circumstance.

Logan: I've honestly never been the one to end a relationship before. This is new for me...

Logan paced back and forward as Sydney sat on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hands, she's wearing a baggy shirt that she said is Logan's but he can't remember ever wearing it or even buying it so he wasn't bothered, also she looked so cute wearing his shirts, jumpers and stuff.

Sydney: Is that actually true?

Logan nodded, he's done things that have made his partners leave him or break up with him but he's never actually told them "it's over" himself, Sydney just learnt something new about him, he called Ariana and she was more than happy to come over, he's been avoiding her these past couple of days, not out of spite but the fear of what he needs to do.

Sydney: So more first for you. I'm jealous of you giving this one to another woman.

Logan chuckled, he knew what she meant, she's not saying she wants them to break up, she's saying that other the past couple of days, they've found a few firsts neither of them have ever done these past few nights, this might actually be the longest they've actually left the bedroom, it hasn't always been sex so get your minds out of the gutter, sometimes they just laid there and talked.

Logan: Can you talk to Ariana for me?

Sydney sipped her coffee while looking up to him, he's been pacing now for a while, ever since he called her and asked her to come and meet him here, she seemed pretty eager to talk to him and rightfully so, he is her fiance after all but not for much longer, it's what's best for them both.

Sydney: What? How am I supposed to talk to her? What would I even tell her?

Sydney isn't going to do it for him, she's done her own "dumping" in her life and she's not doing his dirty work either, Logan finally stopped pacing and moved to sit beside her, wearing only a pair of pants, his "Spider-bode" is gone for now, he might not be in as great shape as he was back when he was filming "No Way Home" or even more recently "Anyone But You" and "Dune: Part II", Sydney's looking forward to going to that Premiere with him, Zendaya and Duncan, the first one was pretty great and they've all said this second one is much better.

Logan: I don't know, tell her something nice. Say I got eaten by a Polar Bear while trying to save a baby seal.

Sydney laughed at him a little as Logan wasn't joking he was generally being serious about her telling Ariana that, the fact that he's rather Ariana believe he's dead rather then break her heart is proof that the Logan she first fell in love with all those years ago is back, not the one that got blinded by his own feelings and the bright lights of Hollywood.

Sydney: How about you tell her that?

It was like Sydney knew something that Logan didn't because as soon as she said that, the elevator dinged letting them know that someone is here, it was obviously going to be Ariana because no one else is coming here, Desmond is back in LA with his family, Alex and Victoria too, Logan's doesn't know where Duncan and Zendaya are, their probably in the City somewhere but he asked them to keep their distance till later, he knew he needed to get this over with and now's the time to do it.

Sydney: I'll get out of the way.

Sydney gave him a quick cheek kiss before getting up and leaving up the stairs just as the lift opened and Ariana rang out, jogging over to him with a worried look on her face, she didn't see Sydney here, half naked and in one of his shirts, thank god for that because last time that happened, they ended up getting engaged.

Ariana: Logan. What's wrong? Where've you been and why haven't you been answering my calls?

Logan sat back on the sofa a little as he sighed, rubbing at the back of his head, he's not sure what to say, most of the time when he wants out of a relationship, he'll sleep with someone else, he's already done that to her and she's done that to him, yet their still together, so clearly it's time to actually use his words instead of acting like a jackass.

Logan: We need to talk. About us.

Ariana didn't like the sound of that, no one ever does but in the long run, Logan knows she doesn't love him, he knows that he doesn't love her, the person he loves is upstairs right now waiting for Logan to rip the bandage off and put an end to all this, Logan doesn't like what he saw them doing and didn't like who he had become, it's strange to hear that it wasn't the bright lights or the money that changed him, it was his own conscience that didn't want to know the truth...


Logan's sitting on a private jet ready to head home, he doesn't fly all that much, the only time he does is when he has to cross the Ocean for one reason or another, whether it be to see family, like now or to go and film, he's had to travel for work before, if it's in America or Canada, Logan rents an RV and drives to the destination, experiencing the all of what America has to offer along the way.

Sydney: Everything okay?

Logan took a deep inhale before looking across from him, Logan's looking forward to seeing his family, telling them he has the best girlfriend in the world as well is going to be a great surprise for not just him but for them, his family loves Sydney, his grandma always made jokes and digs about them being made for each other, who'd have thought she'd be right.

Logan: Yeah, I just...

Sydney smiled to him as he adjusted in his seat, their just waiting for all the pre flight checks to be done and giving clearance to take off, it's a private runway but that doesn't mean it's not a busy one, so they have time to themselves, Sydney also knows that Logan's an uneasy flier, he doesn't hate it but he'd rather avoid it if he can.

Logan: ... Does this gut retch feeling ever go away? I hate it.

It's barely been a day since Logan told Ariana that they need to break up, it was a lot harder then he'd ever thought, he's felt bad about it ever since, it's hard to believe that he was more then willing to cheat on others and such not so long ago, it hasn't even been a week since the "Anyone But You" premiere and this man has done a complete 180 in his personality.

Sydney: It'll be fine. What matters is you're out of that relationship and you'll both be happier for it.

Logan nodded to her with a small grin, he hopes Ariana can find someone better then him because she does deserve it, she's just lost right now, ever since she married her Ex, Dalton or something, she was in Wonderland, but then it just all came crumbling down, Logan might have been a reason for that happening, he's not sure, what he does know is Sydney's right, he is much happier already in these past few days then he ever has been.

Logan: You know that for a fact?

He asked her with a smile, Sydney didn't say anything back, just smiled herself while turning the chair to get out, standing up then making her way around the table that kept them apart, pushing him back more so she can sit comfortable on his lap, facing him with the table just behind her, Logan never looked away from her eyes, it's why she loves him, mostly because he loves her because of what he sees, not what other people see.

Sydney: You know you make me happy too. It's been hard for me to watch you go from girl to girl but skipping over me.

Logan sighed as his smile faded, he hasn't actually thought of it like that before, he was so caught up in his own drama these past couple of days, he never once imagined how hard things must have been for her, she's his roommate, his best friend behind Desmond and yet he just didn't see her as more than that.

Logan: That's a mistake I'll be trying to repay for the rest of my life.

Sydney looked down to him, her hands on his face while his rested on her waist, one hand more on her lower back, Sydney knew he meant everything he's just said, it sounds crazy and sounds like their rushing things but it's like they've been together forever, the only thing they haven't been doing is having sex.

Logan: Do you think they'll let me order a pizza?

Sydney chuckled to him, she didn't expect him to say that, why would have she, they've just shared this moment that has arguable made them already closer than they were before, she didn't know the answer to the question though and just shrugged to him, luckily the phone for them to contact the pilots is right beside him, she he was able to pick it up and ask them to stall.

Logan: Ello fella's. By any chance do you want a pizza?

Sydney smiled as he held the phone to his ear, he asked them to keep on the ground for a little while longer and he ordered three pizza's, one for them and one for the pilots, the third he'll take back home to his family, nothing wrong with a good old fashioned New York pizza to take back to London, sure there's good pizza places there but there's a certain place Logan likes in New York, they've been there since 1905 or something, proper old school Pizza house.

Logan: Now we have a little time to kill...

Sydney stayed on his lap the entire time as they ordered they're favourite, it's another thing they have in common, favorites type of Pizza, pretty much anything as long as it had a little bit of meat, a little spice and a nice smokey kick to it, it's not going to be a 5 minute wait though so their going to have to find something to do till then.

Logan: ... Would it count to join the mile high club with the plane still on the ground?

It's an honour neither have had the privilege of doing before, you'd think with Logan's past few escapade's that it would have been one but apparently not, either that or he can't remember doing it, so he wants to make sure she takes another one of his firsts, that's for sure, Sydney grinned while toying with the base of his shirt, looking down to it then back up to him.

Sydney: Why not do both to make sure.

Logan was the one to smile this time as his right hand went to the back of her neck, gently pulling her into a kiss, it's a kiss they've done many, many times before, the amount they've kissed on screen, it's too many to count but these past few days has been so much more special, it felt like all the others were fake and meaningless but they weren't, they were full of love but they just didn't know it yet...


... The flight went without a hitch, a little turbulence and what not but they had fun, not just sex but they watched a movie, they played games, they have a good time, even during their breaks, the pilots would come and join them, talk to them and it was great, if planes didn't destroy a pretty already fucked up planet, then he'd fly more often but they haven't built electric planes or solar powered one's yet so he's rather not use them.

Logan: I'm so tired.

It should be around 3 in the morning for them right now but instead, they've found themself just outside of the main city of London, Logan grew up here in this neighbourhood, with Desmond and his other friends, so even though he's extremely tired, he can't help the smile on his face as he got out the back of the taxi...

... Logan's offered to buy his parents a new place but they didn't want it, they said they have too many memories in this place so when Logan got his first ever pay check for "Captain America: Civil War", he paid off the mortgage, so his parents can live her forever and not have to worry about paying rent or anything.

Sydney: Let's go say "Hi". Then we can sleep.

Logan liked that idea as she slipped her right hand into his left, Sydney's been here before, this is where Logan lives when he's in the UK, he doesn't spend all that much time over here, not as much as he'd like to anyway, so he didn't see the point in buying an entire home just for him for a few weeks of the year, Sydney didn't mind staying here either, his mom and dad are the best and she can't wait to see them again after such a while now...


{To Be Continued!}

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