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Third person's POV.

He was driving fast while his head was turning again and again to the back seat where she was laying unconscious. The weather was so dangerous. With heavy rainfall, the strong wind was blowing. It was making difficult for him to drive fast. Tension was visible on his face and he was trying hard to drive fast to go out of the danger which was following them.

"Ar...Aryan." He heard her voice.

Turning his head to back,he looked at her who was moving her head on seat.

"Sohan I'm here. Don't worry. Nothing will happen." He said while driving more fast.

"I won't let them to take you again away. I won't Sohan." He said and tried to keep the speed fast.

"Aryan." She called him again and at the same time, the thunder voice made her yell and she hide herself in the seat,losing her sense again.

"Sohan I'm here. Don't be scared." He said looking at her who was again unconscious.

"I've to step out of this territory." He mumbled to himself while turning to right but with a noise,his car stopped telling him that the tyre got puncture.

"Damn." He said and went out hurriedly to change the tyre as he didn't want to be there for long.

Drenching completely, he started to change the tyre. His hands moved hurriedly but cold was freezing them. After 15 minutes,he was successful on changing the tyres but he heard cars voice and horns which scared his heart. Turning, he saw headlights of cars which made his mind to think quickly. Getting in the car again,he started it and drove it again. But he could see the cars coming closer to him with every second and his heart was beating hell in fear while he pressed his feet on accelerator to increased the speed.

"Sohan you okay?" He called her but didn't get any answer as she was unconscious.

"Sohan talk to me please." He said as his eyes filled up with tears,fear of losing her.

Those following cars were coming behind him but couldn't catch him as he kept the car speed fast,didn't care about the road or any danger but he keep driving. Looking back from the view mirror,he found the road empty. Taking a sigh of relieve, he turned his head to see her who was laying unconscious, shivering with cold.

"I've to cross this territory as soon as I can." He said to himself and drove fast.

The heavy rain was continue and his effort to cross the border of balochistan was showing with his tense face.

After a drive of an hour,he took a breath of relieve as he crosses those dangerous areas which could take his Sohan away from him.

Turning back to her, he looked at her who was shivering with cold.

"I've to find a place." He thought and drove fast while tried to look around to find any place to stay.

The heavy rainfall was making it difficult for him to keep driving. But he didn't stop. Passing from the villages, he stopped the car as he saw a light coming from a house.

Going out the car,he locked it and ran to the house where he saw the light coming. Knocking hard on the door,he turned to see the car while running his hands to fade the cold.

"Yes." A man opened the door and looked at him.

"Actually we need a place to stay tonight." He said making a shed of his hand on his eyes to save himself from the drops of rains.

"We?" The man asked looking at him as he saw him alone.

Turning to his toward the car,he looked at once and then again turned to that man.

"Me and my wife." Aryan replied.

Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Prologue! Happy to read it.

Well I thought to start writing as many of readers were asking for a sequel of HDTBL so I thought to start it. Hope you enjoyed the short prologue.

Give me your views and what you think of the story? Will it be like Her dream to be loved or something else? Well let's see where this story will go.

Tell me your views and do vote.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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