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"Anyway" Lyric continued "What did you need?" she asked. "Well as I said before I was looking for someone" He gulped nervously. "Yeah so " Lyric pushed down the tinge of jealousy that slowly started to claw at her throat. Riley chuckled, he kicked the grass nervously, "Um I heard that, this is a great spot to see the stars" he smiled his gaze turned to the stars. 

Lyric smiled back,"Yeah" she turned to the stars.  "But anyway about this girl"he continued Lyric cleared her throat looking away. "I kinda promised her I'd tell as soon as I saw her"he said lowly, "But I don't know what she would say" he finished. "Well, um " Lyric paused "If she means that much that you traveled around the world for her then tell her, any girl would fall head over heels in love with you" Lyric rambled. Riley looked at her like she was the only girl in the world "I-I mean I think she would" Lyric blushed. 

Riley chuckled, "Thanks, I think ". Lyric laughed and they looked at each other " Well I was going to tell her today,when we met" he said kicking the grass, "OH,oh ,oh"Lyrics voice lowered in disappointment. "Where is she " Lyric asked not even feigning the disappointment she felt.  Riley cleared his voice,"She's uh,in front of me" he said. "what no she's not cause I'm in front of yo- Oh" Lyric blushed and smiled so brightly that the stars seemed like a candle. "Awe Riley that's , that's , Im at a loss for words "Lyric stuttered. Riley smiled and pulled her closer to him,suddenly Lyrics phone rang and she groaned, "I got to go, see you at school tomorrow?" she asked. "Yeah I do need you to show me my classes" Lyric smiled and ran home 

~At Home~

"what" Lyric snapped as she slammed the door April was on the ground bawling her eye's out. "Dad! What the fuck did you do to her!" Lyric yelled in rage. The glass slide door that lead outside to her  yard shattered. Her dad came busting through the door fear evident in his eye's, "Lye You have to believe me-" he started. Lyric squeezed her eye's shut,"No! shut the fuck up, you killed mom I'm not letting you kill April too!" Lyric yelled. "Woah Young lady- " he began again "Don't fucking young lady me, your not my father , I fucking hate you , why are you even fucking here, don't you want me to be happy for once?" She yelled stone tears forming, "everything was going perfect until you came back!" she yelled. Lyric fell to the ground and bawled her eye's out April then crawled to her and they cried together. 

A memory played in Lyrics head 


Her mother came and picked her up,  she was going to a large tub of water her mother had a sickening grin, "You fucking ruined my life !" her mother screamed at her . her mother than threw her in the tub and pinned her down, she was only one at the time so Lyric didn't understand . But she started kicking when her air ran out, but momma didn't let her up. Now Lyric was frantic, her lungs burned with lack of air, right when Lyric was on the edge of death her father busted in, and pushed her mother so hard she hit her head and bleed out ,He grabbed Lyric tears streaming down his cheeks"Oh my baby" he soothed but Lyric wailed trying to gasp for air, "Shh baby girl breath," he rubbed her back. He took her into her room and changed her out of her wet clothes, he then grabbed her baby bag and took her to the hospital. The doctors rushed to vacuum out all the water that Lyric had consumed, then they stitched up her mother. when they got home her mother grabbed the gun and pointed it at lyric. 

Flashback over*

"She, hated me because of you!" Lyric yelled, "No! don't you dare say that"Her father yelled "I love you so much but If I told you what your mother was really like you wouldn't believe me" his voice got softer, "Your mother never wanted a child, and your right it was all my fault" a tear left his cheek, "But I loved her so much that when she told me she wanted an abortion I broke down in tears, I loved you even before you where born." he sobbed and slid down the wall beside her. "Lyric, I know you hate me but I'm not the bad person here" he looked at Lyric but she just stood up and walked into her room slamming the door behind her. "Whatever" was all she muttered as she left. 

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