|Eighteen| Tears Will Be Shed

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"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses." — Ann Landers

Song of the Chapter- "Hymn for the Weekend,"

Dedicated to- FandomTrash13 , FancySnake , PaisleyViking , Turtlescanwrite , UniSempai , and MegaMindAuthor for being some of the best friends I've ever had the pleasure of making! Seriously, you all are better than my real-life friends!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow! Thank you very much!

~Chesney's Pov~
When we finally reached the apartment, Calixto rushed out of the car, slamming the doors behind him. He ran inside the house, leaving me staring at him in shock. Finally snapping out of my trance, I ran after him. Well, tried to run. It's been a few years since my last P.E. class so running isn't exactly my forte at the moment.

"Wait up! Dang these short legs," I panted whilst running inside the house, jerking the door open and closing it shut once I was inside. I leaned over, planting my hands on my knees as I panted, dang, running is hard.

"Everyone, down here! Now," Calixto shouted and in minutes, the guys had gathered in the living room. Of course, some more willing than others.

"What the hell do you want this time? You don't even have the street rat with you," Bello mumbled and Calixto glared at him harshly, causing Drew to put an arm around Bello's shoulders and glare back. Ever since their falling out, Drew's been extremely hostile towards Calixto, I guess it's safe to assume that their bond has certainly reached its limit. Calixto simply shook his head, turning away and walking towards Dakota and Killian.

"What exactly happened last night," He questioned with urgency in his tone and Dakota glanced at Killian before biting his lip nervously.

"I'll tell him if you don't want to," Killian whispered, sitting down next to him on the couch and giving his hand a small squeeze. Dakota nodded, slowly leaning his head onto Killian's shoulder.

"Wyatt was bothering Dakota last night even after Kota asked him to stop. After this little cutie here slapped the shit out of that douchebag, Wyatt decided to hit him back. That's when I stepped in," Killian said, causing Dakota to giggle and blush at the cutie part. Calixto sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead.

"Okay guys, from here on, absolutely no socializing with Wyatt, under no circumstances," Calixto declared and the others nodded, except for one.

"What the hell do you mean no socializing with Wyatt? And who the hell do you think you are, telling us what we should be doing," Caspar asked, getting out of his chair, getting in Calixto's face.

"I'm your fucking brother. That's who the hell I am. Now, sit your ass down in your seat before I put you there myself," Calixto growled out, and the room grew deathly silent as the two brothers glared at each other hatefully before Caspar gave in, returning to his seat.

"And also, while we're on this subject. Caspar, I'm cutting you off, no more drugs in this house," Calixto announced and Caspar lunged from his chair, pushing Calixto back a bit. Killian, along with Drew, sprung up and got in between the brothers, trying to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"What'd you say? Huh, bitch? What the hell do you just fucking say you goddamn motherfucker," Caspar exclaimed and Calixto narrowed his eyes, curling his hands into fists.

"I said, I'm not helping you destroy your life anymore, I'm setting you up for counseling, I'll find and schedule you an appointment tomorrow morning," Calixto stated and Caspar frowned before a smirk crawled upon his face as he turned his gaze towards Drew. Drew's eyes started to show panic and worry as they darted between Caspar and Bello.

"Dude, don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare," Drew whispered harshly and Caspar chuckled to himself.

"Well, if I'm being cut off, I guess Drew is too," Caspar said and I gasped, staring at Drew in shock. Drew froze up as everyone's eyes were focused on him, astonished by what Caspar had just announced.

"Drew, is that true," Bello questioned, coming closer to Drew and Drew looked away in shame, not replying.

"Andrew Donovan Turner, answer me! Do you do drugs or not," Bello shouted hysterically and Drew slowly nodded, Bello panted with shallow breaths before taking one deep breath. He walked towards Drew before slapping him across the face and going upstairs. I cringed at the sound as well as most of the others but Drew didn't even flinch.

"Fuck you Caspar. Bello, babe, I'm sorry," Drew cried, going after Bello and Caspar looked after them with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What's wrong with you man," Killian asked, touching his shoulder and Caspar knocked his hand off.

"Nothing. I'm fine," Caspar lied and Calixto scoffed.

"You're obviously not, look at yourself. Look at what's happening to you," he said, causing Caspar to narrow his eyes.

"Calm down, it'll be okay. You'll be okay, little bro," Calixto said while walking towards him and opening his arms for a hug. Caspar sniffed one time, wiping his now wet cheeks, before walking over and hugging his brother.

"I'm sorry Cal," Caspar mumbled and Calixto stroked his back, hugging him even tighter.

"Shh, it's okay Caspar, it's okay," Calixto whispered and Caspar nodded slowly, pulling away from the hug. It's times like these that make me always wonder what could've been if my own brother was alive, if I hadn't killed him so soon. I sighed before walking over to where Dakota was seated and taking the spot next to him.


Of course. As soon as I sit down someone decides to ring the doorbell. I sighed before standing to my feet and walking over to the door, opening it to reveal none other than Blaise. We simply stared in each other's eyes, neither of us planning on moving.

"Who is it," Dakota asked from behind me and he gasped as he poked his head over my shoulder before pushing me out of the way.

"What are you doing here," Dakota whispered and Blaise pursed his lips together at Dakota's sassy tone.

"I need to speak with Calixto," he stated icily and we reluctantly let him through, letting him walk straight to Calixto.

"Blaise? What are you-"

"Killian's grandmother is in danger," Blaise blurted out, interrupting Calixto, and Killian's head snapped towards them.

"What? What are you talking about," Killian rushed out, eyes wide, and Blaise licked his dry lips.

"Wyatt, he wants revenge on you. He's going for your grandma," Blaise said and Killian growled, going for the door.

"Wait! I told him the wrong hospital room so you still have some time," Blaise said and Killian narrowed his eyes. Never since I've been here have I ever seen so much hate come from Killian. Never.

"Why'd you tell him at all," He barked, causing Blaise to jump slightly as he looked away, focusing on the carpet.

"His gang had guns, they would've killed me," he whispered and Killian punched the door causing a loud bang to echo throughout the house.

"They should've," Killian said, leaving the house, and Blaise gasped. I froze before grabbing Dakota's hand, we're going too.

"C'mon, let's go," I told him and he nodded, agreeing with me fully.

As we rushed out of the house, we spotted Killian getting inside of the car and we waved at him wildly, gaining his attention.

"Wait up," we shouted and we ran over to the car, opening the doors and getting inside. Killian watched curiously, analyzing us with his eyes.

"What do you two think you're doing," he asked and I poked my head in between Dakota and Killian from the back seat.

"We're going with you, what's it look like," I asked chuckling and he sighed, shaking his head.

"No, you're- whatever. Let's go," he sighed and just then, Calixto, Caspar, and Drew came out of the house with Bello bringing up the back, still looking pissed from earlier. Blaise looked at us for a few moments before crossing his arms and walking away, disappearing behind trees lining the streets. I feel a bit sad for him but it's probably for the best right now.

"No, no," Killian whispered and Calixto chuckled, opening the backdoor.

"Yes, yes," he said and he cringed at the lack of the space.

"Chesney, you might have to sit in his lap," Killian said from the front and I blushed, letting him sit down before sitting on his lap. Drew and Caspar squished in and Bello rolled his eyes as there was no space left. He groaned and sat on Drew's lap, looking even more pissed.

"We're so getting pulled over," Dakota mumbled from the front and Killian nodded in agreement before speeding down the road, heading towards the hospital.

As the reality of the situation slowly started to dawn on me, I grabbed Calixto's hand and squeezed it tightly.

This lady, Killian's grandmother, could die. All because of some man's hurt ego. This isn't what I signed up for by moving here, all I wanted was the chance to chase my dreams. I wasn't expecting the "real world" to be full of so much sadness, disappointment, and anger. I know there's still goodness out there, it just seems like there's so much negativity keeping it hidden.


"Killian? What's wrong," Dakota questioned from the front seat and Killian pulled out his cellphone, shaking his head angrily.

"I'm forfeiting," he said once he reached the person on the other line and we gasped. No, way. He didn't just do that, no way.

"What are you doing Killian, you can't do this," Dakota exclaimed and Killian hung up the phone, not bothering with replying.

"Killian, you'll lose your sponsors, the sponsors that are paying for your grandmother's treatment," Calixto said from behind me and Killian tightly gripped the wheel, swerving from lane to lane and picking up speed.

"Who the fuck cares anymore? If I don't forfeit, she could die tonight! Better to take the chance that maybe, just maybe, they won't drop me. Maybe they'll understand," Killian shouted before growing quieter at the end, his voice sounding innocent and child-like. He was scared. Which, was understandable. We're all scared.

"I'm sorry Hun, but that's not how the world works," Bello whispered, leaning up to pat Killian's back soothingly.

"But don't worry man, we're here for you, okay dude," Drew said and Killian slowly shook his head, not yet fully convinced. I guess it's my turn to try. Here goes nothing.

"Killian, I know that we haven't known each other as long as you've known everyone else but, you're like a brother to me. If I feel this way about you, imagine how the others feel," I said and he looked back at me through his mirror, a small ghost of a smile playing behind his stern face.

"Thanks Chesmunk," he said and I blushed at the nickname as the other guys chuckled.

"Aw, that's cute," Calixto whispered and I rolled my eyes, making him chuckle. He hugged me tighter to him and I sighed, feeling a bit less worried but still enough to be on edge.

"Calixto, what if-"

He placed his fingers on my lips to silence me and shook his head, pulling me closer to him. His arms kept their firm hold on me while the hand I was holding on to, entangled with mine. I looked deeply into his eyes and understood the hidden message, we'll talk about it later.

"So, dudes, I'm a little confused. Like, do we just bust up in there ready to kick their asses," Drew asked and Bello scoffed.

"Uh Dude, do you like, even have a dictionary," Bello sassed and Drew smirked up at him, cocking an eyebrow.

"I know you're not talking, last time I checked, you could only say two words last night. Harder and faster," Drew joked and Bello's face turned fire engine red as he gasped.

"Drew," he shouted and Drew chuckled louder, the whole car erupting into laughter, effectively calming down the situation at hand.

"You said that a few times too," Drew joked and I covered my mouth as I started to snort unattractively while I laughed. I blushed as the guys started to laugh at me instead of the previous conversation.

"Told you, Penny the Pig was perfect for you," Dakota giggled from the front seat and I stuck my tongue out at him. Calixto's deep laughter shook his body and was surprisingly soothing to hear. For those few minutes, we felt inseparable, we felt like the family we all wanted. We felt as if the world around us wasn't slowly caving in. Sadly, moments like these, can't last forever.

When we finally reached the hospital, we rushed inside, causing a rather large uproar from the patients and visitors as we pushed past them. Well, more so Bello than anyone. Killian was leading the pack with me directly in the middle, trying not to step on anyone's shoes while also avoiding the prospect of being trampled. As we neared the sign-in desk, we tried running past it but the nurse caught us before we could.

"Sir! Sir! Calm down, which one of you needs help," A red headed nurse asked and Calixto gasped, eyes growing wide.

"Scarrlet, you're a nurse," Calixto asked shocked, walking over to her and hugging her, and jealousy began to stir inside of me. Who's this bitc-lady?

"Why do you sound so surprised? Just because I work in the medical field doesn't mean that I don't like to go to clubbing occasionally," She said and he shrugged. Oh, she likes clubs. Well, since she likes clubs so much, maybe I should go buy one and show her what's what. Hit her with the ol' one, two. That three, four. That five, six pick up sticks bitch.

"And who's this cutie giving me the look of Satan," She asked, her smile never leaving her face. Yeah, Scarlett the Harlot, you better be scared. I just got the guy back, I'm not losing him this soon.

"This adorable cutie here, is Chesney," He said, walking over and wrapping an arm around me and Killian groaned in annoyance.

"This is nice and all, but I need to go! We're visiting room 473, make sure you put some guards around it," Killian shouted before running to the elevator, the others going with him. Scarrlet looked after them with concern before calling up the guards on her red office phone.

"Yes, we need a few guards to keep watch over room 473 by request of a guest," she said in her sickeningly sweet voice before hanging up.

"Thanks Scarrlet, would it be too much to ask if we could possibly stay overnight, please," Calixto begged and she licked her lips in thought before finally nodding, cracking a smile. Calixto fist pumped the air like a little kid and she chuckled.

"You're going to get me fired but you're lucky you and your boyfriend here are so cute," she said, winking at me and I erupted into yet another blush.

"We're n-not boyfriends," Calixto replied, stuttering, and I noticed as a small bit of blush creeped up his face. Scarrlet seemed to notice as well and she chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say lover boy. By the way Chesney, I won't make a move on Calixto, I promise. Trust me, I don't exactly play that field," she said, chuckling lightly, and my blush reached my ears. Oh my gosh, I take everything back! Even the Scarrlet the Harlot one, which, in my opinion, was comedy gold.

"I'm so sorry," I said and she waved it off, laughing, while Calixto shook his head, chuckling under his breath.

"It's okay darling, now, hurry to the room so that you can beat security. I'll explain the situation to them later," She said and we nodded, waving, before walking away.

"So, jealousy," Calixto cooed, before we got onto the elevator and I rolled my eyes, turning away from him. He sighed behind me before wrapping his arms around me from behind and laying his head on my shoulder.

"Look, I know how I was, but that was in the past. You're the only person I want, no, need. You've managed to work your way inside my heart, and now I can't let you go. I can't promise that you won't get jealous, but I can promise that I'll try my best to never give you a reason to," he whispered and I smiled, leaning back to kiss his lips softly. He pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss, and I pulled away from him, causing him to whine pitifully.

I laughed at him as the elevator doors opened and we walked out onto the nicely tiled floor. Most of the hospital doors were closed as many of the residents were sleeping but we easily found room 473, as Dakota was standing outside waiting for us.

"Before you go inside, I'm warning you, tears will be shed," he whispered, tears in his eyes, and we looked at him frightened.

"I-is she de-"

"Look for yourself," he whispered, cutting me off, before looking away and we walked inside cautiously. As we walked deeper into the room, I could see Bello and Drew looking out of the window while Caspar seemed deep in thought.

As we reached the middle of the room, laid on a pure white hopital bed, was Killian's grandmother smiling tiredly at us while Killian clung to her for dear life. Dakota was right.

Tears were shed.
Wow. I'm not sure what to say about this chapter! It had action, humor, and drama so I hope everyone enjoyed it! Also, sorry for the extra long chapter!

Question of the Chapter-
Favorite Ship?

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