|Twenty| No Hero (Pt.One)

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The Irony astounds me~>
(*cries* Sorry, the picture won't load properly)

"It's very dear to me, the issues of gay marriage. Or, as I like to call it: 'marriage.' You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn't gay park it."- Liz Feldman

Dedicated to- MarteenEbrahim for finding the ironic picture above!

Song of the Chapter: "Just Like Fire" -P!nk 

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~Chesney's Pov~

What the heck is that? Is there a fly in here? I freaking told Drew to close that dang window but did he listen, of course not. Now I have to get up in the middle of the night to shut it. And just to make matters worse, the window is at least five feet away. Ugh, my life is so hard.

I groan softly and begrudgingly pry my eyes open, desperately wanting to get back to sleep on my comfy Calillow, also known as, my Callixto pillow.

I lifted my head from Calixto's warm body, causing him to stir a bit and mumble, and I smiled softly before standing to my feet. I stretched and scratched my head, strange, I don't feel a breeze from the window being opened.

I looked towards the window only to see it had in fact been shut, guess I owe Drew an apology, but still, where the heck was that buzzing come from if a fly didn't come through the window?


The insistent beeping sounded again and I scoffed as I saw Caspar's phone buzzing wildly on the coffee table. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone, preparing to cut it off, when the name 'Wyatt' stood out as the listed contact. What could Wyatt possibly want with Caspar?

I looked around the room, cautiously looking for any onlooking eyes, and unlocked the phone. I licked my lips, squinting to see that Wyatt had sent two messages and a picture, and I took a deep breath before sighing. Better safe than sorry. With one tap, I opened the messages.

'Caspar, really think it's a good idea to still hold out on my money?'

I gasped and almost dropped the phone as I scrolled down to see a picture of a tied up, and bruised, Blaise. Oh my fuck.

'Look Caspar, I like you. But you've gone too far this time so I had to up the stakes. He's dead, there's no saving him, but I still want the money or the old lady is next. I still have to get my revenge on that Killian guy after all.'

This can't be happening, this wasn't supposed to happen! Wyatt was supposed to come here, get caught by the guards, be taken to jail, and then we would live our lives happily ever after! We were supposed to be done with this guy, but he's like a one man cockroach infestation.

I shakily held the phone and simply stared at the picture of Blaise, his wrists were red from the rope and his face had numerous bruises and cuts. His shirt was stretched in various areas and ripped in others while his hair was mangled, jutting out all over the place. His eyes were covered by a thick bandana but the rest of his face showed every bit of emotion he felt, he was deprived of all hope. I wanted to help him, really. But-

I'm no superhero. I'm not even an ordinary hero. I'm just Chesney, the boy with big dreams and little sense. When I came here, I didn't plan on questioning my sexuality, living with seven gay men, meeting a psycho lunatic gang leader with an unhealthy thirst for revenge, and I sure didn't plan on being the reason that a person's life would be taken. Well, the reason that another person's life would be taken.

I sighed and gripped my solid gold locket, looking around at the moonlit guys. I weakly smiled at them and opened my locket, I'm no hero. If anything, I'm a villain.

I growled and tore off my locket, tossing it on the table. I turned around as I heard the solid clink of the gold locket against the glass, hopefully not damaging anything. That locket is priceless, it probably costs more than my entire wardrobe.


I gasped and rushed to the table before picking up my discarded locket with haste, the gold shimmered brilliantly while the heart shaped diamonds lining the edges sparkled in the moonlight. I smiled softly, gripping Caspar's phone, before breaking into a full grin that almost reached my ears. I squealed quietly, but gleefully, and rushed out of the room, forgetting about the guards that were stationed to protect it.

I gasped as I opened the door before I could stop myself and I slowly poked my head out, breathing almost inaudibly. I looked around and only saw one portly guard, taking a nap on the hospital's tiled, polished floors. Figures. It's a good thing Wyatt's gang didn't come or else we would've had a problem.

I shuffled out of the room, closing the door quietly, and stepped over the guards long legs, holding my breath the entire time. As soon as both of my feet were safely over the sleeping guard, I bolted down the hallway, running towards the bathroom faster than Drew after three-bean tacos.

My feet tapped lightly against the floor, making a soft tapping noise as I ran. My breath was excited and shallow, for in my hands, was the ticket for saving someone's life. For once in my life, I'm somebody!

Back in Virginia, I was that kid that spent time reading in the back corner. That kid you didn't want in groups because they didn't do any work, just read or daydream. Always having your head in the clouds means that your face gets covered as well.

The dark hospital had a eerie feeling to it, shadows in every corner, deathly silence, and the rank smell of medicine fouling the air.

A cold breeze flowed throughout the hospital, sending shivers up my spine as if a ghost was breathing down my neck. My only source of warmth came from my vicarious running for Blaise. I couldn't let this happen to him, I wasn't going to let this happen.

Once I finally reached the bathroom on the last floor, I stepped inside quickly, immediately locking the door behind me. I breathed heavily and looked down at Caspar's phone, panting. Here goes, everything I guess.

I dialed Wyatt's number and waited. And waited. And waited. And wait-

"Ah Caspar, you have my money?"

I blocked the speaker on the phone and moved it away, taking a deep breath. You've got this Chesney, just calm down, and be tough.

"N-no, th-this is Chesney," I stuttered out and I mentally facepalmed, way to go body. All that hyping up, wasted.

"Chesney? I don't know a Chesney, bye," Wyatt said quickly and I cried out for him to wait, covering my mouth in surprise and looking at the locked door behind me. I sure hope no one heard that.


Thank God, he didn't hang up yet. Let's go Chesney, no stuttering, it's time to man up.


Dang it!

"What do you want? I don't know why you have Caspar's phone but if this is some prank caller, you're dead," Wyatt growled out and I gulped nervously.

"No, no, I-I have money," I whispered and he hummed into the phone before chuckling.

"I'm listening."

"Is Blaise okay," I asked and he paused for a moment before the sound of a gun cocking rung through the phone loud and clear.

"Now he is, great timing but might I ask, why does he matter?"

"That's none of your business," I snapped before realizing and I went pale as a sheet. Oh god, please don't let that seal Blaise's, and possibly my own, fate.

"Feisty, I like it. You have my interest," Wyatt chuckled darkly, his smirk seemingly coming through the phone, and I sighed quietly in relief. We're still good.

"I have on me right now a locket-"

"You've lost my interest, goodbye-"

"Wait! It's a 24k gold chain and an 18k gold locket with heart shaped diamonds circling the edges! It's worth well over eight thousand dollars, please," I shouted, not noticing my volume, and loud banging erupted on the bathroom door while someone jiggled the locked door handle furiously.

"Who's in there? Get out here, now," a deep voice boomed and I licked my dry lips worriedly, gripping the phone for dear life. Please answer, please answer.

"Eight grand huh? Well, that will cover Caspar's debt. And I guess three thousand is enough for me to let this brat go, hm. Chesney, you've got yourself a deal," Wyatt said and I smiled widely, cheering inside.

"Okay, okay, so no harm will come to Blaise, right" I asked just to be safe and he agreed with an affirmative hum.

"Yes, just deliver the locket to the basement of L'élégant Hotel, tonight," Wyatt told me, hanging up and I mentally cursed, that place again.

"Open up! We know you're in there!"

Dang it! How the heck am I even supposed to get out of here with those guards beating the door down? If they catch me, they'll probably assume I'm one of Wyatt's goons and throw me in prison.

I wildly searched around the room for an escape, praying to find one other than the cartoonish way of flushing myself down the toilet. That probably wouldn't work well and even if it did, I wouldn't go through with it. There were various dust covered vents but I'm not trying to freeze inside of there with how the air conditioning is running. Think Chesney! There's got to be another way.

"Finally! You bring the keys! Unlock this damn door already, should have your ass fired."

As I heard keys jingling and the door start to unlock, I gasped as I saw a small window that was hidden high on the wall.

I narrowed my eyes, putting Caspar's phone in my back pocket while also putting the locket around my neck once again, and picked up a nearby magazine rack, the magazines falling to the floor. I bit my lip before smashing it through the window, glass shattering and flying throughout the room. Oh. My. Gosh. What the hell did I just do?

"Hey you! Nothing better be broken," a guard yelled, running inside and I hid my face, crawling out of the window. I screamed as the guard grabbed my ankle and I kicked at him with no avail.

"Got you now," he said pulling and I shouted, gripping the bush to my right and pulling against him. The struggle continued until finally, my shoe slipped off and I cheered, running away from the hospital with only one shoe on my right foot.

I'm coming Blaise! I may only have one shoe and a stolen phone but I'm coming!
I know, I know it's short! But it was suppose to be because it's broken into two parts! Wouldn't want the book to be too short now would we! Also, I wanted to give you some time to figure out just who's going to die! There's subtle hints all over this book! I hope you're able to find them! Love you guys!

Question of The Chapter-
Who will die!?
(Because I promise that someone will!)
A/N: I know you guys don't want to hear this, but votes really do matter for a story! They actually determine reads, believe it or not XD. It takes hours for me to get these chapters out, could you possibly just take a second to vote? Please? Pretty please with a Chesney on top?
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Thanks guys!

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