|Twenty-Six| End

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"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other."
-Audrey Hepburn

Dedicated to- FandomTrash13 and Turtlescanwrite for being my best friends and supporters! Thank you guys so much! Love ya!

~Chesney's Pov~
"Chesney, c'mon wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

I mumbled tiredly to myself and snuggled closer to my extra soft pillows, trying to drown out the yelling person in the background.

"Chesney, I know you can hear me," The person continued and I groaned, shooing them away.

"No I can't," I mumbled, causing the person to suck their teeth as I turned my back to them.

"Fine. You did this to yourself," he said and I smiled to myself, thinking the person was going to leave but as a cold, wet finger found its way into my ear canal, I jumped up from my comfy, cozy bed screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Dakota, what the hell," I shouted and his eyes widened as he quickly shook his head.

"Your pa-"

"Chesney Thompson! Please tell me I did not just hear that profanity come from your mouth!"

"-rents are here," Dakota finished apologetically, chewing his lip nervously, and I gasped, covering my mouth. Of fucking course, why not? That's just my luck.

"Dakota, why are they here," I asked quickly, running to the window to sure enough see their Grey Sedan parked outside on the drive way with their signature red and white, knitted cross in the windshield.

"Shit, shit," I mumbled running around and picking up my clothes from the floor, storing them under the bed quickly. I looked around the room frantically and as my eyes zoomed in on the pile of stuffed animals, I closed in on them.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I stopped, mid-grabbing, and smiled nervously at Dakota, who was angrily tapping his foot against the floor with crossed arms.

"Just doing a little cleaning," I said and he glared, walking behind me before pushing me towards the door.

"Well if you want to do a little cleaning, how about you focus on taking a shower and brushing your teeth instead of bothering my babies," He said, as sassily as always, and continued pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Calixto's downstairs and stalling as best he can so I'll help him whilst you finish getting cleaned up, 'Kay? Good luck Chestnut," Dakota told me, giving me a quick hug and smile before rushing downstairs.

"God I hope this goes well."

~Calixto's Pov~
Fuck, this isn't going well at all. For the last ten minutes since Dakota went to wake Chesney, Mr. Thompson has been silently judging everything I've done.

"Sir, would you like to take a seat," I asked and he rose an eyebrow, looking around at the different seats in the living room before shaking his head, folding his arms behind his back.

"No thank you, this furniture seems a bit dusty and it'll probably upset my allergies," He said and I nodded, watching from my seat on the couch as he walked around, investigating the room.

"Oh take a seat dear, you know how your back gets when you stand for too long," Mrs. Thompson said, patting the space beside her on the couch and Mr. Thompson sighed, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he walked over to sit next to his wife.

"We heard about your brother, Caspar on the news this morning. He was a very sweet man when we first met him, we're so sorry to hear about what happened," Mrs. Thompson said with a sweet smile and I nodded, smiling back with dismissive shake of my head.

"It's okay, he was a good guy and he will be missed. It's nice to know that others feel the same," I said and Mr. Thompson snorted, looking away as his wife smacked his knee gently. I rose a brow and leaned onto my knees.

"Why the laughing sir? Did I say something amusing," I asked and Mr. Thompson shrugged, shaking his head with a tightlipped smile.

"No, no. Of course not. It's just, he commuted suicide, right? Then you shouldn't call him a "good guy" per say," He stated, matter-of-factly, and I licked my dry lips, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"And why exactly is that," I pressed further and Mr. Thompson, chuckled, completely oblivious to the glare he was receiving from his wife.

"Because, a "good guy" is a strong Christian who abides by God's laws. Killing yourself, isn't listening to our father's will. It's unethical," Mr. Thompson ranted and I took a deep breath to calm myself, he is my future father-in-law after all. Well, he is if everything goes my way with Chesney.

"Anyone want some orange juice?"

I sighed deeply in relief as Blaise walked back into the room, carrying a carton of orange juice in one hand and a few glasses in the other. He placed the carton on the table and carefully sat down the glasses as he looked around for any replies.

"I'll take a glass Blaise," I said and he smiled, pouring me a glass then handing it to me.

"Just stay cool. People are often angry like this when their children were endangered by a psycho drug lord," Blaise whispered, trying to help me understand Mr. Thompson's side, and I nodded in appreciation.

"So, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, how was your drive here," I questioned, trying to make small talk to clear the somewhat thick air, and Mrs. Thompson grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh, simply beautiful! I just loved the drive here from the airport! We don't have many sandy beaches and certainly none of the- what do the kids today say? Hot, surfers," She said, winking before breaking into a laughing fit and Mr. Thompson chuckled heartily at his giggling wife, shaking his head. I laughed to myself as well, feeling like the tension was finally lifted off my shoulders.

"Dakota, what the hell?"

Fuck, spoke to soon. Damn it Chesney!

"Chesney Thompson! Please tell me I did not just hear that profanity come from your mouth!"

I pinched my nose in frustration as Mrs. Thompson's voice echoed through the house as she heard Chesney's rage-filled shouting. She huffed and sat down on the couch with her husband once again.

"I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He's always been happy to see us and now he's cursing like a sailor," She mumbled to her husband and he agreed, narrowing his eyes towards me.

"I told you Vanessa, I knew this would happen if we didn't visit enough. He's started to corrupt without enough God in his life," Mr. Thompson stated and I fought to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Chesney's fine sir," I said and he began to harshly glare at me while his wife simply looked at me curiously.

"Fine? He acted as if he didn't want to see his own mother, cursed up a storm, and got involved with drugs and gangs! That's fine to you," Mr. Thompson angrily inquired, standing to his feet, and Vanessa grabbed his arm to calm him.


"No Vanessa. I've been playing nice this whole time-"

I scoffed hearing that, causing his hands to tighten into fists, and I smirked, fully knowing he wouldn't hit me.

"-but now that this man is going to sit here and lie about our son, I just can't take anymore I tell you," He said and I stood up as well, if he's not going to play nice, well neither am I.

"Ha, I'm so glad you said that. This whole, "polite host" act was starting to seriously dampen my mood. Now, about your son, I haven't lied about anything concerning him. So shut up, sit down, and act like a fucking grown up," I said, glaring harshly at the end and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped slightly. He rubbed the back of his neck and sat down slowly, looking everywhere but at me as he sulked. I rubbed my temples out of annoyance and sat back down as well, I swear most grown men act just like tweens going through puberty; chock full of testosterone.

"I'll um, go get more orange juice," Blaise said, scampering away quickly and leaving the half full carton in front of us.

"I'll go with him," I heard Dakota say from the top of the stairs as he rushed past the extremely awkward and tense situation I was now stuck in. Pssh, some friends.

"Mom! Dad!"

I raised my head from my hands as Chesney ran into the room, hugging his mom's neck then hugging his father, love shining in his beautiful eyes. I smiled happily, watching him embrace his family with so much joy.

"Chesney! Your hair," his mother cried out in surprise, staring at his hair with eyes the size of dinner plates, and his father's eyes raked over the pink hair with disgust.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you," he said, nervously backing away from his father who was obviously fuming from head to toe.

"How do you like it," he questioned timidly, now pressed against me, a good six or seven feet away from his parents.

"I-I love it sweetie," his mom said, smiling gingerly and his father looked at her with an incredulous look.

"Vanessa, look at him! His head looks like he fell head first into a cotton candy machine," Rolland complained and I rubbed Chesney's arm as he tensed up at his father's harsh words.

"No. It looks like he made his own decision instead of one we made for him. He's not a kid anymore Rolland," Vanessa said and Chesney stared at her in surprise as his face broke out into a full grin.

"Thanks Mom," he whispered and she nodded with a wink, making me chuckle. I like this woman, she's pretty damn cool in my books. So far.

Silence soon ensued as everyone looked around awkwardly. While the rest of us struggled to find something to distract us from the net rebuilt tension, Rolland couldn't seem to pry his eyes off of Chesney's pink hair.

"So, um, what are you guys doing here so early in the morning," Chesney questioned and I scoffed, making him look at me with his huge, doe eyes. I inwardly swooned but laughed outside, bopping his nose with my finger before I could control myself.

"It's one in the afternoon Chess," I said and he blushed crimson before shyly forming an 'O' with his lips.

"Chesney, I don't know how to think of you anymore."

I sighed and cut my eyes towards Chesney's father once again, annoyed that he wouldn't just accept that this is what Chesney likes and drop the damn subject.

"How about you think of him as your son? That sounds about right," Dakota said from the kitchen and I smirked, leave it to Dakota to get sassy and protective over Chesney.

"I'm not even sure that is my son," Rolland mumbled lowly, but loud enough that we were able to hear him. Chesney recoiled back, eyes brimming with tears, and I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist to hug him closer to me.

"You've changed Chesney! That's the one thing I was scared was going to happen! You've never slept this late, you've never even dreamed of dyeing your hair, you're apparently involved with crooks and drugs-"

"It's okay, don't even worry about him," I whispered in his ear to calm him down as he breathed in shallow breaths.

"-and now you're cuddling with a man! Chesney, we need to get you out of here before you become anymore corrupt," He finished and I glared at him as Chesney's tears started to soak my arms around his waist. I kissed his cheek, eliciting a hateful glare from his father, and stood up.

"Chesney, go in to the kitchen with Dakota, okay? I'll handle this," I whispered and he nodded, standing up before getting on his tip-toes to kiss me on the cheek. He bent his head down to avoid his father's murderous gaze and walked into the kitchen.

"So, you made him gay, huh? It's my fault. I never should've left him here for you to sink your claws into-"

"Will you shut the fuck up?"

"What did you say to me," he asked, narrowing his eyes further and I shook my head, clutching my fists tightly as the room suddenly started to grow very hot.

"You heard me. Your son, is still your son. He still prays, he still reads his pocket bible, he may have changed a bit, but it's for the better! I'm sorry if he's not the same, shy and narrow-minded person that you raised but I personally feel that this Chesney, is worth the change," I declared angrily and Vanessa gulped, standing up before walking towards me.

"What's your relationship with my son," she questioned and I looked deep into her eyes, analyzing her carefully before sighing.

"I love him," I whispered and she studied me, her eyes raking over my face. The few seconds felt like hours as she judged me, staring me down with her striking blue eyes.

"You do love him. And he loves you. I could see it in both of your eyes. If Chesney is happy, well then, so am I," Vanessa whispered and I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders as I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much," I whispered repeatedly and she patted my back comfortingly until we heard the deafening sound of a door being slammed.

"He'll be okay. He just needs time. I do need to speak with Chesney before I go though," Vanessa said, walking into the kitchen, and I nodded, following after her.

As we walked inside, we stumbled upon Blaise, Dakota, Bello, and Chesney huddled together as Chesney cried his heart out while Killian and Drew stood off to the side, watching with somewhat apprehensive faces.

"Chesney, sweetie, I'm so sorry about your father," Vanessa consoled, walking closer to the huddle and Chesney, wiped his tears, looking up at her with a deep frown.

"What about you," he asked and she smiled softly, opening her arms for a hug.

"I love you no matter what," she said with a motherly tone and he launched into her arms hugging her tightly.

"Thank you so much Mom, I love you too," he told her and she smiled, rubbing his back.

"It's fine sweetie and I'm glad that you have good tastes, that Calixto sure is a cutie," she said winking and I felt my ears grow red as Chesney nodded, agreeing with a few small laughs.

"Well, I should be off. Your father is probably getting impatient. Goodbye Chesney, love you. Love ya too Calixto, and take good care of my baby, okay," she asked and I nodded, walking over and wrapping an arm around his waist.

As she walked out of the house with one final wave, I smiled happily to myself. I may have lost a brother, but I still have my friends. My family. And most importantly, the love of my life.



Also, it's probably a good idea to read the spin-off if you want to find out about Chesney's story!

I'm sorry there wasn't any sex, especially since people have been requesting it since the very beginning. I can, however, say that sex may be included in the next chapters if enough people want it.

As always, don't forget to:




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