Encouragement, kids and rehearsals again

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Rosita was upstairs heading to practice when mr. Wolf was heading her way when he gets attacked by rosita's kids, they came in screaming and laughing as they jumped on him pinning him to the ground.


"Get him"

Rosita heard someone being ambushed by one of her kids, she walked as smiles but when she heard wolf screaming, she started to panicked, she ran as fast as she could.

She wouldn't mind if her kids attacked wolf but she was more concerned about wolf attacking her kids.

But she got there on time, she was surprised to find wolf and her piglets were laughing.

Wolf got up as one got on his head, back, a couple pulled on his arm while some got on his leg, another one pulled on his ear.

"Hey, hehehe"

Rosita calmed down and it made her smile to see wolf playing with her piglets.

But wolf caught her off guard as he noticed her looking.



"Are these yours" he asked as he took one piglet of his back and one off his neck.

"Yes I'm so sorry about them, I guess it's been awhile since they seen a wolf" Rosita pulls one off as they hang on to his jacket.

"It's ok, i know what it's like to handle kids" then a girl piglet jumped in his arms, "oh...take it easy little scampi"

The three of them laughed and the piglets reminded him when he met princess.

"You know I have a child too, it feels amazing to have a child, don't you love the joy of having a child, you are one lucky mom to have children you can love and cherish, never wanting to let them go"

Then Rosita's husband normal came in, he laughed.

"Yeah, the joy of children...look buddy i don't know where you're from but...your lucky to have one child"

Wolf was confused as he looks at rosita, she smiles nervously and shrug her shoulders.

Then he puts her piglet down and as he walked away, ash was passing by, she and rosita watch wolf leave.

"He seems real nice" ash says.

"Yeah and his a good parent too...but piranha dropped this" she pulls out his wallet, altogether ash didn't care, but what she was about to see...would shocked her as rosita opened it.

"Apparently piranha is a secret agent" she showed ash that in his wallet...piranha was a spy.

Ash was shocked as he mouth open wide in shocked, "get out"

"I know right"

Then a thought came to ash, "but what's a secret agent doing at a Christmas charity show" ash asked.

"I don't know...let's go ask him" rosita pulls the wallet into her pocket.

And as they head downstairs for practice, somewhere in a boutique shop...a older Arctic fox in designer winter ware.

Was working on a new winter collection, when Alice came downstairs, her mother hears her, she smiles and turns around to face her.

"Ah, baby good you're here, I just finished you new dress you can wear at the charity show"

She shows any on a mannequin

But Alice was just wearing a plain, simple white winter dressed.

When the fliers of the moon Christmas show came in her mom's shop, alice's mom encouraged her to follow her dreams.

"Oh...thanks mom...but i don't think...I'll be wearing it today, not with the help I need to do"

Her mom took her sunglasses off, she saw she was bringing her sewing kit that she gave her on her 10th birthday, which only meant one thing...she was continuing to be like her mother and sew for theater clothes, her mom didn't like that.

"You're doing it again aren't you" her mom asked.

Alice opened her eyes wide but turned the other cheek, "what...are you talking about mom" she asked.

Her mom grabbed her shoulders "Alice, this is your chance, your dream, don't follow in my footsteps, becoming a fashion designer, you do what you love and don't let anything stop you"

"Yes mom"

"Good" her strokes her chin and goes back to her cloth line, "there's already enough fashion designers as it is, and I'll be looking forward to seeing you perform...my daughter Alice wearing the finest winter fashion in this city that the world has ever seen, don't forget that Alice"

"Yes mom"

"Bye sweetie I love you"

"I love you too mom" Alice leaves.

Then back in the theater, miss crawly and buster were watching Porsha perform candy cane lane, her nutcracker outfit was amazing, it was very glittery thanks to Alice and she was twirling a candy cane baton.

"Candy Cane Lane, bring a friend this holiday
Bring a friend who loves to play, we'll eat all the candy canes
Oh, Candy Cane Lane, bring a friend this holiday
Bring a friend who loves to play, we'll eat all the candy canes
Candy canes
We'll eat candy canes" she marched, threw the candy cane in the air, rolled, did a spilt and caught the candy cane in her hands.

Buster and miss crawly were impressed, "wow amazing porsha" buster clapped for her, she bowed and walks out for the next performer to start the show.

"And I love the dress, it looks great"

"Thanks, Alice added a few adjustments" Porsha says.

"Ok piranha you-" as buster called out for piranha, he turns around when he hears the doors opening and he panicked, he shuddered, when he saw wolf.

His smile...oh...there was something about his smile that send a sliver down his spine.

"Nice place you got here buster...it looks great" but wolf's smile was a reminder of jimmy as he gets another flashback.

Buster gulped when wolf passes by him, as he held princess, princess was playing with his fingers.

"Oh uh...we're going to do rehearsals" buster hid behind the seats to avoid wolf as he looks around.

"Yeah sure go on, pretend we're not here...we'll be You're main audience" as wolf takes a seat, buster was shaking he was scared that wolf was here but he was more afraid of what he was going to do.

So he decided to skip piranha go for Allison And jacob.

"Ok never mind Allison and jacob, you guys are up first" buster signal then it come on the stage.

Allison and jacob came on the stage, the song you make it feel like Christmas, they took each other's hands and slowly step by step, they carefully waltz to the song.

I want to thank the storm that brought the snow
Thanks to the string of lights that make it glow
But I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas
It barely took a breath to realize
We're gonna be a classic for all time
I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas"

At first it was going great, but buster was looking focus all he can think about is wolf, he turned around to see Mr. Wolf smiling, he was enjoying the performance.

Paying no attention to Allison and jacob, it came the part for them to speed up.

"Sweet gingerbread made with molasses
My heart skipped and I reacted-" but jacob tripped, Allison helped him up but she feel on his chest, he helps her up, he nearly steps on her foot.

"Oh I'm sorry" jacob apologized.

"Oops I'm so sorry"

Then they tremble on their own feet and collapsed on the ground, ouch was the faces everyone makes when they watched them fall.

Buster then looks back quickly realizing he was off his guard when Allison and jacob her up, they looked guilty and embarrassed.

"Sorry mr. Moon" jacob says.

"Sorry mr. Moon...it's just...this dance is so hard" Allison sighs.

"Yeah I'm not so sure we're the right team you picked for the dance" jacob added was her agreed with Allison.

Buster lost focused then he turns to them, "huh, oh never mind that, you guys just need more practice that's all"

Buster watched them exit the stage to practice some more, "keep up the good work you guys" buster yelled.

Rosita and gunter saw how bad they weee failing and the show is in a few days, They needed all the help they need.

But all buster could think about is wolf, he was still scared of him but then something inside him changed.

It was time he stopped being afraid...he was going to confront the wolf himself.

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