Ginger Beer (#frustration)

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The young woman behind the counter at Taco City gave Mike a tough luck smile that suggested she didn't give a sh*t.

"I'm afraid your card has been declined, sir," she said. Maintaining her heartless demeanor she slid the tray of steaming carne asada tacos back towards her side of the counter. 

Perplexed, Mike's mouth watered and his stomach growled as he watched a wait staff take the tacos back into the kitchen. Why had his card been declined? There should be plenty of funds in his account. 

"Can you run it again?" he asked, handing back the card. The cashier complied, but again 'declined' flashed up on the screen. 

She shrugged and handed Mike his card back. Then she motioned for him to move aside so she could help the next customer in line.

Darn it. Thought Mike stepping back out onto the street and opening the online banking app on his phone. He scrolled through the app to 'recent purchases.' Thankfully, the culprit charge was at his last stop only two blocks away at Natural Market. He'd just stopped there to buy one ginger beer to drink with his takeout dinner. The charge, however, was $3217.15.

Mike trotted the two blocks back to his neighborhood branch of Natural Markets. He quickly found the checker from whom he had just purchased the ginger beer. The checker's eyebrows went up as he reviewed the recent charges on the till. They called the manager over who brought Mike back to her office. She sat down and began typing on her computer. 

"How many six-packs of ginger beer did you buy?" she asked.

"I only bought a single bottle," replied Mike.

"Oh...well you got charged for four-hundred and two six packs." She grinned sheepishly at him. "Sorry about that. I'll get it refunded right away." 

The manager typed for awhile on her computer. "Can you put in your pin number on the pad?" she asked. 

Mike did and the manager continued to stare at her computer, a frown growing on her face. 

"Is there a problem?" asked Mike.

"It's not letting me refund such a large amount. Here let's try one-thousand dollars at a time. Can you put your pin in again?"

Mike entered his pin again, but still the manager stared at the computer looking hopeless. They tried five-hundred dollars, and then two-hundred dollars, but the financial program for the market refused to give Mike his refund. Finally the system allowed a one-hundred dollar refund. 

"I'm sorry," said the manager. "But it looks like you are going to have to put your pin number in thirty-three times."

Mark sighed and his stomach rumbled.

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