On Trial (#trial)

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The defendant sat biting her nails. She appeared disheveled despite wearing a suit with dark rings under her eyes and messy hair. Her lawyer, Mr. Dobson, eyed her sideways and mentally shook his head. This would be a difficult case to defend.

The court was full. Apparently the plaintiff was very likable and, in addition to a large family, had lots of friends, many of whom were children. Given the sensation this case had stirred up on social media, members of nearly every major newspaper stood poised to report this momentous trial. 

The plaintiff entered the courtroom with two lawyers and a personal assistant. He hobbled slowly on crutches. In addition to the casted leg upon which he struggled to walk, one side of his adorable face remained wrapped in a bandage. He kept a brave weak smile on his face as the court watched him painstakingly make his way to the front of the room.  

Suddenly the plaintiff wobbled once or twice. A collective gasp went up from the room, but his personal assistant came to his aid and steadied him. A sigh of relief filled the room and Mr. Dobson's heart sank. He anticipated annihilation of his client.

"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Smith presiding," said the bailiff.

"Everyone but the jury may be seated. Ms. Johnson," said the judge nodding at the bailiff, "please swear in the jury."

The jury was worn in and the bailiff announced the case. 

"Your Honor, today's case is Mr. G Bear vs Dr. J Dates and the University of Wonderfulness Hospital."  The prosecuting and defense attorneys confirmed they were ready and the prosecuting attorney began.

"Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Mr. James and my co-council and I are representing Mr. G Bear in this case.We intend to prove that on the days of August 15-18, 2023 Mr. Bear lay in the University of Wonderfulness Hospital and did not receive appropriate medical care. Numerous times he was ignored while in extremis. Dr. Dates and several other medical staff simply walked past the place where he lay in agony.  His yellow body grew weaker and paler each day. Additionally, during the hottest week of the summer, he was left to languish in direct sun in an unairconditioned part of the hospital. He developed severe dehydration. Please find Dr. Dates and the University of Wonderfulness Hospital guilty of negligence and malpractice.  

Dr. Dobson cleared his throat nervously and tried not to look at his client who he could tell was nervously chewing at her nails again.

"Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Mr. Dobson and my co-council and I are representing Dr. Dates in this case. We intend to prove that on the days of August 15-18, 2023, Dr. Dates and her medical staff were very rushed, very stressed and while they did walk past the defendant several times, they did not recognize him as a patient, given his...er...atypical appearance..." 

A collective gasp arose from the courtroom.

"Gummy bears have rights too!" yelled a pimply youth from the back of the courtroom.

"Dr. Dates saw him lying in the stairwell for FOUR DAYs and did nothing!" shouted a large red gummy bear. "He could have melted!" People and gummy bears started shouting obscenities at Dr. Dates.

The judged hammered her gavel. 

"Order in the court!" she demanded. "You may continue Mr. Dobson," she looked down her nose at the defendant and her lawyer. The look on her face let Mr. Dobson know his client would be found guilty and would be given the toughest sentence possible. 

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