The Shower (#desirable)

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The shower looked most desirable to Samantha Greenwood. From the moment the water arched out, cascading through the warm air to splash upon the gay checkered tiles, she knew she wanted to linger in this one. 

And oh, so warm felt the water as it caressed her soft skin. Luxury at its finest. She took the little purple bar of soap that she had saved for this occasion and rubbed it all over her body. The smell of sweet ripe berries in summer infused the steam that now filled the stall.

A little puddle of water formed at her feet (the drain not being what it used to be and maybe being a bit clogged with bits of hair and soap). She stamped and splashed merrily and giggled.

"Honey, time to get out of the shower," her mother cooed. 

Samantha remained silent, pretending she hadn't heard. Sometimes mommy got distracted on her phone and would forget to ask her twice.

"Samantha," her mother repeated. "Time to get out."

"No, mommy," said Samantha. "I want to take a long, long shower." She paused for a moment and then continued. "It's so nice."

Samantha's mother smiled at her toddler's locker room indulgence. She packed up their swimsuits and laid Samantha's dress on the bench.

"Ok, honey," she said. "Two more minutes." We need to go home and make lunch.

"No," said Samantha. "Longer."

"Ok, five minutes," said Samantha's mother. It didn't matter how long she said to a child with no sense of time. She resigned herself to the fact that  it would be a fight to get Samanth out of the shower no matter what.

Suddenly Samantha screamed.

"Oh, honey," said Samantha's mother as the naked child ran out of the shower. 

"It hurts, it hurts!" cried Samantha now drenching her mother's arms which held her tight.

"Soap in the eye?" asked Samantha's mother. Grabbing a towel and wiping her daughter's face dry.

"The soap hurts!" howeled Samantha.

"It will get better soon."

"No it hurts, it hurts!"

"Do you want to get back in the shower?" asked Samantha's mother.

"No, I want to go home!"

"Ok, honey. Let me go turn off the shower." But Samantha clutched her mother hard and wouldn't let go, so Samantha's mother picked her up and carefully reached into the shower with one arm to turn it off.

"I want to go!" Samantha's crying had abated but she was done with the locker room and tried to open the door and leave.

"We need to put your dress on first," said her mother chasing after Samantha with a towel and the dress. She dried a now angry Samantha off hurriedly and tugged the dress over her still damp body.

"How about mommy carries you home?" she asked.

Samantha nodded in agreement, a big frown on her little face.

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