Chapter 5

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Ok... I lied, but hey it's here! Besides, no one's reading this anyway XD

Studios convert to talkies

Musical pictures sweep the nation

Musical numbers were making their way through every studios all over the world.

As such, Ms. Kathy Selden got hired for a musical picture!

And, coincidentally, it was filmed at Monumental Pictures!

Behind the camera, Cosmo, Y/N, and Mr. Simpson watch the show.

"Who's that girl? She looks familiar." Simpson says.

"I've featured her before, in a lot of nightclub shows."

"That's probably where."

"She'd be good as Zelda's sister."

While the two drone on, Y/N leans in slightly before her eyes widen. She smacks Cosmo's arm repeatedly.

"Ow! What? What?" Cosmo says holding his arm.

"Oh shoosh! I didn't hit you that hard, now look!"

Cosmo leans in before he abruptly stands up, excusing himself before going under the camera.

"Cos! Wait up!" Y/N whispers before following him. "Cos!"

"C'mon doll! We gotta find Don!"

"You try running in heels!"

"Then let me carry you." He says with a cheeky smirk as he turns around, momentarily forgetting about Don.

"Absolutely not!" Her face growing red.

"If you won't let me carry you, then take them off."

"We're at work! I can't do that!"

Unbeknownst to them, Don had heard their bickering and started walking up to them.

"Fine, want a piggyback ride?" Cosmo asks with a smirk.

"..." Y/N's face scrunches up, her feet hurt and it wasn't an unappealing idea. "...fine."

Cosmo turns around and leans down without another word. He just smirks as she hops on, her arms going around his neck and his hands going under her thighs.

Don walks up to them with a questioning look.

"Oh, hi Don." Cosmo says nonchalantly.

"What's happening here?"

"My feet hurt..." Y/N mumbles as her cheeks heat up before she remembers what they were doing in the first place. "Oh! Don, Kathy Selden's over by Mr. Simpson!"

"What?" He asks before running over to where Cosmo and Y/N were.

"Hold on, doll."

"What- ahh!" She tightens her grip on his neck and shoulders as he runs after Don.

"Kathy! That's Kathy Selden." Don says with a smile.

"Thanks anyway, it was nice of you." She speaks directly to Simpson, ignoring Don.

"Well, wait a minute-"

"Thats alright. Before Mr. Lockwood refreshes your memory, you may as well know." She cuts him off. "I'm the girl who hit Miss Lamont with a cake. It was meant for Mr. Lockwood, I should've told you, I'm sorry."

"Wait. Wait a minute. What's this all about?" Don asks Simpson as he stops Kathy from leaving.

"We were gonna hire her, but if it would make you and Lina unhappy..."

"Unhappy? It's wonderful!"

"He's been looking for her!" Cosmo says excitedly, Y/N nodding in agreement.

"He has. I was afraid he'd send a search party for you, Ms. Selden." Y/N says with a chuckle when Kathy looks at her somewhat weirdly.

"Are you speaking for Lina also?" Simpson asks.

"The owner of Coconut Grove may do what Lina tells him, but you're the head of this studio." Don says, playing to his ego.

"Yes.. I am. She's hired, just... don't tell Lina she's on the lot." He says before walking away.

"Thank you, Mr. Simpson!" Kathy yells after him.

"I'm glad you turned up. We've been looking inside every cake in town." Cosmo quips before walking away. "C'mon doll, we're getting outta here."

"Cos! Where are we going?!"

"That's a surprise, doll!"

*Some time later* 

"Cosmo, are you ever going to put me down?" Y/N asks, not really annoyed, but people were staring.

"Not until we get there." He says vaguely.

"But you haven't told me where we're going!"

"And I'm not going to!" He says with a smirk that she can't even see.

Truth be told, he didn't want to let her down. Cosmo, cheeky bugger, may or may not like holding her thighs. Don't judge him, thick thighs save lives.

(My ADHD may or may not be acting up. I'm sorry.... but I'm having fun :D)

"You're enjoying this to much.." She mumbles as she hides her face in his shoulder blades. She really hates the attention this is gathering.

Cosmo, however, is reveling in it. He's smiling a bit too wide, and if Y/N could see it she'd smack it clear off his face.

He chuckles at her shy behavior.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"But you're adorable!"

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Cosmo sighs before he gets an idea, a wonderfully stupid idea.

"Are not!" He says.

"I-" Y/N starts to say. "I'm not falling for that!" She smacks his shoulder.

"You almost did!"

Y/N just sighed with a smile on her face.

"I swear, Cos, you are as animated as a cartoon duck."

"A duck?" He looks over his shoulder at her.

"I said what I said." She smiles. "Just you wait, I swear those two young fellows that came by the studio to pitch their idea will make a killing off a quirky duck."

Cosmo rolled his eyes playfully. He remembered those two.

"They certainly are dreamers, but we just got talking pictures, doll. It'll be a while before that rabbit of theirs will make an appearance."

"I swear it, Cos. We'll see Tex Avery and Bob Clampett's creations in our lifetime. Hell, I'll go see it with you!"

(I just found out that Daffy Duck appeared before Bugs Bunny? Like not a short time in between either! Daffy is like 3 years older! How tf?)

(If planet reads this, I blame you for my old cartoon fixation. I have no reason too, I just want too XD)

Cosmo smiled at the thought bit didn't get the chance to reply before they finally reached their destination.

Cosmo enjoyed their little walk, talking about the little things in life as if they were married.

God, how he wishes that were true.

Cosmo makes a dramatic stop, causing a small shriek from the girl.

The two have ended up right outside an ice-cream parlor.

"Well, doll, what'do you say?"

(Yes, this is the ice-cream parlor in Disneyland,  I was raised two hours from Disney World don't judge me XD)

"Oh Cosmo, it's adorable!" She says with a smile. "But what are we doing here?"

"Well, doll, I figured since Don and that Kathy girl were doing who knows what, I'd take my favorite girl on a date." Cosmo says with a small blush.

Y/N's eyes widen as she blushes red.

"I- um, really?"

"Yeah... only if you.. want to?"

"Yes!" She says excitedly. "Uh- I mean, sure, yeah, that's great!" She chuckles nervously.

"Great." Cosmo smiles and starts walking towards the door.

"Wait!" She says urgently.

"What's wrong?"

"You have to put me down." She giggles.

Cosmo frowns at the thought.

"What if I don't want to?" He pouts.

Y/N giggles and hugs him tightly before starting to wiggle in his grip.

"One, I have legs, I can walk by myself. Two, how am I supposed to eat while on your back?"

Cosmo sighs before slowly setting her down. She stumbles in place for a second but he wraps his arm around her waist.

"What was that about you walking by yourself?" He teases.

"Oh, shut up." She slaps his chest lightly.

The two enter the parlor, a soft chime announcing their arrival. The soft smell of freshly baked waffle cones wafting around them as they walk to a booth in the front, right next to a nice big window framed with beautiful paintings.

"So, doll, what would you like?" He asks.

"Umm... I'll get (f/f) (favorite/flavor), how about you?"

"I'll get chocolate. I'll be right back, with ice-cream." He smiles at her.

She smiles back at him before going to stare out the window at the bustling streets.

When he returned, ice-cream in hand, thwe two of them talk about the most random things. How life was going, how you two met. How did you two meet? Now that's a good memory.

(Flashback time!)

Now, Y/N didn't have a fantastic childhood, but does anyone?

She had grown up in the foster system. Which isn't amazing now, how do you think it was then?

She was there till the sweet age of 8, when she decided to run away from the foster house and hop on the nearest open train car.

It's there she met Don and Cosmo.

Those two had grown up together, but they had run away from home due to Don's alcoholic father and Cosmo's non-existent one.

The two had jumped onto Y/N's car, Cosmo almost falling before the small (h/c) girl pulled him in.

From there on, the three were as thick as theives.

They would steal as they needed, sneaking into theaters to see plays and pictures whenever they could.

Don and Y/N grew to be brother and sister. Of course, Y/N and Cosmo had grown closer, but in a different way.

Cosmo had always thought she was beautiful, ever since she saved him. He was smitten.

Y/N had grown to like him as they got older, eventually that turned to love.

The two were head over heels in love, they just haven't said anything yet.

Back to the present, the two chat on for what seems like hours about the simplest of things.

Before to long, the sun starts to set.

"I should probably take you home, doll."

Y/N sighs but nods.

The two discard of their garbage before walking out the store.

Y/N notices a little ice-cream on Cosmo's face and giggles a bit.

"What?" He questions.

"You got a little something on your cheek." She smiles.

Cosmo wipes the wrong cheek. "Did I get it?"

"Here, let me get it." She giggles.

She reaches up and wipes off his cheek with a smile.

Cosmo looks into her eyes as she does. Seeing her smile has always been the highlight of his day. Why do you think he always makes jokes?

Y/N notices his stare and reciprocates.

The two slowly leans in, their noses bumping against each other. She can feel his breath on her face as her eyes flutter closed...

The door of the ice-cream parlor swings open with a loud chime as the owner turns the open sign around and leaves, startling the two away from each other.

The two awkwardly stand there, Y/N rocking back and forth on her heals as she stares at the ground.

Cosmo awkwardly clears his throat.

"Um... I guess I should walk you home..."


With that, the two start walking in the direction of her home.

That's not gonna be awkward tomorrow.

Finished!!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!! This was cute, I really like this one :)

If anybody is actually reading this, feel free to comment and or vote!

Or just lemme know you are? Idk, I might leave this unfinished and go back to the TMNT book I wanted soon, but I'd hate to leave this.

ADHD sucks XD

Have a good one if you see this!

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