15. yoonmin

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[Yoonmin Special 2]

The alarm clock beside Yoongi wouldn't stop ringing and when he opens his eyes, he carefully adjusts to the sunlight that's been piercing his face. He puts his arm on top of his eyes, conditioning himself for another hectic day.

"Did I even sleep?" He mutters to himself before forcing his body to get up from bed. He leaves his room to go inside the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.

While he was munching the bacon he fried, he remembers Jimin's face before the latter left the apartment. His eyes looked so dejected, like Yoongi sucked out his soul or something when he told him that he doesn't have any idea on why he was waiting for him at the wee hour of the day. Shrugging, Yoongi has now lost his appetite and decided to stop eating and take a shower instead.

After cleansing his body, he put on some comfortable clothes and prepare his bag before going out. He looks at himself in the mirror for the last time and goes out the apartment.

When he hops inside his car, he receives a text from Jin to come over their house for a bit because he badly wants to talk to him. He couldn't say no, so he checks the time, and sure he could spare some hours for the older.

Yoongi drives his way towards Namjin's household and when he arrives, Jin was already by the front porch, waiting for him with a scowl on his face. I he walks closely before greeting him.

"Jin hyung, what's with the face?" Yoongi sees him pout as he folds his arms against his chest.

"Did you and Chim fight?" Yoongi was about to say no but then he guessed it's already a fight because he probably made Jimin go mad when he asked him if he was forgetting something.

"We kinda have a big misunderstanding, but I swear I'm gonna fix everything," he promised Jin. Jin glares at him for a second before opening the door and ushering him to go inside.

"He's inside his room. I don't know if he's still awake or he's already asleep but I think he's tired from crying. So go upstairs and talk to him before shit goes down," Jin gives him a small smile before leaving to work in the kitchen. Yoongi purses his lips, swallowing the lump in his throat before standing in front of Jimin's room. He twists the door knob, and fortunately it is unlocked so he makes his way inside, never forgetting to lock it afterwards.

He sees his boyfriend curled up against the bed, his blanket wrapping his body like a cocoon. He kneels in front of his face, fixing the fringe that is covering his angel-like features. He kisses his forehead before nudging him gently.

"Chim?" Yoongi whispers. Not long after, Jimin's eyes flutter open and as he sees Yoongi, he immediately grabs the older's hand tightly, putting it so close to his chest like he's never gonna let it go.

"I missed you. I'm sorry I walked out of your dorm angrily. I'm such a baby," he whines, probably because he was ashamed of what he did. Yoongi chuckles at his expression and cuddles with him on the bed.

"I missed you too, baby. I'm also sorry because your boyfriend is a grandpa," Yoongi can hear his giggles against his chest. Soon after, the laughter dies down, silence embracing the room. Yoongi sighs sadly before spilling out something that'll probably make Jimin's heart break.

"Chim? My parents want me to marry someone."

"Come again?" Jimin pulls away from him, looking at him in disbelief.

"My parents want me to marry someone."

"Yoongi... why? Why is this happening? Why are you doing this to me? First you told me you have no idea why I was at your dorm at  3 AM. Here's the catch, it's our anniversary you fucker! And now you're telling me that you're gonna get married to someone after just after cuddling and saying that you missed me?! What the fuck, Min Yoongi! Are you playing dumb with me?!" The veins in his neck are about to pop out from shouting. Yoongi looks at him sadly, like it's all he can ever do right now.

"Chim, I was also not expecting this to happen. They want me to marry someone who can take care of me well, someone who can give their everything to me, and they have one specific person in mind."

"No, no, no stop. Am I not enough? I care for you every time! Hell I would even give you my soul and my entire existence! Goddammit Min Yoongi we've been together for six years and now you're leaving me?" Jimin scoots further away from Yoongi, his blanket covering his chest as he releases muffled sobs. Yoongi reaches out his hand to caress the younger's face but he just swats it away.

"Don't you fucking touch me, you dumbass! Don't you dare lay a hand on me! Now get out! I don't want to see your face anymore!"

"Chim, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be your boyfriend anymore."

"You fucking jerk. I don't want to hear anymore!"

"I'm sorry, Chim," he says one last time before going outside the room. He can hear Jimin's sobs, even before going out and it fucking breaks his heart to see him so broken and hurt.

"How did it go?" Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung asks him in anticipation. Yoongi rolls his eyes at them and he runs his fingers across his neck, indicating that he's dead because Jimin's gonna kill him once he finds out about this plan.

"I honestly feel bad for Jimin. The poor child keeps on crying. Namjoon, am I a bad hyung to these two wonderful kids?" Jin asks dramatically, earning a snort from Taehyung and Yoongi. Namjoon, on the other hand, can't do anything but comfort him by telling him repeatedly that he's a good friend and brother.

"So what's next, Tae?" Jin asks Taehyung. Actually, the two of them really had time indicated for everything that they planned out but all of them just want to get over with this because Jimin is hurting and Yoongi can't take it anymore. Curse Taehyung and his plan.

"Go back inside and be fluffy before asking him to marry you. As long as you have the ring it's gonna be fine," Taehyung says to Yoongi enthusiastically before pushing him back inside the room. Yoongi feels the velvety box inside the pocket of his jacket before taking light footsteps towards Jimin's bed. His cries still did not die down and it pains Yoongi to see Jimin like this.

"Chim?" He whispers enough to startle the crying man. Jimin takes the blanket off of his face, gawking at Yoongi like he's some kind of a demon.

"Why the fuck are you still here? I thought you're gonna marry someone better than me? Go away! Leave me alone!" He wails before hiding under his blanket again. Can someone please remind Yoongi why he's in love with this dramatic boy again? Thank you in advance.

"I'm here because they said that the one that I'm going to marry is right inside this household, and specifically he's under the blanket, bawling his eyes out. Show yourself and stick your ring finger out so that I can put this fucking ring on it!" Yoongi says in frustration because he wants this proposal to end and prepare for the wedding!

"E-excuse me?"

"I found someone who can take care of me well even if I can be trouble sometimes. I found someone who can give his everything to me, even though I am not a perfect human being, but who am I kidding I'm perfect as fuck. I found someone who can be my strength and at the same time my weakness. I found someone that could make me feel warm and fuzzy and giddy all the time. And it's by the person named Park Jimin. You make everything feel like home, Chim. I can't be your boyfriend anymore because I want to be your husband and right now, I'm gonna bend my other knee down and offer this ring to you as I say, Will you marry me, Park Jimin? And just to let you know, I won't take no for an answer."

"Min Yoongi is stupid! So stupid! You're a dumb cow and I hate you but yes, I'll marry you you stupid, dumb, idiot person!" He giggles even though tears are still falling from his eyes. Yoongi breathes in relief, thanking the gods that this proposal thingy is over and immediately inserts the ring he brought ages ago on Jimin's finger.

"You signed up for this, there's no turning back. I'm gonna keep you all to myself. God, I'm so whipped for you how did you even do that."

"Shut up and kiss me!" Jimin whines. Yoongi chuckles at his cute pout and pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"I love you," Jimin murmurs before pulling away. Yoongi tucks a loose hair behind his fiance's ear before saying, "I love you too, Chim."


"At last! They're finally engaged! Oh my God my Chimchim is gonna get married I'm so excited!" Jin squeals excitedly against Taehyung's ear which irritated the younger. He pushes Jin's face away from him, earning a frown in return.

"Cut it out, hyung. We shouldn't be eavesdropping!"

"But it's our plan! And look, we succeeded!"

Taehyung just smiles lovingly, but Jin knows more than that. He knows how Taehyung might feel lonely, even though he has Seolmi in his life. Yes, Seolmi is Taehyung's life now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need someone to hold on to and lean on whenever he's having a hard time. Taehyung needs a lifetime partner, someone who will devote his time and love to Taehyung and his child... even if it isn't Jeon Jeongguk.

"Someday, you're gonna be happy in the arms of someone who truly loves you. But for now, just focus on Seolmi, okay? I will always be here for you, Tae. Me and Chim will never leave your side."

He pulls Taehyung into his warm embrace, failing to see the teardrop from Taehyung's eyes.


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