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"Guk... Gukkie, wake up. Jeon Jeongguk!" Taehyung whines groggily, his throat still sore. He swore he slept again at around 9 AM and when he woke up, he is shocked to see the time flashing on his phone screen: 7:33 PM.

"Shut it, Tae. I'm still sleepy. My body's too tired to move," Jeongguk complains with a voice same to Taehyung's, and tries switching his body to face the other side of the bed. That is when Taehyung decides to rest his hand on Jeongguk's forehead.

"I knew this would happen," he mumbles under his breath, frowning when his hand makes contact with Jeongguk's burning skin. Yes, the jerk also caught a cold and it's all because of his stubbornness.

Taehyung rolls his eyes before deciding to go outside the room. He takes the small basin with him as he forcefully drags his feet and body downstairs.

"Tae! Thank God you're already awake! I have so many things to tell you and you're just in time for dinner!" Jimin screams in front of his face. Taehyung just walks past him, ignoring the pouty midget.

"How rude of you, Kim Taehyung!"

"Shut up."

He goes inside the kitchen, only to see Seolmi and Jin cooking together again. He smiles at the sight and coughs to get their attention.

"Dada/Tae!" The duo utter in unison. Seolmi almost dashes towards her dada to hug him, but Taehyung stretches his arms to tell her to stop.

"Don't even think about it, baby. I don't want you to get sick, so don't come near me for now, okay? I promise I will take you out once I'm well," Taehyung assures his daughter which then earns an adorable smile from the kid.

"Is she being a good girl, Jin hyung?" Taehyung asks Jin who is just observing their interaction, smiling from time to time.

"Of course, Tae. Seolmi is such a sweetheart, so don't worry about her. Are you hungry? Dinner's almost ready," Jin speaks softly. He takes a step forward, a little bit close to Taehyung, but not too close because he doesn't want to catch his cold either.

He carefully places his hand on Taehyung's forehead and flinches when the hot temperature is the same as before.

"It seems that your fever still hasn't died down, Tae. Do you want to eat some porridge? I'll reheat the one Seolmi helped me on cooking and I'll make you drink your medicines."

Taehyung just nods, not forgetting about Jeongguk.

"By the way, please give me an extra bowl once it's done reheating okay? Some extra meds, too. I'm gonna get some lukewarm water for Jeongguk," Taehyung says, making Jin look at him weirdly.

"Why? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"He caught my virus, hyung. I warned him not to go near me but as stubborn as he is, he still shared the bed with me."

"Not surprised as to where Seolmi got that stubbornness from because both her parents are hard-headed fetuses," Jin squabbles at the younger.

"Hyung. Tone down your voice! She might hear you!" Taehyung whispers angrily. Jin obeys what Taehyung said and busies himself by reheating the porridge.

"Hyung, can you bring the food and meds upstairs once it's done? Pretty please?"

Jin sighs before nodding his head. Taehyung blows a flying kiss towards his direction, making him stop from whatever he is doing just to catch it.

"Love you too."

Taehyung goes back inside his room, the basin already filled with lukewarm water. He settles it on top of his bedside table, dipping a new towel in it. He squeezes it before resting the towel on Jeongguk's forehead.

"Tae?" Jeongguk opens his eyes slowly, maybe because he feels the water seep into his skin.

"Don't you dare stand up and move, Jeon Jeongguk. I want you to rest, okay? You have fever, thanks to me, so I'm gonna take care of you for now," Taehyung mutters which makes Jeongguk almost get up from the bed.

"Tae, no. I was supposed to be the one that'll take care of you. Besides you still have fever, too. Let's just take care of each other, okay?"

Taehyung tries suppressing the smile that's been threatening to come out from his lips but to no avail. His face lights up with so much happiness, but he is able to control his expression afterwards.

"Tae? The food's ready," he hears Jin inform him from outside the door. He stands up to open it, thanking his hyung for the food and assistance.

"Call me if ever you need something, hm? Namjoon and Yoongi will be here any minute to eat dinner with us and don't worry about Seolmi. She already drank her milk," Jin says after tapping Taehyung on the shoulder and heading back downstairs. Taehyung carefully places the tray on his study desk, careful not to spill the hot substance. He takes a bowl and a spoon and settles himself beside Jeongguk.

"I'm gonna feed you, okay? Now be a good boy and open your mouth wide," Taehyung says like he is talking to a baby. Jeongguk manages to chuckle even if Taehyung already sent him a glare.

He eats the porridge quickly, and as soon as Taehyung stands up to make him drink his medicine, Jeongguk pulls his hand, making him fall back on the bed.

"Now it's time for me to feed you, too. Don't you try to move an inch or I'll punish you," Jeongguk winks before reaching for the other bowl that is placed on the tray. He blows the soup before offering the first spoon to Taehyung. The older just eats it quietly, trying to hide the blush that starts to creep up his face.

After their feeding session, they then drank their medicines together and lay down the bed once more, two pillows placed in the middle to separate their bodies.

"Can I stay here with you until the both of us get better?" Jeongguk asks Taehyung. The other has his back against him, distracting himself from the fact that Jeongguk is still beside him, and has really no plan on leaving.

"Whatever you want, Guk," Taehyung really wants to say no, but he just let the younger do whatever he wants. Maybe because he feels guilty due to the reason that he is somehow the one responsible for Jeongguk's flu.

"Can I spoon you?"

"You better stay on your lane, boy or I swear to God you're-"

Taehyung stops his sentence midway when two strong arms encircle around his waist. Jeongguk holds on his waist tightly, and Taehyung knows he doesn't have a plan on letting him go.

"Good night, Tae."

"Good night... Gukkie..."


Jin, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon eats awkwardly in silence. The one that decided to break the ice is Yoongi, apparently asking about Seolmi.

"So is Seolmi asleep already?"

"Yeah. I put her to bed already even before the two of you arrived. She'll be sleeping at the extra guest room for now until Taehyung recovers from his cold," Jin explains to them. Silence embraces the room once more.

"So, uhm, I think me and Yoongi are done eating, right, hyung? Let's go upstairs and sleep with Seolmi for tonight," Jimin looks at Yoongi, signaling to just go with the flow. The older gets what he wants him to do and stands up to put both of their plates in the sink.

"Thank you for the food, Jin hyung! It was very delicious!" Yoongi says before pulling Jimin out of the dining room. Jin just smiles and looks down on his food, his stomach churning from nervousness.

"Jin, are you okay? Why are you so quiet?" Namjoon asks, already bothered by Jin's behavior. Jin spares him a short glance before setting the peas aside on his plate. Namjoon stares at him with curiosity.

"Aren't you fond of eating peas? Why are you separating them with the others? Don't you want to eat it?"

Jin just shakes his head no. Namjoon sighs for the nth time as he stands up to sit beside his husband. Namjoon holds his hands tightly, lifting his chin up so that he can look at his face and eyes clearly.

"Do you have something to say, baby?"

Jin slams his utensils on the table which caused Namjoon's body to jolt from the chair. He shifts himself uncomfortably, his eyes roaming around the kitchen until he sees Yoongi and Jimin peeping outside. He sends them a look begging for help. The two just responded with a "Fighting" pose and disappeared.

"Kim Namjoon."

"Y-yeah, baby?"

"I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a father, Joonie!" He looks at his husband straight in the eye, and it is then he notices that Jin is already in tears.

The last thing he remembered was Jin screaming for his name before he even passed out.

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