Player 5: Final Boss

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Khiry is now in World 8 as he then took a breath in & let it out. "Okay. This is it. It's time to finish the game." He then entered World 8-1. He then headed This level takes place in an outdoors haunted setting, with dead trees in the background. At the beginning of the level, a Splunkin and a Crowber are encountered. Another Splunkin is found on a ? Block containing a power-up and is followed by a platform with two Bill Blasters on it. More Splunkins are found on a sloped portion of the ground with a Bill Blaster at the top. More Crowbers are encountered during a section of platforms with pits in between them. A spring is found in a ? Block over a pit. A Bill Blaster is found, followed by a Boo and some Splunkins. The midway point is found with a ? Block containing a power-up above it, along with a Boo and more Bill Blasters. After another Boo and some Bill Blasters, a Banzai Bill Cannon is found in front of the pole. He then grabbed all three star coins & finished the stage. He then sees stage 2 unlocked. In stage 2, Khiry is looking at the switch to figure out how to grab the 2nd star coin. In the stage tower, Khiry is shooting fireballs at Spiky tops, which are immune to fire, due to their shells. In Stage 3, Khiry is swimming away from the Mega Unagi. In stage 4, Khiry then jump on two scutterbugs, gaining a +1 two times. "Where do all these scutterbugs come from?" Khiry then finished & looked at Castle. This is the penultimate castle level in the game and features moving platforms on pairs of tracks. The platforms can change positions on the tracks by pressing switches that control them, similar to the ON/OFF Switches from Super Mario World. The level begins with a set of these tracks. Pressing the switch will make the platform on them switch places, a technique that will be needed in order to progress through the level. There are also Dry Bones and Podoboos present within the level, meant to impede the player's progress. After a series of tracks and switches, there will be a swinging rope that the player must use in order to reach the level's midway point. After the midway point, the tracks are replaced with rotating platforms, in either triangular or rectangular shapes. The triangular platforms will keep their shape constant after rotating, while the rectangular platforms alternate between tall and wide after rotating. After a set of these rotating platforms, the player will come across another swinging rope, which must be used to reach the boss door. Khiry then ran toward the end of the bridge as Bowser Jr. then left. He then saw a pile of bones as they fell. They were being put back together, revealing Dry Bowser. Dry Bowser then throws bones at Khiry. He then backed away. He then see one more bone thrown & Khiry moved forward. Dry Bowser then jumped, causing Khiry to run under him & hit the button, causing the bridge to collaspe as Dry Bowser then fall to the ground hard. As the thud was heard, Bowser's skull came up & went back down. "Woooo, you know he's dead." Khiry said as the door then broke down. He then chases after Bowser Jr. The bridge then lifted up from the lava & connected the path. Bowser Jr then ran to next Tower. Khiry got out & saw the connected path. "I'm not done yet." In Stage 5, Khiry is running inside the volcano. In Stage 6, He is escaping the rising lava. In Stage 7, Khiry is staring down to a blue hammer bro. "You're ass is terminated." Khiry then threw a fireball at hit, killing it & gaining a STR +1. In Stage 8, which is the last normal level of the game, Khiry has been dodging debris & Kab-ombs while mini. He then made it to the second tower. & entered it, which is similar to the castle, but it is going up. "Snakeblocks. We meet again." After collecting the 3rd Star Coin, he then went to the Red door. He then meet Bowser Jr. He did the same method with his fire flower. He then dodged his spiked shell. He then ends, up gaining STR +10 on this boss. Bowser Jr. then got up Jump from the final time & head to Bowser's Castle. Khiry then gets out & saves his progress. Khiry then went to Bowser's Castle, but before he entered, he then checked the stat that he gain: STR +70, STA +99, DEF +25, DEX +99, INT +20, LUCK +40. "The final stage of the game. Don't worry, princess. I'm going to save you... despite you being an airhead." Khiry then enered Bowser's Castle. Khiry must first enter the door in the first room. If he hits the ? Switch from one of the blocks, the will turn room upside-down. In the next room, there are several burners. After going through the door at the very right of it, Khiry will arrive in a room with a Thwomp. After turning the room upside-down and entering the door, Khiry will be in the burner room again, but this time with the entire room upside-down. After going through the now-accessible door, he will end up in the room where he will have to avoid the Thwomps and spikes. After turning this room upside-down, he will have to enter the door at the top of the area. In the next room, Khiry will have two doors to choose from, and the difference between both is that the left door will take Khiry to the Star Coin and the right door will not. He must go through the door at the top from the door chosen before, and Khiry will reach the midway point. Khiry will have to take the correct paths to make it to the end. At the end of the room is the final door, where Bowser Jr. will throw his father's skeleton into a cauldron of purple liquid, from which a resurrected giant Bowser will emerge, commencing the final battle.

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