Chapter 1

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A man with dark brown haired man dressed a very fine suit. One button connecting both sides of his suit jacket his white button up shirt tucked into his pants, his light blue eyes staring up at the ship that he was men't to go on. The young and elder ladies were giving the young man flirtatious looks, and hungry eyes. Their husbands and lovers giving him glances as well but giving him more harsh and almost warning eyes, hinting for him to take a train. Many people were at the front of the docks the crowd would get smaller as people got onto the ships, but then larger as more people arrived. Some you could tell had money but some were on the lower class, men in certain uniforms walked on the metal bridge that was connecting the docks and the large boat. White paint on the side of the hull spelling out "The Mary." The man stated his rich and very thick scottish accent ran off the young mans tongue with a smirk growing on his face turning his head to the side slightly to see a darker skinned man. In a rich brown suit with no buttons but instead gold trim layed on the ends of his jacket and matching pants with a black top hat. The suit the man was wearing was lower quality than the white boy standing next to him even though the man seemed to be high class or even middle. You could tell he was a ambitious person. 

"Sir, we best be on our way now if we wan't to be on time for lunch." The black man told the younger boy. His voice was deep but his accent was clearly English. All the young man did was place a hand on the elders shoulder getting a fine grasp and shaking his head. He also wanted to get onto the ship before someone bumps into him not realizing who he is. 

"We have time Ethan. Plus all the wee boys are getting our lunch ready. Also some fine woman are arriving don't ye think we should take a gander at em?" The blue eyed boy suggested letting out a laugh and the old man just sighing and nodding his head slowly unsure on how to respond. His master had a very strict schedule to follow and just the thought of them not being there on time would make him mad once he doesn't get any food in his system.

The old black man just let out a small chuckle at him. "I suppose so sir. But I have a wife waiting for me over in New York." Ethan stated looking down at his watch shaking his head at everything that was going on. A couple weeks eailer he had gotten his wife a ticket on the ship so she could go enjoy herself and settle down over in the big city while she waited for him to arrive. He used all of his savings to buy her a ticket and wanted the best for her over in America even though some people still hated 'their kind' of people he felt better if she had a fresh start. Not just being a servant to someone the rest of her life which wasn't that much to explore. After his wife left he was leaving hints for his young but kind master to go on the ship once it had returned and was happy enough to find out he was allowed to go along with him. As the pale skinned man looked at all the woman who were giving him winks he looked over to see a white man with a black woman taking his arm. Both dressed in high class.

The woman's dress was a crimson red with a white bow tied in the back, her white hat matching with her high class husband. These days were more accepting of bi racial relationships. Now a man didn't have to force the woman to love him or even bed him. But honestly this woman seemed happy and satisfied. The man who was next to her stood straight up with a bright smile a his attention instantly looked to the large ship ahead of them. "Now that's a beauty. Only to share it with the people who make a man happy." The middle aged man stated looking at the woman who had her arm wrapped around his holding a umbrella for the sun even though she had a hat. It just made her fit in even more. 

"Mr. Williams I do beg your pardon, but I don't really think the twins are having a ball." The woman whispered to the man before they both turned around to stare at the four girls who seemed to be arguing with one another. But all beautifully dressed. Twins, twin girls were wearing blue dresses that were made identical like all of their clothes on their mothers orders. They would only be allowed to wear different outfits, when they were at dances, and when they both get married which wouldn't be long despite them being 15. The second eldest was having her fun time teaching the twins to not pull on her clothing which they could always receive new ones but did not want to waist hers. 

"Girls. Show some class please." The woman stated her curly hair layed down her back and got in her face slightly. Layna was her name. She had worked long and hard to get were she was at this very moment, and with the help of the man she was glad to call her husband and the father of her children. Yes maybe they would get more respect not just because of their fathers name but because of how well trained she was. As soon as their mother said something they instantly stopped while the eldest daughter simply walked towards her father. Trading places with her mother as she started to pinch their arms she couldn't hit them because of the people that were watching and didn't need the extra attention just because of her skin tone. 

"Elizabeth my dear, you aren't part taking in your sisters argument?" Henry the man who was one of the richest in London. But now he was leaving I guess you could say he past his title down, only for  year or two. His mansion his family had built would still be kept in shape due to all of the maids and servants he had. The real reason he was coming other then to show his girls a new place other than what England had to offer, was due to his eldest daughter Elizabeth. She was the reason they were leaving. Henry loved his children with all of his heart and wanted the best for their futures. Even if he had to arrange the rest of their lives. He had arranged Elizabeth to a fine gentleman name Humphrey Bogart. A man who could provide for his daughter. Yes they needed a minute to get use to everything that's why they were to meet in New York. Before she wen't with him across and over to Hollywood were all the biggest stars seemed to live. 

"Well I wan't to not argue my last day on England's lands before I am forced to wed a man I never met." Elizabeth stated to the her father. Her light blue dress that she had made to her liking, giving it a black ribbon belt with a large bow in the back. But she had sewn a E on the right side of the jacket she had. Her black lace gloves fit her hands perfectly. Her father let out a slightly annoyed sigh.

"Everything I do-" The blonde man started to speak but then was cut off by the young girl.

"Yes, yes father I know. It's for me, my sisters and mum. Don't act like I don't know. It's 1910 papa, let lose." Elizabeth stated before going into her jackets pockets pulling out her ticket. "I'll meet you for lunch." She stated giving him a bow to tease and annoy her father. That's what most 18 year old's do anyway in their time. Her long curly hair wen't down to her mid back making her stand out from her sisters and mother. She vowed never to cut her hair unless she was held to a gun or knife. 

A certain male who was now speaking and flirting with a blue eyed and pale skin woman. Her blonde haired curled down her face perfectly. "Au revoir pour le moment." The man named Gillian stated as his butler watched him in amusement. He would do his fair share or flirting but he was a faithful man. He had given vows and wasn't going to forget them. The blonde woman smiled as Gillian kissed her hand the blonde walking onto the ship. She was a french rose and loved it. 

"Sir there's an other rose heading you way, but this one has thorns." The man warned before the boy turned his head to his surprise spotting a golden brown girl who was very well presented in his eyes. 

"Well hello there miss." Gillian said running a hand through his hair his words becoming more sexy, despite him not even trying. His accent really did it for him sometimes. Elizabeth stopped and tilted her head at the man squinting her eyes unsure about his intentions.  "Are you lost because I wouldn't mind helping ye find whoever ye're looking for. Your master mind you talking to other men." Gillian stated giving her a small wink.

Elizabeth wasn't shocked with his charm and was actually enjoying the strangers company but she tilted her head once he had mentioned or even suggest that she had a master obviously not knowing about her family. "Well even if I was lost, wouldn't ask someone like you." She honestly spat out knowing how to hold her own. She wasn't like most broad's or woman in this age of people. "Wouldn't know if my master would mind. But I'm pretty well thought out my father! Would mind you suggesting I am owned." Elizabeth stated before looking at the black man who seemed to be the servant to this scottish man. "But looks like you have someone who can succeed your needs." She added starting to walk about before a strong hand grabbed her arm.

"Please forgive me. I don't know what I was thinking love." Gillian apologized now feeling slightly bad but was sure that he wasn't the first person to ever make that mistake. Having a sturdy but not tight grip on her hand. 

"Me either let me know when you using your brain." Elizabeth responded snatching her hand back giving it to the man who stood in front of one of the many bridges onto the ship giving her name before turning her head and glancing at the man who had spoke to her. Elizabeth grabbed her ticket back thanking the ticket man before grabbing her dress pulling it up slightly before  stepping onto the bridge walking over the cold and dark blue water. Onto the ships low deck.

Ethan let out a small laugh before leaning off of the steel pole which pointed to were everything else was walking behind his master who just stared at the woman walk away. "Master I'm sure you should know by now that just because looks are one thing. A persons history is another." He said before the young man leaned his head down to listen to the old man nodding his head a couple of times before fixing his suit jacket.

"Your right." Was the blue eyed males only response to his butler before shaking his head. Before letting out a small chuckle nodding his head. "But your one to know that looks in this time. Still do matter." He explained lightly before walking giving their ticket's to the man getting them back, Ethan letting out a sigh following the man onto the ship. He hated to admit it but he was right, even though life got better for black, hispanic, and anything other then pale skin. There were people who would never see past that. But his master was someone who did and saw everyone for their personality. But his origin's did say other wise.

Henry had been watching the scene from the distance no expression showing on his face. Which meant the 52 year old man was thinking. Layna looked up at her husband once she was finished quietly yelling at her other three daughters. Knowing Elizabeth's relationship with Henry. They were so close and she knew that Lizzy loved her father with all of her heart. But ever since the arrange marriage was set into motion things wen't south.

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