Chapter 3

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Gillian Kent stood up from the table straightening his suit jacket before fixing one of the buttons, while Ethan just stared up at hi master looking amused and shaking his head. "Boy, you're just lookin' for trouble." Ethan pointed out and just earned a small smirk from the light blue eyed boy.

"Oh Ethan you've been around me and my very interesting family long enough to know that I am a very none listening person. An when I find something I fancy surely will be mine." Gillian explained to him before clearing his throat running a hand through his hair as Alaysha made a slight side eye of the man hoping he was getting ready to come over here. Whipping her mouth and straightening her posture while Elizabeth just sipped on her tea slowly watching her younger sister slightly narrowing her eyes at her. "Now how do I look?" Gillian asked his friend before the black old man just shrugged slightly.

"Like you always do." Was the elders response finishing the fish before using the napkin dabbing it around his mouth while the young boy patted his back. 

"So handsome like always. Thank you I wont be long." Gillian stated his scottish accent slightly catching the attention of some ladies holding their young daughters arms while just sighing in bliss. It was very interesting many people on this ship had English accents but of course have other descents from Europe. Hearing a change really got some woman off. The brown haired man started to walk towards the table while the man stood up putting the plates and forks on top of each other so it would be easier to clean up.

"A pain in the arse like always." Ethan corrected mumbling to himself chuckling at his own small but slick comment, before cracking his knuckles watching the man from a distance.

Keynaria noticed the man walking towards their family looking at her sisters hinting for them to fix themselves while the head of the household eyes instantly went to the man who was approaching their family table. Layna put her hand on his shoulder to try and contain him not knowing if he was just going to be himself and rapid fire, but would suggest he wouldn't. This was just a young man after all, not knowing exactly what he wants but that was something that slightly scared her, hoping he wouldn't be someone who was coming to make fun of her and their girls. In the most un lady like way Lizzie leaned back in her chair waiting for the man to walk up and apologize for earlier this morning. "Hello! I would like to say I am a big fan of your work Mister William. Extraordinary on the empire and home you have built for yourself." Gillian said out of the blue that's none of the things the girls thought he was gonna say. The three hoped he was going over to them but when he started to slightly kiss ass to their father they lost some attraction to him.

In slight shock Henry just chuckled and nodded at him holding out his hand which the young man toke and shook quickly before placing his hands in his pockets. "Well thank you young man! I appreciate you coming and applauding me on my work." Henry responded happy that someone was actually applauding him other than his wife which he loved but didn't really count that much anymore.  

"Yes thank you for kissing my fathers ass." Elizabeth spoke up raising her glass to the Gillian, who just had a small smirk on his face, while her father made a fist and banged it on the table making everyone jump slightly. His face was giving all of the words he wanted to say away grabbing other tables attentions as well. Layna looked at her husband wanting to step in the middle of what was to come next shaking her head covering her mouth. 

"As! My! Daughter! I expect you to watch you tongue! And show others respect, which I do not understand why it's hard for you to do." Henry shouted at her while Elizabeth bit down on her tongue now feeling like she opened a door not even daring to step in all the way. Fenella looked at her father slight fear in her eyes, the twins were not having it just looking at their dresses holding each others hands under the table trying to block their father out. 

"Time to go." Eathen whispered to himself before rushing over to were the yelling was looking at everyone with a small smile. "Apologies on interrupting but Master Gillian has somewhere to be at this time." Eathen stated Gillian turning his head looking slightly amused and happy his friend was coming to save him from the situation he was in. 

"Thank you Mr. Kent. A pleasure to meet you, please excuse my family." Layna told him with a small smile bowing her head slightly in respect while the two men who were standing up quickly walked away. Eathen shook his head sighing. 

"Out of all the times you came and pulled me away from woman. I thank you for this one." Gillian said chuckling and shaking his head they both were slightly speeding away from the table and down the side of the ship turning back as if they were scared they were following them. Eathen chuckled at Gillian nodding in agreement. 

"You all are excused." Henry told them all before they all stood up Layna leading the girls down to were their rooms would be that was down the ship Elizabeth slowly sitting up to go follow her mother and sisters. "Sit down." His deep voice rang through the girls ear's sitting down and folding her hands in her lap. "Why? Why are you like this?" He asked actually looking concerned.

"I have no  idea what you mean please tell me your thoughts." Elizabeth stated to him leaning on the table her hand keeping her chin up looking at the boy lifting a brow curiously. She was allowed to put her arms on the table due to the fact that woman were allowed to have their arms on the table because it was lady like to show off their jewelry. SO that wan't a reason to yell at her.

"Elizabeth as my daughter! I expect for you to understand and try your best for everything. Even though you were raised well and you were very pampered. I do not know why you are so un lady like and do not stay in your place!" Henry explained to her actually being very calm for the mood he was in the dark skinned female sighed shaking her head leaning in the chair staring into her fathers eyes with barley any emotion.

"Why? Why you ask?" The girl talked to herself making a thinking face slightly confused on his words but knew what the outcome of it was. "Because I am who I am. I know the history of pop pop and mimaw along with grandpa and mimi." She started to explain. "I know I am loud and yes I am difficult but I try to get your approval I really do."

"You do have my approval!" Henry responded the girl just chuckled shaking her head at his words.

"No father! I don't." Elizabeth replied shaking her head at him. "You have no idea what it is like to be someone like me! In a time like this! My grandparents were slaves, and now people still have looks of disgust at me. Just because the color of my skin. Most of the people you work with and meet are only nice to us just because your our father! You will never have to go through that so instead of wanting them to have me be silent I will always speak out and do what I feel is fit." Elizabeth had explained to her father before standing up and staring down at the man who was trying to find the words to say. "The worst thing basiclly want to send me to a man who you don't even know! Just to keep your status up." She stated her eyes soft as if a tear could fall but nothing fell from her eyes. The girl moved from her seat walking down the couple of steps lifting her dress dropping it once she hit the lower wooden ground walking down the halls.

Henry watched his eldest daughter leave him at the table all alone clearing his throat using his fake cane to help him stand up slowly walking in the other direction with a sad look. He knew he was in the wrong but he really can't  say anything about it. He had made this image to people along with his family, so if he said anything out of the words he would be scared they wouldn't take him seriously or make a joke out of his true feelings.

Down in the ship Gillian had a beautiful blonde in front of him, his arms wrapped around her waist her red lipstick slightly smudge and a small kiss mark on his white collar that was folded down. Her blonde wavy hair clipped back with a golden hair piece. Laying down her back she was in fact the lady who he had talked with at the port were the ship was. The man was kissing her neck while his hands started to roam the sides of her torso her sighs filled the hall that was empty before she pulled back. "Monsieur, are you sure we should be doing this in public?" The lady asked her thick french accent was sweet and soothing staring up into his blue and almost haunting eyes.

Gillian couldn't help but chuckle at the girl. "Are you afraid we will get caught?" He asked her curiously moving his hand down to her lower back while the other going to her chin lifting a brow at her licking his teeth at her beautiful face and sexy accent.

"Don't be like that! Vous know that I am very well know in this ship with the other men. As are vous with the la femme." She explained to him biting her lip it was very tempting to get him in bed with her. Even though she wanted him so badly she had something to go attend to pulling away from his strong grasp him sighing in response, taking her pink fan umbrella she had put down on the floor while they were having some fun.

"Alright but you owe me one Love." Gillian whispered in her ear seductivly sending shivers down the womans body leaning against the wooden wall. Watching her start to walk down the right side of the hall waving back as she left him. 

"Maybe one day."  She shouted back at him smirking as a certain dark skinned woman walked and turned down their halls. The french woman moved aside for them to be able to walk down the halls bowing her head slightly in respect knowing who she was. Layna bowed her head back at her walking down the hall with her three daughters.

"Mom! Why-" Alaysha was cut off by the woman stopping her self and turning around to face her daughter.  

"Be'amarinya yinageruti." Layna stated in a different language from what they had been speaking eailer, Alaysha sighed once he mother spoke the common toung of her grandparents. Ethiopian was their african heritage and Layna the mother of four beautiful girls wanted to make sure they never forgot were they came from and their history no matter were they were sleeping or walking. So she had taught the girls different languages that were in africa mostly Ethiopian toung. 

"Elisabēt'i ke'inya gari yalihonechiwi leminidini newi? be'inya mikiniyati ch'uẖeti iyasemachi newini?" Alaysha asked her mother lifting a brow in curiosity wanting to know what their father was up to and if Elizabeth was getting in trouble because of her and Keynaria. 

"He is just speaking with her about what she said. Which was very un lady like of her to do take note my girls. You need to know when to control yourselves." Layna explained making eye contact with them before walking down the hall going to the room number were they were to stay telling Fenella who was in the door across from them that was her room. Gillian watched the family walk into their room turning his head to Fenella who instead of going to her room went to him.

"Ah, am I that interesting?" Gillian asked her with a small smirk using his foot to push off the wall moving so he was closer with her. Fenella held her book tightly in her hand he was attractive but didn't really like him in that way tilting her head. 

"No not really I think your a twat." Fenella stated, which if you knew her you wouldn't expect for to say.

"Ah? I think your lying." He admitted to her tilting his head showing the red lipstick mark on his collar Fenella's eyes went to the mark seeming un amused at him.

"No, that's the truth. A shame you can't see it yourself." Fenella stated him making a confused look touching his collar that she looked at rubbing it looking at his fingers to see a reddish pink stain. Looking at her and seeing that she was in her doorway and closed her door. His eyes looked down at his fingers with a small smirk.

"But I can." Gillian whispered to himself moving and going to were his room was which was down the hall from the families two rooms were Eathen was. 

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