Chapter One

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Cobalt Bay, California

Seventeen years later...

Trouble didn't always walk in as a bad boy.

On rare occasions, it showed up as a tall, athletic package in plain jeans, a white collared shirt under a dark gray sweater and black-framed glasses. It was capped off with unruly brown hair that I swear has some red in it, and a faint, warm smile curving one corner of a sensual mouth.


I could still accurately observe all of this after having lost track of the number of tequila shots I've had so far.

Who really wants to do math when you can be doing biology?

Not me and especially not when there are so many splendid, naked parts to imagine on this male specimen who, in my opinion, was wearing too many clothes for a pool party.

"Ka-dy! Ka-dy! Ka-dy!"

I blinked and glanced down at the people hanging around the edges of the pool, chanting my name and pumping their fists in the air.

Oh, right.

I was just about to dive into the water in nothing more than my string bikini bottom.

Yes, my girls were enjoying the crisp California night breeze at the moment—and the attention of every straight man in this party including Mr. Hot College Professor.

Right. Got some money to raise.

Before I could think twice about it, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and jumped.

The water crashed all around me, pounding around my ears and dulling the noise for a split second.

I loved it for however long it lasted.

The world was too damn chaotic most of the time.

A moment of escape like this was still freedom.

Popping out of the water, I grinned at the cheers and hoots. Several male arms extended my way to pull me out of the water but I ignored them, keeping my head up and swimming leisurely toward one corner of the pool where he stood watching.

Brown eyes tracked me the entire time it took to get there and a shiver rode down my spine.

No, I wasn't cold. Not even in January here.

It was the uncanny feeling of being thoroughly seen and for all that I've bared of my body to the world, this was a new experience.

That won't be the last of your new firsts.

The voice in my head had more to say but whatever it was faded as his gaze pulled me in closer.

He extended a hand to me and I wrapped my fingers around his, fighting to ignore the heat that flared through me at the contact.

I'd expected strength in this grip. He wasn't a small man, after all.

What I hadn't expected was for his hold to make me feel... safe.

That isn't something I can say about majority of the men I meet.

And this is why he's a different kind of dangerous.

With a swift pull of his arm on mine, he lifted me out of the water. The momentum got me skittering forward on my bare toes but my hardened nipples hit him on the chest first before the rest of me could.

I registered hard contours of muscle underneath all that cashmere and cotton and for once, I couldn't help myself, especially when he made no attempt to move away.

"Sorry," I said with a smile, looking up at him. "My girls are time travellers."

His brows knitted in confusion—a state I didn't think he usually found himself in. "What do you mean?"

I grinned. "Assuming that time moves forward, they always precede me into the future. At least until I'm about thirty or have had a couple of kids. Gravity will make them sag and eventually line them up with the rest of my body."

He laughed and it was a thing of beauty.

I wondered who was watching us but I didn't break my gaze away to look. I was too caught up. Besides, based on the continuing cheering and chanting around us, I figured many more half (or fully) naked people came and jumped right behind me.

"I hate to debunk your time travel theory but your arm was in my space before your, uh, girls, were," he said without glancing down in reference.

I sighed. "Trust Stellan Cartwright to choose to be technical. Arms aren't sexy."

This time, he did glance down at my arm which was still linked with his. A pale glow of light glinted off the slick surface of my golden brown skin. "I beg to differ with this particular example."

To my surprise, I laughed. "Fine. Since the view isn't appreciated anyway, I might as well put a towel on."

"I've looked and I haven't seen any nearby," Stellan said, this time his eyes straying to the full mounds still pressed up between us. I couldn't tell his expression behind those glasses.

"They're on the other side of the pool," I replied casually even though I felt all kinds of hot and raw inside. "I'll make my way back and grab one."

"It's approximately forty feet away."

I smiled. "I know how long my pool is."

"I'm trying to point out the distance you'd be walking without a cover on and the fact that the journey there is going to be littered with men who might do more than just appreciate the view."

I raised a brow, not sure if it was just in his nature to be overprotective or if he was just being an alpha male. Knowing what I knew of the man even from a distance, I had to go with the first option.

"They can look since I've made the decision to put them out on display but whoever touches without my permission pays with an arm and a leg," I reassured him. "And I mean it literally."

His mouth quirked in amusement before he backed up a step and tugged his sweater off. "Here. You can put this on if you like."

I held the sweater in my hand, feeling its softness and the body heat it still retained. "It's going to get wet."

"It's too late to worry about that now," he said, gesturing to his jeans that already had some damp spots from when I'd collided with him.

He had a point so I argued no further and slipped the sweater on. It smelled of him—warm and clean with just the faintest hint of spice. I decided I wasn't giving it back.

"Thank you," I said, freeing my wet, wiry curls from the low bun I'd gathered them in. I shook a little bit of the water out and tried to fluff what I could of them. "Okay. Now that my hair's down and the tits have been put away, tell me what I can do for you."

"First of all, happy birthday, Kady Lynn," he said, not the least bothered by my blunt language. Or if he was, he didn't show it.

"It's just Kady unless you're my mother."

He gave me a wry smile. "Definitely not her."

"Good. I'd hate to find myself flirting with my mother."

He laughed and I grinned. Well, at least he didn't deny my declaration. We were definitely flirting. I hadn't thought Stellan Cartwright capable of it before. Well, except if you considered a scientific lecture somewhat seductive—which, coming from those lips, would undoubtedly be.

"Kady it is, then."

I shouldn't have been surprised that he knew who I was although we've never been introduced before.

"I didn't mean to crash your birthday party."

"Clearly or you wouldn't have worn so many clothes," I quipped, not even regretting the unintentional innuendo.

Stellan's lips pursed slightly as if he was trying not to grin. "I still would've worn enough."

I wrinkled my nose. "I had a little bit more on earlier but my good friend, Sidney, wants to raise some money for his rehab centre. Everyone agreed to pitch in at least a hundred dollars if we can get twenty people to dive nude."

"Ah. It was for a good cause then."

I raised a brow. "You think I just run around practically naked for shits?"

"I think you do whatever it is you want to do," he answered and I almost applauded him for his diplomacy. And accuracy. Smart guy and not just with the books.

"Charity aside, I only do it for no less than six figures," I quipped, flashing my sweetest smile. "Gotta keep the value up to preserve demand especially on something with such limited shelf life."

Stellan didn't seem like a prude but I could tell he was fighting not to take the bait. "Their value might be assigned a number based on whatever industry standards dictate but they're still only a fraction of a magnificent whole—one whose value is too precious it can't be determined by an economical assessment and plotted on a graph."

Never have those words sounded so sexy strung together. And we started out talking about my tits.

I couldn't walk away even if I was making a cake of myself.

"I'd contribute double if you want to do a turn," I teased. "And I probably won't be the only one."

A hint of pink crept on Stellan's cheeks. "I'll double your double contribution if it means I don't have to."

"I consider that official so make sure to find Sid before you leave," I said, motioning to a shirtless, muscular guy standing by the other side of the pool. "That's the dude with the silver hair over there."

If Stellan thought I was being outrageous, he didn't seem to mind. He just smiled, nodded and said, "Will do."

"So... now that I've successfully made you uncomfortable and fleeced four hundred dollars from you, tell me what you're here for," I said with the brightest smile I could manage.

"I'm looking for my friend, Max Croft," he answered. "He told me he was going to be here but when I came to pick him up, someone at the door told me he's not around. Before I could leave, they grabbed me and dragged me inside."

Of course they did. The Cobalt Bay Billionaires—four of the city's richest, most good-looking bachelors—were always a welcome addition to any respectable party.

"Max never showed up which is actually a real shame," I said with genuine regret because I liked the blond giant. He flirted around a lot but he was never disrespectful. And he was always funny. "Maybe something came up. Or he found another party that's just way more fun than us."

Stellan frowned. "Maybe although that's strange. This seems exactly like his kind of scene."

I smirked. "What? A party with unlimited alcohol and topless women?"

"Not sure being topless is a requirement," Stellan said with a shake of his head. "According to Max, it's practically inevitable when he woos a woman."

"Woo?" I said with a snort. "Sure, let's use that shortcut for what he really does which is woo-manizing."

"That works too," Stellan agreed good-naturedly, holding his hands up in mock resignation. "He might be one of my best friends but I'm not blind to his faults."

"Not sure he calls it a fault," I said. "Although you probably see it as one. You're not the type to do his kind of woo-ing."

"I'm just tainted by association," he admitted although his smile told me he didn't really mind sharing his friends' notorious playboy reputation. Friends as in plural because three out of four in their little billionaire boy band were reputed playboys. Anyone who didn't look closely would count Stellan along with them.

"Speaking of tainted by association," I said, sobering up just a little. Because... reality. "You and I have been standing here together too long with some of the city's biggest gossips watching. If you don't want to headline the local tabloid as my flavor of the week, you better turn around and either leave or keep a good distance."

Stellan frowned. "It can't be that bad. It's just a five-minute conversation."

I raised a brow. "I'm wearing your sweater. And I practically did water art on it with my boobs when you still had it on. As far as they're concerned, we've already done it up and down and sideways during that five-minute conversation."

"What? I can't be that one guy you don't sleep with for once?"

Even though we weren't really moving, it felt like we both came to an abrupt halt at his statement.

I suddenly felt chilled even though my face got hot as if it had just been slapped. "Guess you are—not that it makes any difference in what's obviously a scandalous number of men I hop into bed with."

Stellan winced. "I'm sorry. That didn't come out right. I was trying to be—"

"Kady! There you are!"

Rachel swung into that conversation like a wrecking ball which was probably for the best considering how swiftly it deteriorated with one careless comment that unfortunately told me all I needed to know about what Stellan Cartwright really thought about me.

I was angry—angrier than I probably would've been had it been someone else because I had actually expected better of this man—but I couldn't blame him. What the world knew of me was a combination of things I fostered and things I didn't do anything about. They equalled each other in consequences.

"Stellan Cartwright, what a surprise to see you here!" Rachel declared cheerfully, her eyes widening almost comically as if she'd just walked in on an overflowing platter of food. Or maybe not because Rachel only ever eats carrot sticks. Yes, it's technically food but without the fun of it. Stellan Cartwright would be more like a Carrie Bradshaw walk-in closet to Rachel.

"Oh, jeez! Where are my manners? I'm Rachel Miller," she said with a sugary laugh, daintily extending a hand to Stellan. "Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you here. You're not usually at parties like this. It's a bit rowdier than what you're probably used to."

Rachel flashed him a sheepish smile as if she was almost embarrassed to be caught here. I was tempted to remind her that she had a hand in planning this party.

"If it's too trashy for you, you know where the door is," I said curtly because I hated a two-faced attitude regardless of who it came from.

I turned to Stellan, smiling this time although it was several degrees cooler. "You're welcome to stay and enjoy the party if it doesn't crimp your style too much. If Rachel decides to stick around, I'm sure she'd be happy to be your guide. She knows everyone here and every bit of scandal they're infamous for. Might be educational."

Stellan's eyes flickered with remorse and I was tempted to maybe step back and give the guy a chance.

He didn't say anything I haven't heard before. And I went to that point first.

You're just crushed that he doesn't think of you any differently than the rest of them do.

It was a stern reminder to stick to what always worked for me. Majority of the people I've known in my life were people I would've rather not met in the first place. The experience made me constantly suspicious of people. Everyone tended to be a little selfish. A little judgemental. I'd be the first to admit that I definitely am. So I always stood back just enough to be out of the way—not because I was afraid of a swipe from anyone but because there was no telling how far I'd go to hit back.

Was it sad?


Did it keep me safe?


Did it keep everyone alive and me out of prison?


So let's keep that going.

"I want to apologize," Stellan said firmly, ignoring Rachel who had practically inserted herself in the mere foot of space that separated him from me. "I didn't mean to imply what I did with my thoughtless comment."

The fact that my heart sped up at the sincerity I recognized in his voice raised all my internal alarms.

Stellan Cartwright had what I thought no man could ever have—power over me.

I instantly sensed it in the warmth that softened the steel in my heart. It was in the sudden and outrageous need to stay there and listen to him explain and hear what I would only ever call bullshit coming from someone else. I should've known it from the moment I caught his gaze and forgot that I was seconds away from jumping into the water.

"Apology accepted," I said pertly because I needed a quick escape. "Stay if you'd like but maybe leave before the cops arrive. Knowing my neighbors, you're looking about an hour to an hour and a half tops."

Something in Stellan's face told me he didn't quite buy the easy out I gave him and he opened his mouth to speak. But Rachel intervened.

"Kady's right which means you don't have a second to lose," she said, looping her arm through Stellan's as if they were suddenly the best of friends. "Come on. Let's go get you a drink and show you around."

I studied the woman most people would consider my friend. I didn't but Rachel could be found in my group often enough to make everyone think so. I didn't mind her most days when she wasn't preening around rich and famous people but that was far and few between because the reality of it was, Rachel was only in my orbit because of those people. She'd surfaced at a party from the not too distant past and had stuck around since then. Not that I asked but she said she was from some real estate development family who'd moved from the east coast and she wanted to meet new people. Seeing no problem with that, I introduced her to everyone I knew around here—from artists to models to the cook at the diner which makes my favorite omelette ever. But it didn't take long before I realized the kind of people she was really interested in. After that, I decided I could take her or leave her.

Maybe now that ambiguity was going to cost me because she had her claws ready to sink into Stellan.

And you're going to let her.

There were a couple of reasons.

Stellan was an adult and perfectly capable of deciding for himself. Besides, I hate pushing people the way I hate being pushed by others.

Also, it was safer this way.

Safer for all of us.

If Stellan is really as smart as everyone says he is, he would figure out Rachel's modus. She may not have the purest of intentions but she wouldn't cause him as much emotional havoc as someone else might. And if he was fine playing along with her game then Rachel would be better off for a little while. Despite that momentary friction we had tonight, Stellan was still a far superior human being compared to some of the douchebags I've seen her go out with. That means I wouldn't have to kill somebody because as indifferent as I could often be with Rachel, I forgave no man who'd mistreat a woman.

And as for me...

Well, let's just say I wouldn't have to unravel for a man.

Not even Stellan Cartwright.

Especially Stellan Cartwright.

I've met my share of men the world needed to be wary of.

But tonight was the first time I've met a man who was truly dangerous to me.

I wasn't known to be a wimp so even though my heart was rattling frantically in my chest, I tore my gaze away from Rachel and gazed directly into the dark brown eyes I suspected had been locked in on me this whole time.

"Go. Have fun," I told him. "I'll check in with some people if anyone's seen Max and I'll let you know if I have anything useful."

My cheerful tone didn't conceal the finality of my statement and the way Stellan's shoulders lowered in resignation meant he saw the line I'd just drawn between us.

"Alright," he said, his smile polite but reserved this time. "I appreciate it."

"See you later, Kady," Rachel chirped before quickly steering Stellan around. She glanced over her shoulder at me and winked like she maybe thought we were fifteen or something. The woman was three years older than me.

I didn't stand around to watch them walk away.

I have my rare selfless moments but this isn't one of them.

In fact, this ranks high among my most selfish ones.

Because this is how most of us survive this world with the least amount of damage—a little selfishness.


Ninya's Notes:

Hi everyone!

So, what do you think so far? 

Kady is going to be a tricky character. With Stellan being such a prince, Kady had to be on the other side and that's going to show. Clearly, with the title, this will be a case of opposites attract. Bear with her. Grow with her. And hopefully, we'll all get to enjoy her happily-ever-after with a guy we all adore.

Also, quick note on my notes at the last chapter. I unwittingly implied I had another baby. I didn't but thank you to everyone who congratulated me. I just meant that I had my daughter right as I was finishing Fleeting and Forever. Stellan's story would've probably followed right after but even with a year off on maternity leave, I had my hands full. And then I went back to work and suddenly had to juggle that along with a toddler who was getting more and more troublesome with each month. But I tried to squeeze in as much writing as I could between naps and meals and work. It still took a lot of time because I went through at least a dozen plots. I'd scrapped a ton of written chapters from all the plots I'd tried out. So the wait resulted from a combination of those circumstances. Hope that makes more sense.

Anyways.. it is a bit bittersweet to be finally writing Stellan's story as it is the last of the main books of the CBB series. I have other story ideas floating around but I'm going to focus on this one to make sure it finishes on time. I don't want to leave anyone hanging. 

But what kind of story would you like to see next just in case I'm in the mood for a little brainstorming during the holidays? Let me know!

Happy reading!

P.S. This song has been a long-time favorite. I love the way it sounds. Makes me think of undercurrents between two very attracted people standing at opposing sides of a room. 

♪♪♪ Chapter Soundtrack: Tattooed On My Mind by D'Sound ♪♪♪

Baby you'll soon forget about all
Maybe you'll miss it like I do
One thing's for sure
I'm all knocked out
Spend too much time thinking of you

And I can't get you out of my dreams
Now I know that you're the dangerous kind
And your smile is tattooed on my mind
And I can't get you out of my dreams

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