Level one

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Heather: Oh man, that was some billbo-

Then Heather realized she's on the couch of someone's home that looks a lot better than what been sleeping under, the spot's foot looks like a leather if it looks like a key and a roll of quarters next to it.

Once Heather picks up the letter it reads.

You leaned on my car when you fell off that billboard don't know how you got there no want to the roles is for the local Transit and the key is for this house if you want to get off of the day, the nearest stop have some map brochures if you want to look around but this county has a curfew on a weekdays and Sundays so no late nights.

Signed Edward.

Heather: Edward hey, seems like you have a nice place and I would go out to see the rest of your town but things could be winding down at this time so let's see what kind of house he has.


As Heather get up from to take a look around starting with the living room she in in does look nice but the DVD collection Edward has how she should  put this, Loki bad with some being too Heather a set of Dull dramas to some decent movies she heard of but doesn't have any interest in them.

Next part is the dining room with the kitchen next to it.

Heather:Hmm not bad for something that part of a economy house.

Then she sees what looks like pedestal with a plastic jar on top is it being covered with a glass case with a hole on top put whatever amount of money she could put in for any kind of bad language.

Heather: if I could be a bit of a foul mouth from time to time but even I know better, so where to go after this?

I saw the leaves the dining room she found some stairs one that leads up while the other down.

Heather: Hmm up or down...I go with down for now.

When Heather got to the basement the place is not drafty with the ceiling fan not being on that is the carpet color is decent to her taste that is, 10 spots two doors on her left and sees what looks like a laundry room behind the first one and what seems to be a garage sale storage room with items that are still in their packaging.

Heather: is he planning on selling them or waiting for the right moment to use them?

I see explores the basement what seem to be a workout for only the past of time.

Heather: and me without my usual workout clothes.

Once Heather got to the floor the hallway ahead does have a left turn at the end and then opens the first door on her right and see that it's a bathroom upon opening it.

Bathroom does look nice for a standard layout with a door at the far end on the left that leads to the bedroom when headed open that door, the place has a nice big bed for two with two standard size closets.

Heather's V.O: one full of standard in one with some in the others but what of the others?

Once Heather came out from the bedroom and sees three doors where she's standing down the left of the hallway, the one on the left is a closet that seem to have some my things that's what's behind the other door well the one behind her looks like the guest bedroom.

Heather: so what's behind door number three?

Once Heather opens that door she sees what looks like a map room of most of LA the lines that seems a state that the N.F.C.A doesn't have much control of the state than most people think.

Heather: I know the N.F.C.A a small control but I didn't think it's that small.

Then she hears a car that drove into the driveway, with who seems to be Edward coming out of the car with something for lunch that got Heather's nose but something more tasty, then what he had brought.

Heather's V.O:mmm, oh not the one that I wanted right now.

Then she pulls out what looks like a small powder ed flavor capsule and sprinkle some on her tongue.

Heather: That better.


As Heather came back down to the dining room looks like pizza on the table she fought why not while she's taking a seat.

Edward: So...you falling off a billboard wasn't what you have planned.

Heather:I had a...job fallout and myst of passed out.

Edward:Must a been one hard fallout.

Heather: runway model because I had the change room in my underwear.

Edwards's eyes popped out a bit upon hearing that, really got pizza stuck in his mouth for a moment or two.

Heather: okay mozzy's on my strong suit but I'm only wearing the ones on the one way not those cheap threads that NCP cells in their two-ton catalogs.

Edward: Neo consumer products do have ways of ripping off consumers and any way they can make a profit on even on exorcism night in there all night black markets.

Heather: theose I know wonder if the exorcism is nothing but white when it trash to kill whoever they can't understand.

Edward: the new founding Church of America do let locals do whatever they morally want during the exorcism as long as it doesn't interfere with theirs and if the N.F.C.A shuts down more than enough of their churches let's say within the county becomes a safe zone, with only black markets and pirate channels being allowed.

Heather: on the local stations from what I've heard that is.

Edward: and the national pirate network is what most like me watch during the exorcism all others do license vigilante Patrols.

Heather: never seen a department of the Atlanta Justice building before.

Edward: trust me the wait time to get one is more trouble than it's worth over a hour to those I know.

Heather: they must be very popular with the locals and this is Pizza local because this tastes better than ones and I usually eat.

Edward: let's say this suburb is for those of our refugees of the exorcism no matter the reason.

Heather: and I'm one of them.

Edward: for now perhaps.


As night falls Heather takes the guest room for her stay a wireless phone charger stand is on the left side table drawer with what seems to be a reminder for a podcast came on her phone.

Heather: guess it's time to hear from that advice quack.

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