Level three

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On the mouth of the yearly exorcism Heifer came down the stairs and see Stella in more... mature clothes ain't on the phone as he came into the dining room and takes a seat until she's done with whoever she's on the phone with.

Stella: Hmm understand.

Heifer: So who is...it?

Stella: no time to explain Heifer.

Heifer: okay and I'll let you drive if you seem to have someplace more important to go.

Stella: Yes and your coming along.

Then without Heifer asking any questions they head into Chicago and she drove to what looks like an office building with the Insignia of Neo consumer products.


Once they got to the building's top floor meeting room Stella and Heifer see not only their so-called Matchmaker as they take their seats but the N.F.C.A racer that Stella beat with who Heifer recognize to be a N.C.P executive with him being in their Infamous mobile life support systems as their mediary for what could be a rematch proposal.

Stella: Ok Biff if you want a rematch fine what are the terms?

The N.C.P mediary: well if Biff win the N.F.C.A will get 5% of your families Automotive Factory but if you win they will relinquish 5% of the 20% they have in Illinois.

Heifer: and what will you of the N.C.P we'll get out of it?

The N.C.P mediary: we are only here to keep the peace of this negotiation.

Heifer: well from what I heard about you folks that you use the access to field test your weapons and what you can bootleg on the side.

Stella: Hmm interesting but I could be for the time but for now I have more concerning matters.

Stella's V.O and once the BET was made then making it mod to beat that butthead, then the day of the exorcism came and that's when you come in so I can get myself in over my head.


As Stella got into her car at the starting line of the race she see Biff's new ride showing that he won't make the same mistakes twice.

Stella: Some wheels you have.

Biff: what you beat me in it's only a prototype but this is the real deal.

Stella: Will see.

Then the race announcer came on the speakers.

The Race announcer: attention both phrases are to follow the detour errors but this is the exorcism anything can go.

Then the horns blaring out stay in the initiation of the extermination and that's when the starting lights come on.





And they are off with Biff in the lead I was going to take more than that to discourage Stella when Biff uses smoke screen to block her view.

Stella: Oh now it on!

Checkpoint one

Once both Race past the checkpoint the N.F.C.A deploy the remote operator ball suits as a descend onto the street making the detour blockades as Biff drifts into the left like they want him and Stella to go down that.

Stella: sorry this is the exorcism anything can go.

Then Stella push a button on the left side of the wheel does have your car jump over the blockade and push another one on the right side of the wheel this having her drive on the side of the buildings and can leap towards the other buildings but the other operated style suits Council if they're aerial attack but they have slow firing response time and lose fuel fast.

Stella: those things are real gas guzzlers.

As Stella continued jumps from building the building to next checkpoints Biff is evading the Fallen battle suits and made very big craters.

Biff: I know the N.C.P use this time of year to test stuff like this but this is not helping.

Final checkpoint

After Stella God through the last checkpoint the finish line is the only a few turns away with Biff barely catching up to her but with his Superior having a little something just in case you're the finish line it was a special trip wire as Stella makes it to the home stretch.

Stella: Alright! Nothing can stop me now but just in case.

Then she flipped the switch on the dashboard making her Wheels transparent while they pass through the trip wire while seeing Biff's car in the rear view mirror hitting the Nitro for the metal wall popped up having him run into it and...die on impact even Stella cringed on how that all backfire as she went through the finish line.

Winner: Stella


About a week later at one of the N.C.P office building buff heads as Stella' father came in and negotiate the terms of Stella's wins and the rest is history.

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